

目前顯示的是 10月, 2016的文章


中華鄧氏族譜網 邓氏越南公宗亲后裔联谊会简讯 panoramio photos  鄧氏合族祠 越南公,乳达礼,讳士林,字茂显,号越南,江西人也。 越南公,公糟读书,怒施济,忠诚守礼,言能捕行,珠玑里人奉为榜样。 北宋仁宗时,自江西吉安府太和县(今泰和县),徙南雄郡保昌邑沙水村珠玑巷。熙宁七年,公三十四,奉诏南徙,至 南海 金紫堡狮北井头村驻足,开枝散叶。公生十五子,收养一男以成十六,后人称十六邓。所传公好读书,喜施济,忠厚守礼,言能逮行,家室唱随和睦,相敬如宾,珠玑、金紫之人奉为表率,仙后被追封为礼部侍郞。后人由此而于其墓碑刻上“宋礼部侍郞邓公之墓”之字样。  念七郎 娶陈氏,原居黄马坑;福森公娶何氏,分支洞神堂;真吾公又分支广西,又分支江南凰阳府;三棣公又分支松柏村;真吾公又分支莘尾村。 CUHK microfilm  合族祠,位于南海狮山银岗(掘银岗)。始建于元末明初,溯上大修于清光绪年间,迫拆于一九五四年,重建于今。   合族祠建筑恢弘而简朴,三大堂高崇宽敞,中堂挂匾“元恺堂”,金色灿灿,格外夺目。祠中梁柱粗大结实,雕梁画栋之龙凤花草、山水鸟兽,栩栩如生。左右青云巷笔直宽阔,青石铺之。巷门额石左刻“腾蛟”,右刻“起凤”。左右偏房对称而建,各三间,设置略显新潮——分别设有睡房、厨房、蓄物房,会客厅等。全祠有大小天井六。   古祠座东南而面西北,背靠掘银岗,高临池塘沃野,遥眺祖籍―—江西太和。其气派非凡,周边难觅!   合族祠,其实名曰“越南邓祖祠”,乃居于各地之族人敬祖重根,为纪念十六邓之始祖越南公而建。


顺德黎姓: 原居地,江西卢宁县,迁往珠玑巷时间,宋末元初靖康建炎,迁出珠玑巷时间,宋末元初宋淳熙年间(一一七四 至 一一八八年) 迁往地方,北滘泮浦勒流清源桃源,迁移原因,弃官避乱至雄。 google map 百度  黎氏宗親會 珠璣巷 黎氏家譜網 《顺德县地名志》: 潢涌黎氏的開基始祖名叫黎宿。值得一提的是,這位黎宿就是古代著名的“二十四孝”故事中“割股療親”的主角。這座掛着“忠孝堂”木匾的黎氏大宗祠,就是爲紀念他而建造的。   據考證,黎姓是珠璣巷南遷後裔中在廣東省分佈最廣的姓氏,遍及南海、順德、中山、番禺、東莞等地。其中,番禺黎氏原居姑蘇,早在唐代就有遷入珠璣巷的記載;南海黎氏原籍河南開封,宋代靖康年間遷入珠璣巷; 順德黎氏原籍江西盧寧,宋末元初爲避戰亂遷入珠璣巷,駐留不久,又因戰亂遷出。  佛山古蹟: 黎氏家庙 及民居群 . 顺德区杏坛镇昌教村昌教小学右侧.  清. 位于 杏坛昌教 。建于清同治元年(1862年)。坐南向北,三间四进,总面阔29.39米,总进深53米。整座建筑基础为白色花岗岩石,青砖筑墙。 第一进正门前是白色花岗岩石铺地。门楣上刻有“黎氏家庙”四个大字。两侧有白色花岗岩石包台,砖木石构件,上均有雕刻,题材有人物及鸟兽。内墙有壁画。 第二进是御书亭。御书亭内地面铺砌白石。东、西、北均有石台阶和石栏。亭中有“圣旨”、“金牌”牌匾。 黎氏家庙及民居群是典型的岭南风格,其周围环境是典型的水乡生态环境。黎氏家庙及民居群的主人是黎兆棠,历任礼部主事、总理衙门章京、台湾道台,任职为官时,以爱国御侮著称。民居群中黎兆棠的宅院布局,迂回曲折、灵巧活泼。它的周围为黎氏族人建造的民居,民居群据称有99道门,俗称“大宅门” 路州黎氏大宗祠. 顺德区乐从镇路州村东头坊. 建于明崇祯庚辰仲夏,清同治六年和宣统元年先后重修.  清源黎氏宗祠: ugo mapbar   均安黎氏宗祠  北滘桃村黎氏宗祠 桃村报功祠古建筑群(含金紫名宗、黎氏三世祠)  . 顺德区北滘镇桃村上街6号.始建于明代,清乾隆四十三年重修. 桃村是一个具有水乡特色的地方,村内河网环绕,绿树成荫,有着深厚的历史文化底蕴,现存一个祠堂古建筑群,包括有报功祠(省历史文物保护单位)、黎氏光泽堂、三

