

目前顯示的是 3月, 2021的文章


 aflatoxin  how to detect? chemical paper test strip  UV  The aflatoxins all have absorption maxima around 360nm with a molar absorptivity of about 20,000: the B toxins are named for their blue fluorescence (425nm) and the G toxins for their green-blue fluorescence (450nm). The B1 toxin is the most common, flowed by B2 toxin, while the G toxins are fairly rare. The fluorescence sensitivity of the G toxins is more than 10 times greater than that for the B toxins. The minimum detectable level is about 100 pgrams for the G toxins and 1 ngram for the B toxins

陶寺遺址天象台 Taosi Observatory

 是日文鐘的一種, 2400~1900 BC 建造 (堯國)    The slits is said to be only 1 degree in width. So it will not be possible to adjust for axial precession 歲差   if my calculation is correct the day of solstice will move 1 degree in 67 years. due to change of "obliquity of ecliptic( 黃赤交角)" the position of sun is moved by ~0.5 degree 4000 years ago. Then the slits will not should still fall in line with the solstice and equinox dates. springer kaogu sociostudies obliquity of ecliptic archaeoastronomy

synthetic aperture radar

 some simple illustration: raw images:


  traditional mud and straw method to keep fresh for 6 months. without fridge can this be used for coffee fermentation?

anti backslash gear

  brighthub bdtech

HK suspends bioNTech jab 復必泰

  新冠肺炎疫苗注射二月底開始,港府今日(3月24日)宣布,今早收到復星實業(香港)有限公司書面通知,由於注意到與批號為210102的復必泰疫苗藥瓶封蓋有關的包裝瑕疵,因安全起見暫停注射以就包裝瑕疵問題的原因進行調查。現時本港為市民所注射的,是210102批次的復必泰疫苗,港府指,為謹慎起見,現階段在調查期間須即時暫停接種。  全港已有逾15萬人接種復必泰疫苗。陳漢儀說,當發現有復必泰疫苗包裝出現裂痕,注射鹽水稀釋時,懷疑壓力大導致噴出來,另外有報告是瓶蓋鬆脫、移位、瓶身有污跡、痕跡等情況,負責人員會隨即將相關疫苗棄置,從未使用過有問題的疫苗為市民接種。  上海復星醫藥(集團)股份有限公司發公告,表示已於今日(3月24)通知香港和澳門,相關主管部門暫停接種批號為210102的疫苗,發現少量供應香港和澳門的疫苗批號為210102產品西林瓶封蓋有瑕疵。 公司表示,今次是出於謹慎性考慮的決定,強調未有證據表明相關批次產品安全可能存在風險,亦將封存供應香港批號為210104的疫苗產品,不再發送至各接種點,直至另行通知,預計暫停疫苗使用並作封存,不會對集團的正常生產經營造成重大影響。 復星醫藥表示,本著對產品安全高度負責的態度,為確保疫苗的接種安全,BioNTech 與集團會調查原因。對於相關批次疫苗在香港和澳門後續接種安排可能存在影響,公司表示,具體會以調查結果為准,重申將密切關注有關進展,及時根據相關規定履行資訊披露義務。   the vaccine has to be go through a de-thawing process from a storage temperature of -70 deg c to room temperature. the vial is designed to withstand such temperature change. the air pressure inside the vial will be increased from - 70 to say 20 deg c. the rubber stopper should be able to withstand such increased air pressure, without the metal seal. If there's abnormal pre

flair 58

As the flair 58 ( size of portafilter) has not yet released any physical dimensions, by estimating from photo dimension: 14L x 7.5W x 11.5H (lever down) 24.25H (lever up) the size is not too much bigger than original flair ( 46 mm portafilter), with similar height, but ~ 1 inch deeper. it also requires ~ 2 inch more (deeper) desk space. the (pivot to piston) to (pivot to handle) is increased from 9 to 12 times or more, and seems to require bigger up-down swing motion. It seems you need to use pushing force of both hands This time, it is using a portafilter with 58 mm basket, and needs external electric jacket to maintain the brew temperature. good news is that you can change it with your preferred basket or portafilter or shower screen or tamper. so this definitely limits the use-abilty: what happens you couldn't find electricity nearby, or when you travel, you will need to find a 110/220V electricity convertor. ( any time, any where no more ) overall, this flair 58 lost the clean,

