

目前顯示的是 9月, 2021的文章

convert fits files to video

Method 1: ffmpeg ( btw, it's open source) works: ffmpeg -start_number 925 -f image2 -i Light_%03d.png 1.avi do not work ( pulling my hair, and don't know why)   ffmpeg -start_number 925 -i Light_%03d.fits 1.avi ffmpeg -start_number 925 -f image2 -i Light_%03d.tif 1.avi i guess, maybe, Glob pattern is not working properly under windows .... todo: try again under Linux Method 2: ImageTOOLSca ( 40 days trial, last update was in 2008..., basic but "still" working ) this works for me Method 3: 2 steps convert the fits format to tiff or png format use ffmpeg or similar encoder to convert to video ffmpeg wiki stargazerlounge

caffeine in coffee

  1,3,7-trimethylxanthine Caffeine is stable at temperatures below 235°C (455°F), and few coffee roasters would roast a coffee past this temperature due to the risk of fire. So caffeine content remains pretty much constant throughout each stage of the roasting process. Q:Is a cup of dark roasted coffee has more caffeine? A cup of dark roast coffee will probably contain more caffeine than a cup of light roast. What? How? It’s all to do with the density of the coffee beans. As coffee is roasted darker and darker, the beans lose mass. But despite the loss of mass, the caffeine content stays the same. So it has higher caffeine content w/w, by ~ 5% to 9% If you brew a cup of coffee, whether it is a light or dark roasted, using same weight of roasted beans, the caffeine per cup will be slightly higher in a dark roasted coffee. The main reason that people think dark roast coffee has more caffeine is because of the increased bitterness and kick, which is associated with caffeine. It’s true tha


  据8月17日发改委发布的《2021年上半年各地区能耗双控目标完成情况晴雨表》显示,将各省份的能耗情况分为三个等级。红色为一级警告,表示双控形势十分严峻;橙色为二级预警,表示形势比较严峻;绿色为三级预警,表示进展总体顺利。 其中,青海、宁夏、广西、广东、福建、新疆、云南、陕西、江苏九个省份,能耗强度不降反升,形势十分严峻。  綜合中國基金報、第一財經、成都商報等中媒報導,遭到中央點名的省份近期相繼推出限電措施嚴控能耗強度,多地高耗能高污染行業遭到限電停產。 晨化股份、聚傑微纖等江蘇多家A股上市公司公告因限電限產被迫暫停生產。ST澄星昨晚公告,因為受黃磷生產管控影響,其中雲南兩家子公司更是無可供滿足生產使用的電量,決定4家工廠今天起全部停產。 江蘇「能耗雙控」已在多地升級,除了限電外,徐州、泰州、南通等多地一些重工業企業收到了減產、停產通知,結束時間部分為9月底,部分為「十一」長假後,也就是一路停產到10月7日。 上市公司上峰水泥也表示,位於安徽銅陵、懷寧兩家子公司接到限電通知。 在雲南,上市公司天原股份、神火股份、雲鋁股份等均受到不同程度的減產停產影響。 在廣西,帝歐家居、蒙娜麗莎等企業的生產線均面臨不同程度的停產。 浙江近日下令高耗能產業自22至30日全面停產,受到影響的上市公司包括迎豐股份、西大門等。 28/8 據報道,幾間 Apple 和 Tesla 的供應商都宣布因為受暫停供應工業生產用電影響,而在 9 月 26 日至 30 日期間暫時停產,部分廠商會暫以庫存來維持營運,而另外一些廠商就會協調集團其他廠區生產,以應付客戶訂單。 另一方面,據彭博網報道,和碩聯合和立訊精密的 iPhone 組裝工廠只受到輕微影響,鴻海在鄭州的主要 Apple 生產基地更沒有中斷。和碩聯合董事長童子賢今日就表示他們的智能手機生產已 100% 使用綠色能源,配合當地政策進行節能降載,但估計對目前營運無重大影響。 pcmarket 李克強三招


