

目前顯示的是 9月, 2015的文章

Milky way supermassive blackhole seen eating

in Sagittarius A, aka Sgr A   from astrobites from sunday times   from Max Planck Institute from Lawrence Livermore National Lab G2 is a gaseous object, which maybe just a star with thick gas surrounding it. discovered in 2011 by Very Large Telescope in Chile space.com sky and telescope

silvadene cream 燙火膏 found in HK

Silver Sulfadiazine Uses This medication is used with other treatments to help prevent and treat wound infections in patients with serious burns. Silver sulfadiazine works by stopping the growth of bacteria that may infect an open wound. This helps to decrease the risk of the bacteria spreading to surrounding skin, or to the blood where it can cause a serious blood infection (sepsis). Silver sulfadiazine belongs to a class of drugs known as sulfa antibiotics. Silver sulfadiazine must not be used on premature babies or on newborns during the first 2 months of life because of the risk of serious side effects. good for 1st and 2nd degree burns Bruderma cream 癒寶   Silvirsulf cream Each gram of SILVADENE Cream 1% contains 10 mg of micronized silver sulfadiazine. The cream vehicle consists of white petrolatum, stearyl alcohol, isopropyl myristate, sorbitan monooleate, polyoxyl 40 stearate, propylene glycol, and water, with methylparaben 0.3% as a prese


政府成立的調查食水含鉛量超標專責小組昨終於公布初步調查結果,確定「鉛」兇是水喉錫焊接物料含高濃度的鉛,至於銅合金水喉裝置雖亦有釋出鉛,但不致令食水含鉛量超標。 陳茂波指各方持份者包括水務署亦是認知不足,驗水沒有化驗重金屬,當局現已即時糾正做法,待港府獨立調查委員會明年5月完成報告,當局會切實跟進。  市民注意  防範建議

The Study That Brought Down Volkswagen

Volkswagen’s dirty little secret got out last week : the auto giant rigged its diesel cars with a defeat device that reduced pollution during official emissions testing but relaxed on real roads to improve driving performance. But the details at the heart of the news have been openly available since May 2014. That’s when West Virginia researchers reported the results of tests exposing the high rates of NOx emissions in two VW models, Jetta and Passat. Reuters spoke with Daniel Carder, a member of the research team, about the $50,000 study that could (and should) end up costing the world’s biggest carmaker billions : “Vehicle A” was a 2012 VW Jetta. “Vehicle B” was a 2013 VW Passat. “Vehicle C” was a BMW X5.   excerpt of the In-Use Emissions Testing of Light-Duty Diesel Vehicles in the United States report from citylab autoblog 2015 article on this scandal allegations of the cheat from EPA

Whatsapp web vulnerability

bugs from desktop version / web client: 漏洞利用門檻低,點開聯絡人資訊隨時中招 CheckPoint 安全研究人員 Kasif Dekel 指,WhatsApp 網頁版同樣俱備傳送圖片、音效、位置和聯絡人資訊等功能,而駭客正是利用這些功能,來散布惡意程式感染用戶的電腦。 今次發現的安全漏洞非常容易利用,駭客只需要一個有效的 WhatsApp 帳號,然後將 BAT 檔案偽裝成電子名片(vCard)發送給任意對象,當對方在網頁版中點擊察看時,就會暗中運行 BAT 檔案內的惡意程式碼,感染用戶的電腦。 透過這種方式,駭客可以安裝遙距操控軟件,控制用家的電腦;利用勒索軟體威脅用戶付錢才解鎖電腦;或者是暗中監視用戶電腦的資料和活動,以及利用感染的電腦繼續散播惡意程式等惡意行為。 幸好目前 WhatsApp 安全團隊已經確認該安全漏洞並針對網頁版釋出更新修復,但 V0.1.4881 之前的所有版本均受漏洞影響,WhatsApp 呼籲用戶應確保自己使用最新版本程式避免風險。 hackernews whatsapp web vulnerability and whatsapp web client on iPhone and Android devices vulnerability metrohk facebook app malware


the scientist Jimmy Carter cancer treatment using immunotherapy stereotactic radiation Amgen And Xencor Announce Strategic Collaboration In Cancer Immunotherapy And Inflammation  on HCC hepatocellular carcinoma ( liver cancer )   trial ASCO abstract nivolumab on wiki

light pollution in hong kong

realtime from HKO   Common used in city area is high pressure sodium lamp , @ 600nm Eg Philips SON  Philips Lighting SGP328 SON 70W

apple pencil

should have a try Microsoft's surface pro pen a little bit on Setthivoine You comparison from siliconangle   from pocket-lint Both devices also feature stylus options. Apple's Pencil detects pressure, position and angle for varying line pressure and thickness. Microsoft's Surface Pen is pressure sensitive and features palm block tech so you can rest your hand on-screen as you write or draw. digitaltrends on both tablets 


