

目前顯示的是 2018的文章

Hipster batch brewer

We have divided the brew process into three stages; Pre-brew, Extraction and End-phase. Batch-mode works like this: Set a temperature for the pre-brew water. Depending of the coffee, higher for dark roast and lower for light roast. Set a pre-brew volume. Normally 10-12% of the total brew volume. Set a pre-brew time. This is the blooming phase. Moving into the Extraction phase, by default set the temperature 3°C down from the pre brew temp. If you maintain the temperature from the Pre-brew phase the coffee will over extract, that’s because of the fresh water. Chose how to distribute the water. Few and big pulses will shorten the extraction time, many and small pulses will lengthen the extraction time and leave the coffee bed even. Set a temperature for the End phase. By default set the temp 5°C down from the Extraction temp. This is where you get the bitterness and the woody taste. If you lower the temp you tone down the extraction and get less bitterness. Set the dr

predicting the future

In this light, we should revise our understanding of the whole idea of the “confidence man” - con man, for short. It’s usually thought that the con man finds a way to earn people’s trust, and then takes advantage of them. But when con men succeed, it’s usually because they enlist the confidence heuristic. They don’t show any doubts. They act as if they know what they are doing. There are obvious lessons here for aspiring and actual leaders in politics, business, education and elsewhere. For example, Philip Tetlock of the University of Pennsylvania has found that most people respond more enthusiastically to simple, clear rhetoric from leaders, downplaying tradeoffs, than to complex rhetoric that points to competing considerations and that can easily be seen as a sign of weakness. Many successful politicians show an intuitive awareness of the confidence heuristic. Among American presidents, John F. Kennedy stands out, but Ronald Reagan was probably the master. A president has to

克拉運河 Isthmus of Kra canal

 In a policy shift, Thai PM Prayut Chan-ocha says state agencies will study the construction of a long-envisioned ocean-linking canal China craves for economic and security reasons 由中國牽頭的「一帶一路」概念近日宣告進入全面推進階段後,據寧波海事局官方微博消息指,泰國克拉運河研究和投資合作洽談會昨日在廣州舉行,會上各方簽署了泰國克拉運河項目合作備忘。多名港航業內人士指出,此舉意味着克拉運河開鑿漸進,待項目落成後,將顯著利好港口和航運業。 If approved, the feasibility study is expected to take two years to complete, and no less than five years but no more than 10 years to actually build the canal, all approvals included. The canal once complete is projected to generate US$300 billion (B9.426 trillion) in revenue in its first 30 years, but carving the canal is projected to cost a relatively mere US$55bn (B1.724trn). At that rate of return every player in the global development market wants in, including China, the US, the UK, India and even Saudi Arabia, Mr Pakdee pointed out. The canal will dramatically reduce transit time, saving ships currently passing through the strait two to three days,


赛诺数据显示,截止2018年9月,中国智能手机整体市场相比较去年依然呈缩减状态。9月中国智能手机市场容量3503万台,同比下降7.7%。 就第三季度数据而言,排名前五的手机厂商分别为vivo、OPPO、华为、荣耀和小米,苹果则跌至第六。其中,vivo销量2062万部,同比增长15%,市场份额为19.2%;OPPO销量2058万部,同比下滑4%,市场份额为19.1%;华为销量1711万部,同比增长32%,市场份额15.9%;荣耀销量1362万部,同比增长19%,市场份额12.7%;小米销量1261万部,同比增长1%,市场份额11.7%。 此外,不少厂商也在该季度出现销量同比严重下滑的现象。OPPO同比下滑4%,苹果下滑16%,魅族下滑53%,三星下滑39%,金立下滑82%。由于销量下滑,苹果市场份额则从第一季度和上半年的第二位滑落至第三季度的第六位。 值得注意的是,由于华为和荣耀是分开统计,如果两者销量相加,则华为+荣耀销量为3072万台,市场份额为28.6%,超过vivo位列行业第一。

e2v emerald 67 megapixel global shutter image sensor

Teledyne e2v (Chelmsford, UK) recently announced its Emerald 67 megapixel, the newest member of its Emerald CMOS image sensor family. The new sensor features a high resolution with a small global shutter pixel (2.5µm). Emerald 67M provides ultra-low noise performance and only 2.8e- of readout noise. The sensor is highly sensitive with 70% QE, enabling precise defect and particle identification. The new sensor is compatible with 59 x 59mm² camera platforms and has optical and package centers that are fully aligned for easy integration. It has an APS-C optical format, up to 72 sub LVDS outputs and 8/10/12 bit conversion modes, all within a reliable ceramic µPGA package. teledyne e2v