    第一步是进行绕飞。航天科技集团五院神舟十二号载人飞船飞控技术组组长杨海峰杰介绍,神舟十二号与核心舱分离之后会撤到核心舱前向大约2公里左右,然后从上方绕到核心舱的后下方大约2.5公里处时,绕飞完成。 接下来开始进入“径向交会”模式。在进行“径向交会”试验之前,神舟十二号首先要进行姿态调整,即从水平方向调整到垂直方向。在姿态调整的过程中,神舟十二号逐步靠近核心舱径向对接口,到距离大约200米的位置,飞船完成姿态调整,处于和核心舱垂直的方向。 “这时飞船的对接机构和‘天和’的被动对接机构就对准了。然后再发指令继续前进。”杨海峰说,按照设计,飞船继续前进至离核心舱大约20米的位置,保持5分钟左右。 在完成“径向交会”试验之后,神舟十二号将撤离到距离核心舱下方200米的位置,之后将再次绕飞到核心舱前向。  至于为何要掌握径向交会对接任务,北京航天飞行控制中心空间站任务总师孙军在受访时表示,这主要因为神舟飞船为航天员访问空间站而设计的,因为今后将进行航天员乘组的轮换,同时有两艘飞船对接空间站,这就意味着将要使用径向对接的方式才能提供航天员进驻空间站的通道和手段。神舟飞船的发动机、控制系统和敏感器是专门为全方位与空间站对接而设计的。 DART rendezvous

eVscope 2

    basically the optics and electronics are same as eVscope equinox,  with additional Nikon optics and upgraded camera: camera sensor: IMX347 (2688 x 1520 pixels, 4 Megapix) 3200 x 2400 7.7 Megapixels micro OLED as eyepiece light pollution reduction  field of view: 34 x 47 arc minutes ( 58 arc minutes) ( 0.98x0.55 deg by calc) pixel resolution 1.31 arcsec price: Eur 3799 ( Eur 59 Shipping)  Valoszek review 

eVscope eQuinox smart telescope

    Price £2,599 (+ £59 shipping) Optics 114mm (4.5-inch) reflector Focal length 450mm, f/4 "secondary" size ~28 mm central obstruction: ~24.6% optical magnification: 50x Sensor Sony Exmor IMX224 (1305 x 977 pixels 1.27MP , 60 fps) field of view: 30 arc minutes ( 0.61 x 0.46 deg by calculation) pixel scale: 1.7 arcsec Mount Motorised single arm, altaz, Go-To Power In-built lithium-ion rechargeable (9-hour) battery Tripod Aluminium, adjustable height Ports USB-C (for power) and USB-A for charging smartphone App control Unistellar app for smart phones Weight 9kg length: 65 cm width : 23 cm Supplier Unistellar SAS   kickstarter astronomy  earthtospacescience with pollution filter mods facebook 。 searchingc  

袁黃 曆法新書

 袁黃,(1533-1606)袁家祖居浙江嘉興陶莊, 是明代重要思想家 袁黃是「文理全才」的人物。他是明朝著名的農學家、水利學家及曆法學家。譬如,他所著《曆法新書》涉及46種曆法,有歲差總數積算、五緯總數積算、推天正冬至五星自行限度、求第一東西差、求太陽食甚定分、求日月出入帶食所見分秒、求朔望交會約率、四平方求弦術、太白黃道南北緯度、黃道南北各像內外星經緯度等,共150多種求算方法,學問深邃。    《曆法新書》"時差加減立成"中的小數並不是 六十進制(分,秒), 而是 百進制. 很可能受印度 或伊斯蘭學者影響 李亮 Arabic astronomical tables in China    明史 卷31    明史 卷三十七 志第十三 曆七 回回曆法


camera: ASI120MM QHY guidescope exposure: 7 sec gain: 40 offset: 0 stack of 400 light frames and 25 dark frames  auto-flatten by fitworks output of astrometry 2 Oct 2021: stack of 250 light frames exposure: 10 sec gain: 20 auto flatten by fitworks


  趙聿修紀念中學 四代校長: 江奕昌先生、黃忠義先生、鄭劉玉瓊女士及羅蔡妍芳女士 生平: 山東蓬萊人. 1939年5月生. 家中排行第二,小學於德信小學就讀, 中學於喇沙書院畢業, 香港大學中文系畢業, 曾任香港官立中學教席及校長,香港考試及評核局科目小組主席及委員多年. 現任新市鎮文化教育協會文化委員, 致力於推廣香港學界詩詞及對聯創作活動,著有"方外詩存" 其太太 王張美美 副校長(Mrs Wang) 在喇沙小學任教多年, 其弟王忠信在荃灣官立畢業 作品:  第一屆全港詩詞創作比賽-律詩(1991) 公開組 優異奬.  〈錦田春遊〉 水遶平林綠一圍,江村幽處約忘機。 樽前春事無深淺,亂後人間祇是非。 細雨藏山鳩喚急,岸風噓草蟻浮歸。 來遲敢恨怱怱去,且倩靈英扃岫扉。     〈暮春重經前督轅 〉 荃灣官立中學創校1961年,當時的女校長,詩雪娜校長(Sheila M. Stead)選用了Finlandia 的其中一段作為校歌,並創作了英文歌詞,中文版由王忠義老師寫作, 多年在荃官任教. 對格律詩甚有研究, 著作有4百多首詩詞, 春聯 元朗 趙聿修紀念中學校長 (1987-1994) 新市鎮文化教育協會 會務顧問  於2021年8月31日與世長辭 這必朽壞的既變成不朽壞的,這必死的既變成不死的,那時經上所記「死被得勝吞滅」的話就應驗了。(林前 15:54) cuhk hkpl   香港名家近體詩選   廣東話 正音講座 。 文憑教師罷課 。 聖經思高本 。


