

目前顯示的是 3月, 2024的文章

Hammer driving force

Larry Haun: Newton's second law v^2=u^2+2*a*s And F=ma Assume the time of strike is same, Direct proportion to  -Hammer weight (mass) -acceleration -square of distance of strike. Turkish woodworker  Veysel Çelik : Time:~1/4 sec Travel:~50cm Nail:50 mm Hammer: 284g(10 oz) Timber: 3x4cm 松木或樟木,(畫框木) So the force is 11N In Tennis serve: So there's no "velocity hammer", but acceleration and how high you strike. Higher/longer is the strike, the square of increase is your driving force. And it doesn't matter which material ( titanium or steel) of hammer head is used Hammer weight, choose one as long as you can handle, not strain to your waist and elbow.  You should feel good in hand and good balance. Some heavy ones just too "head heavy". Also the manufacturers offer heavy head with shorter handles, with good reasoning. For me the max is ~16 oz Reference: Toppr


openpyxl is a Python library to read/write Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm/xltx/xltm files. It was born from lack of existing library to read/write natively from Python the Office Open XML format. All kudos to the PHPExcel team as openpyxl was initially based on PHPExcel. Pypi Realpython Youtube


 3月20 03:06:25.4 UTC 11:06:25.4 HKT

Pendulum and damping

Plumb bob is actually a type of pendulum. Movement is determined by Simple harmonic motion period of the pendulum was approximately  2*Pi*sqrt(l/g) Damping  and critically damping  Water vs air: 40 sec vs 60 sec  Dry and viscous damping Flapping of bird pendulum   By air Diameter of string  Helm string麻繩 vs nylon line: 40 sec vs 70 ~80 sec Eddy current and  Magnetic damping Reinventing ideas   Initial experiment with an existing plumb bob and two simple magnets is not too successful, needs more fine tuning. Otherwise you are making a chaotic pendulum instead. TBD. Another YouTube   Xmdemo  by varying the magnet to damper distance Magnetic braking(eddy current) with copper plate: ME230 Reverse  "Laser" plumb bob , laser firing upwards Laser firing downwards: Shinwa  , 易之力 EZX-038 Sikana  , using a wooden block with hole Plumb bob should be as close to wall as possible, almost touching. Stackexchange Isaac Plumb bobs  , storable   Constructor org Temple builder Smartbob Curso a

Casio FX9860 SDK

 GUI: CPU: Renesas (Hitachi) superH SH3 or SH4 Fx9860GII support OS update This CPU has been used as a LCD controller IC Forum Planet casio Codewalrus Wiki Comparison chart Using gcc E-Gadget Link of links

模板 - 樓梯

 地面級咀線 台英: 柱躉: 注意不是直角,而是斜向第一級 斜板: 突出幾個 不用鋸成“貼邊”.拆板時用鎚仔打掉突出部份。 Assume: Common dimensions of 私樓消防後樓梯。 級面225  級高175 級咀線37.875 degrees  級距285.044mm 級咀 踢腳距離138.137


  Method A: 劃格仔 Method B: 劃級咀線,級底線 Eg this case, 第8級, ie 這展樓梯最高的一級: 展寬225x8=1800 展高 175x8=1400 用勾股定理,or by measurement,去定每一級咀的距離b 級咀 to 上斜:80 ~90 級咀 to 級台底:~ 295






 >800個,2條花籃 <680個,1條花籃

Finding True North 南北子午線

  營造法式 李誡 (北宋崇寧二年1103) 壕寨制度卷三 望筒長一尺八寸,方三寸〈(用版合造)〉兩罨頭開圜眼,徑五分。筒身當中兩壁用軸安於兩立頰之內。其立頰自軸至地高三尺,廣三寸,厚二寸。晝望以筒指南,令日景透北。夜望以筒指北,於筒南望,令前後兩竅內正見北辰極星然後各垂繩墜下,記望筒兩竅心於地,以為南則四方正。 景表版 望筒 水池景表 天文訓 三表測向法: 玉圭  游表,定表 日間: 夜間: 到底哪星是北極星: 長安: 漢朝: 中,日比較 採用與棄用 Taikyokuden era 太極宮 的時代 Reference: 古天文部屋 Ctext  卷二十八:15 度日出日入以知東西;南視定,北準極,以正南北。 考工記: 太陽中位法 北極星上中天法 周脾算經中的北極星 Thepaper 羅盤與建築方位  Zhihu Wiki 西安半坡遗迹中,发掘出远在6000年前的原始公社部落建筑残存旧址,发现所有的房屋朝向及门三都大致是南向的