捐贈者患癌 求肝漢枉開腹垂危

31/8/2015 「佢話第日好番,就同我再去旅行。」在瑪麗醫院深切治療部留醫的昏迷肝衰竭男病人李先生,原來是上周威爾斯親王醫院公布捐器官死者患癌事故中的受害人,滿以為可以換肝續命,但在手術枱上開了腹準備換肝之際,才緊急煞停手術。李太由滿腔喜悅期待丈夫換肝康復,卻變成看着丈夫生命倒數,不禁激動哭訴:「好想我老公好番!」她公開呼籲市民支持器官捐贈,讓丈夫重生。 四十六歲的李先生(Stephen)現時命懸一線,本身是基督徒的李太昨與家姑等親友、教友在深切治療部病房門外守候,並為丈夫祈禱,祝願他「有健康的肝,有新的開始」。 李太和親友忍不住悲痛落淚,現場一片愁雲慘霧。李太昨透露,丈夫的意識開始模糊,只能勉強睜開眼,但當告知他有很多親友支持時,心跳監測儀突響起警報聲,顯示他仍有反應、有生命力。李先生是O型血,李太及另外兩名家人欲捐肝,但檢查後發覺不適合,急需好心人捐肝續命。 李太憶述,從事保險業的Stephen今年初因脂肪肝導致末期肝硬化及肝衰竭,一度在東區醫院留院數周。今年中,他轉至瑪麗醫院求醫,開始在家輪候換肝,「行得走得」,情況不算太壞。她說,上周二(二十五日)晚接獲通知有合適肝臟捐予丈夫,夫婦喜出望外。丈夫翌日中午開始換肝手術,由於手術時間長,醫護人員還囑李太休息,待手術完成再來探望。李太滿心以為可等到丈夫康復,豈料當晚獲通知丈夫情況危殆。 原來Stephen開腹後未能換肝,威院突然發現盡捐器官的中風離世病人腎臟有腫瘤,肝臟不適合移植,惟有終止手術。由於曾開腹,李先生受到細菌感染,病情急轉直下。心情跌落谷底的李太說:「醫院一定有責任,但我依家只係想我老公好番。」 李太形容丈夫樂於助人,曾有朋友透露需要言語治療師醫治兒子,他即主動幫忙聯絡專家。今次他出事,十多年無見面的朋友也為他打氣。他們結婚多年,沒有子女,不時周遊列國,丈夫更承諾「好番」再把臂外遊,說到此處,李太激動痛哭。好友陳太讚揚Stephen為人正直,工作上絕不會做走法律罅的事,寧願「賺少啲」。未陷入昏迷前,Stephen雖知道「換唔成肝」,有失落但無怪責醫生,陳太盼望好消息早日降臨。瑪麗醫院表示,會繼續密切留意病人情況,提供適切治療及幫助。 8/9/2015 據了解,捐出器官的病人為一名54歲女士,她因急性腦中風今午於大埔那打素醫院逝世。家人面臨喪親之痛,仍發揮無私大愛精神,同意捐出去世

boeing starliner and fresh water fish

boeing starliner, from design of Fraser Leid Hypostomus plecostomus


2007年,它是几个从 五道口 (指央行研究生院,俗称五道口)出来的年轻人创立的投资机构。彼时,主要合伙人之一黄晓捷在央行研究生院做校长助理;吴刚在证监会机构部任职,分别是央行和证监会系统最年轻的处长。 link 時代周報 投資中國 2015十大私募投資  方林 太保  相互保險

keynes' three rules for successful investing

Keynes had three main rules in running his equity portfolio: 1. Stay invested and don’t try to time the market He adopted this approach after failing to trade well in the wake of the 1929 crash. The crucial lesson here is to make sure you stay committed to equities during a downturn. If you try and time the market, you risk missing out on the early stages of a recovery when big gains tend to be made. An endowment (or a private investor) has the long-term view necessary to do this. 2. Focus on ‘value’ stocks, particularly big dividend payers Again, he was exploiting a long-term approach. Keynes’ fund was able to take a contrary view, buy out-of-favour stocks which were cheap, and patiently wait for them to return to favour. Again, this is an advantage private investors can exploit. In contrast, professional fund managers often try to chase short-term trends and market fashion. 3. Keep your portfolio very different from the broader stock market Of course, the concept

Les carnets de Julie - Le Nontronnais

place: le Périgord vert en Dordogne, Aquitaine  Ingredients (for 12 people) 800 g chestnut / jar chestnuts, canned or frozen 250 g butter at room temperature 200 g of sugar 1 sachet vanilla 2 tablespoons rum (quality!) 3 pieces sugar Icing: 150 g chocolate 55% 50 g butter Preparation If the chestnuts are frozen, cook 30 minutes to steam. If they are in jars, they are cooked through sterilization, so 10 minutes reheating steam suffice. In both cases, add 3 sugar cubes on brown before closing the steamer (a habit of Andrée and his mom they do not explain too much). Grind chestnuts finely vegetable mill when they are still hot, and gradually add the butter cut into pieces and sugars. Stir to melt. Stir in the rum. Place this mixture in the fridge for 30 minutes for it to harden slightly. Spread the mixture on a rectangular plate shape to a log by hand. Place this buche cool. Meanwhile, break the chocolate and let it melt gently in a bain marie. Add the butter to the me