cooling and thermal noise reduction on Canon 1100D

Excellent experiment and documentation from Njal Brekke that on Canon 1100D Cooling the sensor below 0 °C gives virtually no improvement in noise level, even for ISO1600 and 10 minute exposures. At exposure times shorter than 60 s the read-out (bias) noise is dominating, and the dark noise has negligible contribution to the total image noise. Cooling to a modest 10 °C should therefore sufficient to eliminate dark/thermal noise at exposure values shorter than about 180 s. At exposures longer than 180 s, cooling the sensor to 0 °C is sufficient. This camera is using a 12.2 MP CMOS APS-C sensor. Sensitivity test from DXOMark

Samsung galaxy note 7 fire

According to a person familiar with discussions between government agencies and Samsung, the SDI batteries from the first batch of Note 7s were indeed too large for the handset. The regulator also pointed to the battery design within the phone’s rounded edges. Dialog DA9155 charging chip, alongside the familiar MAXIM power IC. Importantly, this DA9155 does not appear to be found inside the Galaxy S7 or S7 edge. This chip is a slave charger that extends the current capabilities of a master power IC for increased charging currents up to an additional 2500mA . It’s controlled by the application processor (AP) and, interestingly, kicks in during the high-power constant current charging stage. A combination of causes “[Samsung] was too quick to blame the batteries; I think there was nothing wrong with them or that they were not the main problem,” – Park Chul-wan, former director of the Center for Advanced Batteries at the Korea Electronics Technology Institute An

raspberry pi clones

Interesting discussion of open sourced VPU bootloader for Raspberry Pi from CNX Krista Brooks's GitHub and her blog, ,  raspi-internals and hacker news:    Actually, the bulk SDRAM/ARM work was done by me in the space of around month (though I only ARM to finally work three days ago with Herman's help). You could run Linux on ARM using this but you would need to write some more drivers, otherwise you'd be limited to pretty much GPIO/serial/SDHOST PIO. SDHOST is actually a fairly trivial interface to implement, I'm going to use it in my chainloader but I haven't had the time to look at it yet. from 6by9 The firmware is more than just the bootloader as it also provides the access to the bits of the SoC that Broadcom have chosen not to publish the docs for - things like the codec blocks, ISP, HVS, pixel valves, etc. Parts of that are being opened up via Eric Anholt's works but only in so far as his driver uses the blocks, but the documentatio

MIPS Creator Ci20

kodi introduction and elinux SoC: Ingenic JZ4780 camera seems working Camera module is using OV5640 , and one of source from AliExpress OS: Debian 7 ( and Android ? ) discussions on HD camera interfacing but it seems only for sale in US only : (

Odroid and OCam

Single Board: Odroid XU4 from South Korea HardKernel SoC: Exynos 5422 Octa OS: Linux Cam: USB3 5M camera. software: open sourced in GitHub This support Google Play apps too!!

linaro, 96boards and MIPI-CSI

Linaro: device driver discussion hardware connection spec as of Oct, 2016. Just a few image sensors are supported OV5645: eg from KLT Kailaptech from 16.09 release note: CSI interface with external ISP only, sample driver included for OV5645, with support for the following features: CSI0 or CSI1 on the high speed expansion connector (not both at the same time) streaming from the camera sensor or CSID test generator fixed resolution of 1920×1080 and 8bit packed UYVY format discussion in the forum seems to be in early stage, but at least one camera module is working, and will more to come

MIPI CSI based development kits overview

those image sensors for webcam applications are highly integrated, and can be connected to PC via USB, eg OV7725 vga Sony image sensor interface is using sub-LVDS, sort of bridge circuitry is required to convert to MIPI CSI protocol sensor bridge: Lattice   various solutions, eg  MachXO3    ,$25 Lattice FPGA Mach project IMX219 running on 4 lanes with MachXO3 Xilinx Virtex(very high performance), Zynq(64 bit controller + FPGA) Xilinx appnote Epson S2D13P04 ( details to be added ) btw, HiSense 3516 series are image sensor SoC which encodes videos in H.264 , H.265 formats, not really intended for raw image or videos System level: Cypress EZ-USB CX3, with USB3 interface video intro Denebola development kit from E-Con : eCon e-CAM130_CUTK1 connecting to a Tegra K1 board via 4-lane MIPI CSI-2 interface: Texas Instruments DaVinci imaging processor with Lattice sensor bridge: Raspberry Pi and clones eg banan

things to do after installation of Ubuntu 16.04

add chinese language input use ibus pinyinjoe import firefox bookmark from bookmarkbackups askubuntu addblock plus addon to firefox codecs and fonts sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras details from askubuntu julien kind of strange that totem-player (a.k.a "videos") from ubuntu works/decode better than vlc ?! clamtk Install 'lm-sensors' and 'fancontrol'. There is an excellent set of instructions for doing so here youtube-dl