Pi solar camera

  Dronebot workshop Using picamera2 web UI lite

Ramada 2024

P. ROCHER, INSTITUT DE MECANIQUE CELESTE ET DE CALCUL DES EPHEMERIDES OBSERVATOIRE DE PARIS Calculation of the start and end of the month Ramadan for the Gregorian year 2024 The month of Ramadan in 2024 (year 1445 AH) begins at the visibility of the crescent Moon following the new moon of the second part of the month of March 2024. It ends at the visibility of the first crescent Moon following the new moon in the second part of the month of April 2024.  In March 2024, the geocentric new moon falls on March 10 at 9h 0m 26s UTC (at 10h 0m 26s in legal time French). In April 2024, the geocentric new moon falls on April 8 at 6:20:52 p.m. UTC (at 8:20:52 p.m. in French legal time).  Please note, in mainland France, we switch to summer time on Sunday March 31. The true lunation between the two new Moons lasts 29.3891811 days, or 29 days 9h 20m 25.255. Between two new Moons, the following astronomical events will occur one after the other: on 03/10/2024 at 09:00:26 UTC New moon. on 03/11/2024

模板中工試(樓宇工程)試- 陣

時間: 30-45 min 物料 400板 @8塊  600板@2塊 枋@4條 800板@5塊(incl one of 台英) 1450枚@2塊 .... 800板@6塊 枋@4條 起陣步骤 1釘台英(800板),一边对齊板頂 另一边对墨落20台英頂。 Tip: 劃板底線,用生釘“long" 好台英板,才落釘 2起龍門架擺底櫳,每边放兩条 共四条。 3上工作平台,扣安全帶于高欄 從高欄及中欄中间穿跨出去。 4抽兩條木枋(榔)調校上積直至 至對齊台英頂,勾第三板的板內邊 台英边 260~270 到枋(近)边,然後中間分中,共四条榔 枋要 突出300線墨最少310,每邊( 枋at least 920長) 5擺陣长板(飛机頭),对齊陣中墨線,台英及展口位必须落釘。另一面亦是同样做法 6釘壓腳板(分中),追枋位落釘,之字型 , 飛機頭side 不要超25 to 30mm from 板邊, otherwise 會阻旁板安裝!!! 7起陣旁,頭中尾落釘,釘需斜入陣底板。  Sweet spot: aim 20mm, or <= 28mm, ,not over 35mm from 樣邊: 8用400板卜陣旁板,撐枋中位置,每塊400 四口釘 9卡陣面(600板)→300陣闊,每边四塊(400板)共8塊。 10釘板頂箍(魚勒),柱箍台英,柱板落40mm(800板),連柱箍共5塊 >>>可在起柱頭時先做好柱箍台英,慳時間 11落地面卡櫳及調校馬骝頭 清潔地面。 ***平水尺冇需要用。 台英 陣口邊,追平 固定邊;低墨線一個板位 搭架,架要企水目測 腳校~150高 陣旁400板,櫳,榔 陣內,墨線 另外一邊陣旁 柱頭板 飛機頭,板邊對齊柱板邊,不出界,4口釘 釘落台英 飛機板 Just 1釘 to 陣頭板,摸齊,齊墨線 台英外邊 to 台英外邊:1530 內邊 to 內邊:1500 Using 4 枋(5 gaps), so 枋中 to 枋中 =1500/5=300 斜板: 1st 2 固定柱for 旁板企水 Then top 600板 on 固定。  多數扣分位: 從地面往上看到 台英and 陣底板 有gap,ie 馬騮頭過高 旁板有效釘  <2 陣底板(飛機頭)過長,“伸入“ 柱體 陣底架過高/低