3.8 m seimei telescope 晴明

      grinding and polishing           presentation   nagase i precision grinding   kyotu university 陰陽師晴明

caffeine content measure

 lab-on-a-disc   microfluidics paper    from Korea, using caffeine orange microfluidics detector  exhibits a 250-fold fluorescence enhancement upon caffeine activation and high selectivity responding to caffeine analogs that have similar chemical structures. This research was supported by the Singapore-Peking-Oxford Research Enterprise and Word Class University program, and Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation (NRF) by the Ministry of Education , Science and Technology in Korea. From Lightwells Taiwan, CA-700 Caffeine and CGA Analyser, based on microchip electrophoresis? raman spectroscopy? It gets results in only one minute. Quick reading, easy to use, low cost and highly accurate. The Features:  1. Caffeine reading range: 10-500 mg/dL  2. CGA (chlorogenic acid) reading range: 10-500 mg/dL  3. Sampling amount: 0.1 cc  4. Tolerance:+/-6%(pipette dropper)or +/-12%(general  dropper)  5. Bluetooth connection  6. Supports both ios & Android   SCA new

聚乙二醇(PEG)and covid vaccine

 polyethylene glycol is a polyether compound derived from petroleum with many applications, from industrial manufacturing to medicine. PEG is also known as polyethylene oxide (PEO) or polyoxyethylene (POE), depending on its molecular weight. The structure of PEG is commonly expressed as H−(O−CH2−CH2)n−OH.   PEGs are also used in everyday products such as toothpaste and shampoo as thickeners, solvents, softeners, and moisture carriers, and they’ve been used as a laxative for decades. An increasing number of biopharmaceuticals include PEGylated compounds as well vaccine, COVID-19, allergic reaction The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) has updated their guidelines regarding the risk of allergic reactions following administration of the COVID-19 vaccine now include information on screenings, observation periods, and the option of forgoing the second dose following a documented allergic reaction from the first dose. The ACAAI’s COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force ha

椿象 bombardier beetle

  臭蟲 世界上若有任何生物不可能是進化來的,那一定是放屁蟲(Bombardier Beetle)無疑,因為它需要上帝來創造它,和它所有運作完全的器官系統。人們研究這奇妙驚人的昆蟲已經有一段時日。1928年,C. L. Metcalf 和 R. L. Flint 兩位作者這樣說﹕ 「這放屁蟲,學名﹕龐巴迪甲蟲(Brachinus),能噴出辛辣的液體,排出時還發出清晰的爆破聲和一小片煙霧,看似從小型大砲所噴出的煙。」[i]之後,《時代雜誌》報導﹕ ……放屁甲蟲在動物界中似乎很獨特。它的防衛系統超常地錯綜複雜,好像催淚瓦斯,又像肚腹上長了一支槍。當這甲蟲意識到有危險,它就會攙和﹕在一個體腔內的酵,和在第二個體腔裏的無大害的化合物,過氧化氫(hydrogen peroxide)和對苯二酚(hydroquinones)的濃液。於是產生腐蝕性的苯醌(benzoquinone),華氏212度高溫的、有毒的噴霧,從它的身體爆炸出來。更甚的是,這液體從身體後邊兩個可旋轉的噴嘴噴出來,好像B-17槍的砲塔,以對準靶心般的準確度,擊中一隻饑餓的螞蟻或青蛙。[ii] 也許你會想知道進化論者怎樣解釋這一隻不可思議的昆蟲。進化論者Mark Isaak 說﹕ 放屁蟲是否看似設計產品?是的,它們看似進化程序所設計的。它們的特征、行為、和分佈,正適合進化過程所創造出來的樣式。沒有人在放屁蟲身上找到任何東西,和進化論不吻合。[iii] 進化過程沒思想、沒指引、沒目的、隨機遇的,它怎樣『創造』?猶太學者 Lee Spetner 博士說﹕ 新達爾文理論(neo-Darwinian theory)的一個基本特征就是隨機遇性。我們沒有已知的物理或化學機制,能產生可遺傳的改變、改進適應力、或增加生物的複雜性。故此,新達爾文主義者必須使用機遇來解釋所需的變化。這樣,他們希望,藉著物競天擇的可能方向,他們就能描繪一個進化過程,以解釋生命的自然出現和發展。 於是,新達爾文主義就排除了『非隨機性』作為變化的一個主要特征。[iv] 當進化論使用機遇來解釋放屁蟲的存在和複雜性時,它問題重重。它的特別化學物進化過程的每一步,都可能毀滅它。這隻一寸半長的放屁蟲,攪拌化學物,產生類似爆炸般的猛烈反應。它怎麼可能藉著進化過程得到一個這麼複雜的防衛辦法,而不在過程中毀滅自己?這個問題叫很多進化論團體摸不著頭腦。進化論說,你若不使