 THE MIGRATION-CLIMATE NEXUS IS REAL, BUT MORE SCRUTINY AND ACTION ARE REQUIRED In 2018, the World Bank estimated that three regions (Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, and Southeast Asia) will generate 143 million more climate migrants by 2050. In 2017, 68.5 million people were forcibly displaced, more than at any point in human history. While it is difficult to estimate, approximately one-third of these (22.5 million to 24 million people) were forced to move by “sudden onset” weather events—flooding, forest fires after droughts, and intensified storms. While the remaining two-thirds of displacements are the results of other humanitarian crises, it is becoming obvious that climate change is contributing to so-called slow onset events such as desertification, sea-level rise, ocean acidification, air pollution, rain pattern shifts and loss of biodiversity. This deterioration will exacerbate many humanitarian crises and may lead to more people being on the move. brookings


 8月18日 當日上午,兩名香港西樹木組的員工配戴合適的安全裝備,在西營盤水街及第三街交界路段登上升降台修剪樹木,期間升降台墜下。兩名人員獲救送院,其中女技工證實死亡,另外一名男技工留院治療。  康文署指,考慮到處理公積金等需時較長,故建議先向庫務署申請,以公積金等預支死亡恩恤金,以應付家屬燃眉之急,強調預支死亡恩恤金並非原意。 康文署指,考慮到處理公積金等需時較長,故建議先向庫務署申請,以公積金等預支死亡恩恤金,以應付家屬燃眉之急,強調預支死亡恩恤金並非原意。 文章版權為新傳媒集團所擁有,原文請按: https://www.edigest.hk/314912/?utm_campaign=ED_ContentCopy&utm_source=Web-inventory&utm_medium=Content-Copy_ED 康文署指,考慮到處理公積金等需時較長,故建議先向庫務署申請,以公積金等預支死亡恩恤金,以應付家屬燃眉之急,強調預支死亡恩恤金並非原意。 文章版權為新傳媒集團所擁有,原文請按: https://www.edigest.hk/314912/?utm_campaign=ED_ContentCopy&utm_source=Web-inventory&utm_medium=Content-Copy_ED   view from another angle, the break point cross section is relatively clean or sharp-cut. It is deduced the point of action or force is pretty pinpoint    the breaking point is from bottom to top. It seems to be a tearing force. The point in red circles is last breaking point        knuckle boom crane:   possible that there is downward force indicated by the arrow. When and where did this happen?    公開大學交通意外重組講師盧覺

streaming DAC or network player

  on roonlab forum : I believe Volumio to be a music player application using the music player daemon under Linux as backend. I don’t see any relationship with Roon. Ropieee is a specially tailored Linux distribution to run the Roon Bridge software, and nothing else. It is easy to set up and to administer. DietPi on the other hand is a lightweight Linux distro tailored for RPi with the flexibility to run a wide selection of software. As is often the case, with more flexibility comes a little more work to set up things. I myself use Ropieee with a RP4 as end point for a USB DAC/head phones amp, and it is working very well. roonbridge on raspberry pi: pops and clicks of Raspberry Pi USB bus roon server: First thing first: if you have subscribed to high quality lossless audio sources, choose those with best DAC and best SINAD, and use optical link, and good isolated power supply if you are just trying the DACs as a new hobby, try a raspberry pi hat  WhatHiFi  Darko audio  Roon bridge.  Ro

Darkest hour

  Then out spake brave Horatius, The Captain of the gate: “To every man upon this earth Death cometh soon or late. And how can man die better Than facing fearful odds For the ashes of his fathers And the temples of his gods…” — Thomas Babington Macaulay   Winston Churchill: Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts. Winston Churchill: Turning once again to the question of invasion I would observe that there has never been a period in all these long centuries of which we boast, when an absolute guarantee against invasion could have been given to our people. I have, myself full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves once more able to defend our island home, to ride out the storm of war, and to outlive the menace of tyranny if necessary for years, if necessary alone. At any rate, that is what we are going to try to do. That is the reso