

Tryptophan, an essential amino acid, is the largest of the amino acids. It is also a derivative of alanine, having an indole substituent on the β carbon. The indole functional group absorbs strongly in the near ultraviolet part of the spectrum. The indole nitrogen can hydrogen bond donate, and as a result, tryptophan, or at least the nitrogen, is often in contact with solvent in folded proteins.

Amino acids help to create proteins that aid in neurotransmission messages to and from the brain. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that plays a vital role in this process. Tryptophan is a precursor of 5-HTP or serotonin which is acquired from dietary sources. Tryptophan combines with vitamin B6, transforming into serotonin and niacin in the liver. This helps to improve blood circulation, enhance memory and lower cholesterol, making tryptophan an essential amino acid to improve your overall health.

The L-tryptophan in food is bound in protein rather than free form. For every 100g of food, the following amounts of tryptophan can be found:

Food Total Protein Tryptophan RDI of Tryptophan
Soybeans 36.5 percent 590mg 184 percent
Sugar free cocoa powder 19.6 percent 283mg 88 percent
Cashews 18.2 percent 287mg 90 percent
Raw chicken breast 21.2 percent 267mg 83 percent
roasted light meat turkey 19 percent 323mg 100 percent
Dried peas 24.6 percent 266mg 83 percent
Raw pork 21 percent 220mg 69 percent
Raw salmon 20.4 percent 209mg 65 percent
Oats 13.2 percent 182mg 57 percent
Walnuts 15.2 percent 170mg 53 percent
Chicken eggs 12.6 percent 167mg 52 percent
Brown rice 7.9 percent 101mg 32 percent
Corn flour 6.9g 49mg 15 percent
Cow’s milk 3.3g 46mg 14 percent

recommended Daily Intake of tryptophan is 0.32g

Benefits of Food High in Tryptophan

    Sleep Pattern. Sleep aids will frequently contain tryptophan because 1g doses of this amino acid can increase sleepiness and a decrease in the amount of time it takes to fall asleep. Those that suffer from insomnia typically see improvements in the time they are able to stay asleep when they increase their tryptophan intake.

    Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. This severe form of premenstrual syndrome or PMS can cause mental, physical and emotional symptoms that can be corrected by consuming 6g doses of tryptophan. This amino acid is particularly helpful in elevating mood during the period before the menstrual cycle.

    Seasonal Affective Disorder. This mood disorder causes people to have symptoms of depression when the weather becomes cold in the winter. These symptoms are consistent each year rather than appearing occasionally. Consuming 3g of tryptophan for two weeks can help to reduce the overall depression levels during this time.

    Depression and Anxiety. Because tryptophan is essential to providing the body with adequate levels of serotonin, those that do not get enough of this amino acid in their diet may be more prone to depression. Studies have found that significantly increasing tryptophan levels can improve depression levels without side effects associated with many medications.

    Medical Use. Consuming tryptophan may improve the effectiveness of antidepressant drugs. Consuming an additional 2-5g of tryptophan each day has been shown to improve the symptoms of those taking fluoxetine without having to increase the dosage of this medication.

from med-health




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