  衞生署衞生防護中心轄下的兩個聯合科學委員會,聯同行政長官委任的四位專家顧問,早前建議優先接種疫苗應該為下列組別,包括:       在感染新冠肺炎後可能出現嚴重情況或死亡的高危組別;     具較高風險可能接觸到新冠肺炎病毒,並在感染後將病毒傳染給容易受感染和體弱者的組別;及     對維持社會必要運作尤其重要的人士。   優先接種組別 衞生署衞生防護中心轄下的兩個聯合科學委員會(疫苗可預防疾病科學委員會及新發現及動物傳染病科學委員會),聯同行政長官委任的專家顧問,於2021年1月建議下列組別應優先接種疫苗: 首位:安老院舍/殘疾人士院舍和其他院舍設施的院友及職員; 次位:醫療機構人員及其他具較高2019冠狀病毒病感染風險的必要服務人員、及六十歲或以上人士;及 第三位:年齡介乎16至59歲有長期健康問題的人士。 因應上述建議,同時考慮了疫苗供應的情況,以及疫苗接種的進度,政府安排以下組別的人士優先接種疫苗:     1)60 歲或以上人士(陪同70歲或以上長者接種疫苗的人士可以獲得接種,最多兩人)     2)醫療服務場所工作人員及參與抗疫工作人員     3)安老院/殘疾人士院舍院友及員工     4)維持必要公共服務的人員     5)跨境運輸、口岸、港口工作人員     6)餐飲業、街市、超市、便利店員工及速遞員(包括外賣食品速遞員)     7)公共交通從業員(例如:的士/巴士/小巴司機、鐵路車長、車站職員)     8)註冊建造業工人及其他常駐工地人員     9)物業管理人員(例如:保安員、清潔人員、管理處職員)     10)學校教職員(例如:幼稚園、中小學及大學教職員及支援人員;特殊學校職員;校車/保姆車司機及跟車保姆)     11)旅遊業從業員     12)《預防及控制疾病(規定及指示)(業務及處所)規例》(第599F章)的表列處所職員(例如:健身中心、美容院員工)    13)3月15日起,全職運動員、教練及工作人員    14) 3月16日起放寬至30歲或以上人士,需於海外讀書的16歲以上人士及外籍傭工 15/4/2021: 15) 擴大至16至29歲年齡組別,預計涉及108萬人口,23/4起可在網上系統預約到社區疫苗接種中心及醫管局普通科門診接種疫苗,其中16歲以上人士將可預約接種復必泰疫苗,科興疫苗則要18歲以上市民才可接種,目標讓


    COVID-19疫苗會向所有身在 澳洲的人免費提供,即使您不是澳洲公民或永久居民,包括沒有Medicare卡的人、海外訪客、國際學生、海外工人和尋求庇護者。 從2021年2月開始( 2月二十二),最需要保護的人將首先接受疫苗接種。接種人士將按下列次序分組接種疫苗: 1a組(1a階段)     檢疫和邊境工作人員     前線有風險的醫護工作者,包括GP呼吸系統疾病診所和COVID-19檢測設施的員工、救護員、輔助醫療救護員、深切治療部(ICU))和急症部門員工,以及臨床和輔助支援人員     護老院舍和殘疾護理院舍員工     護老院舍和殘疾護理院舍居民。 就接種COVID-19疫苗一事,經常在護老院舍提供志願服務的人會被視為員工。他們有資格在1a組內接種COVID-19疫苗。 1b組(1b階段)     70歲以上成人     所有其他醫護工作者     開始為成年的國家原住民和托雷斯海峽群島島民接種疫苗     有潛在健康狀況的人士,包括殘疾人士     關鍵和高風險工作人員,包括國防、警察、消防、緊急服務和肉類處理工人。 然後,在2021年內將為廣大社區提供接種疫苗。這些群組包括: 2a組(2a階段)     50歲以上成人     繼續為成年的國家原住民和托雷斯海峽群島島民接種疫苗     其他關鍵和高風險工作人員。 2b階段     其餘的成年人口     為前階段未接種疫苗的澳洲人補種疫苗。 3階段     獲推薦的兒童。 health gov au

IMEX CR100 repair

  ruten xuite

UC Davis coffee center

   UC Davis UC Davis publications

SCA brewing chart with new dimensions

  honestly, to put it into practice, either you need a certified (technical) barista, or a machine to have such flavours extracted in correct proportions, and repeatedly bitterness sweetness sourness burnt-wood/ash dark chocolate https://sca.coffee/sca-news/25/issue-13/towards-a-new-brewing-chart researchgate

Dmitry Pashkov aka R4UAB

 Dmitry Pashkov, a Russian radio amateur   code name: R4UAB was UB4UAD   his work on RS-44 , amateur radio transponder facebook group twitter orbitron satellite tracking software websdr

ARKTIKA-M1 satellite

  NSSDCA/COSPAR ID: 2021-016A 47719 Arktika-M 1 is the first of a new line of satellites designed to provide persistent weather data on Russia’s Arctic, home to economically lucrative natural resources, energy reserves, and an important region for Russian military operations. The Arktika-M satellites are built by NPO Lavochkin, the same Russian company that builds Fregat upper stages. The Arktika-M 1 satellite is based on the design of Russia’s Elektro-L weather satellites that fly in geostationary orbit over the equator. Weather observatories in geostationary orbit collect imagery 24 hours a day over the same part of the Earth, but they are unable to peer at weather systems over high latitude regions. TLEs: NSSDCA: 1 47719U 21016A   21068.17262895  .00000087  00000-0  00000+0 0  9999 2 47719  63.3177 293.7181 7214848 270.1369 211.0431  2.00100199   172 R4UAB: ARKTIKA-M1 1 47719U 21016A   21065.94973962  .00000234  00000-0  00000+0 0  9999 2 47719  63.3509 294.0558 7213382 270.1599  49

RD-120 vs YF-100, YF-130

 the Chinese have spent past 13 years( 1999 to 2014) replicating the RD-120 for the CZ-5 rocket family.  They use a LOx rich mix in the turbopump, which gives them their great performances, and that tend to set the metal parts on fire,. The RD-120 is closed cycle/staged as well, and should gained plenty of experience with LOx rich cycles YF-100 is derived from a modified Ukrainian RD-120 with elements from RD-120K engine version and is designated in Ukraine as KRD-120. KRD-120 is also the basis for developing the RD-870 for Tsyklon-4M and RD-872 is the second stage equivalent of the RD-120. The Commercial Agreement for YF-100 is filed in Ukraine and a redacted copy may be obtainable.   .... To reduce the time necessary for the engine to transition from ignition mode to full-thrust mode, a special hydraulic switch will be replaced with an electric valve. Its design will be based on a similar device developed at KB Yuzhnoe for the KRD-120 engine under a commercial agreement wit

long march CZ 9, 長征九號

   China's Super heavy-lift launch vehicle maiden flight 2025 ( 2030?) Long March 9, a 140 t (310,000 lb) to LEO capable rocket was proposed in 2018 by China, with plans to launch the rocket by 2028. The length of the Long March-9 will exceed 90 meters, and the rocket would have a core stage with a diameter of 10 meters. Long March 9 is expected to carry a payload of 140 tonnes into low-Earth orbit, with a capacity of 50 tonnes for Earth-Moon transfer orbit.   长征九号运载火箭(CZ-9)是中国航天科技集团自行研制的巨型登月火箭。其主要承担中国载人登月、火星科考取样返回、太阳系外圈行星探测等需要大运载能力的高难度任务。长征九号的近地轨道运载能力高达140吨,月球转移轨道运载能力达50吨。这和美国土星五号运载火箭差不多。长征九号预计长度达110米,起飞推力3000吨,能将120吨的航空器送入太空,将3~5人送至月球。 根据2016年深空探测学报的一篇《我国航天运输系统成就与展望》文章透露,长征九号是加速我国从航天大国向航空强国迈进的重要节点。长征九号为三级半构型,芯级最大直径10米级,有效载荷LEO运载能力140吨,GTO运载能力66吨,LTO运载能力50吨,MTO运载能力37吨。长征九号是完成深空探测、载人登月和登火、空间基础设施建设等任务的重要支撑,例如空间太阳能发电站,这将加速我国航天强国的建设步伐。长征九号采用“通用化、系列化、组合化”发展策略,三个构型的对应结构状态一致,可以模块化组合。还可以捆绑液体助推器,也可以捆绑固体助推器。 解放军报的消息显示,重型火箭先期关键技术攻关,主要内容为“一总三大”,“一总即重型火箭的总体技术和方案优化;三大即10米级大直径箭体结构的设计、制造和试验,480吨大


  CIVA (Comet nucleus Infrared and Visible Analyzer) Six identical micro-cameras take panoramic pictures of the surface. A spectrometer studies the composition, texture and albedo (reflectivity) of samples collected from the surface.   CIVA-P, without the lens   used on rosetta and philae   similar panoramic camera is also used in tianwen-1 the imager on the lander (rather, one of the imaging systems on the lander).   It was a visible light camera system with 7 mini-cameras which produced the panoramic view of the landing site.  Another imager provided IR data for compositional analysis. this explains a lot of questions to tianwen-1 mission!! space-x from switzerland swiss eye unmannedspaceflight  universetoday