Dual Native ISO

EOS HD Two dedicated circuits are provided for each pixel. a circuit for low ISO, another circuit for high ISO. It switches the circuit, instead of just applying a gain.  This is used in Sony and  Aptina sensors. sensorworld sony patent US 20170148832 abstract: Imaging sensors, imaging apparatuses, and methods of driving an image sensor are provided. An image sensor can include a semiconductor substrate with a photoelectric conversion element and a charge-conversion element. The sensor can further include a capacitance switch. A charge accumulation element is located adjacent the photoelectric conversion element. At least a portion of the charge accumulation element overlaps a charge accumulation region of the photoelectric conversion element. The charge accumulation element is selectively connected to the charge-voltage conversion element by the capacitance switch. In order to increase the dynamic range of a pixel, it is desirable to increase a dif


IMX299 (4/3rds 11Mp BI CMOS Image Sensor) • High Sensitivity/High Quality Video   - Multi-Aspect BI CMOS Image Sensor   - Large Cell Size :4.63um      - High Dynamic Range:85dB+24dB(TGT)  *WDR   - Dual gain:Analog gain(0-27dB)+12dB(TGT) • High Speed/High Functionality *SLVS-EC    - Still/30fps@14bit,80fps@12bit,4k/80fps@12bit,120fps@10bit   - 1080/120fps(binning),1080(skipping)240fps@10bit  • Synchronize:SLVS-EC(Slave),MIPI(Master/Slave)  • I/F:SLVS-EC,MIPI(D-PHY 4lane 1.728Gbps/lane)  IMX299 appears to be the chip used by the GH5S and BMPCC 4K. Dual Native ISO: The sensor features two analogue amplifying circuits, with a low ISO circuit, and a low noise circuit for each pixel, meaning the camera has two “base ISO*”( The base ISO speed is the camera sensors natural ISO speed, from this gain is added to produce other ISO speeds.) speeds of ISO400, as well as ISO2500.

習近平 人格分析

大陸一些媒體曾轉載了日本《鑽石周刊》網站的一篇關於習近平8個特徵的文章。習的8個特徵中包括 敢於打破陳規舊習、 掌控能力強、 最後由自己做決定、 敢於冒險、 行動無法預知等, 而這些特徵在這兩年多的中共高層博弈中屢屢體現,敢於對高層「開刀」就是體現之一。  習近平的決策心理分析  - 李智琦 從習近平的人格分析究之,其表面看似 草根、直率的性格卻也隱含了對權力的追求 ,但運籌帷幄的手段則是「弱鳥先飛、滴水穿石」。習近平行事務實、耐心布局、講求集體分工、重視群眾反應的性格將體現在執政第一任期,除了旨在穩固執政班底之外,在重大的決策上將延續 過去的大方向,「胡規習隨」、甚至是「江規習隨」的現象將不令人意外。值得一提的是,習近平的政治敏感度是在  第一、二代元老間的氛圍之中培養出來的,依此衍生出對 世局的見解可能與前代的意識形態藕斷絲連。他雖不至於   固守舊時的冷戰思維,但想冀望他在執政初期大力地在黨  內外進行民主改革以及終止與美國在「超強」上的惡性競 爭恐怕是不切實際的; 2013年1月爆發的「南方周末事件」顯見中共高層對新聞箝制仍嚴。此外,在前日北韓飛   彈威脅期間,儘管美國的多次喊話以及美國國務卿凱瑞(John Kerry)的到訪,希望中國能壓制北韓,習近平卻仍 不為所動,反觀在聯合金磚四國與南方國家對抗已開發等   歐美國家的態勢漸露。在「 中國夢 」的前提下,經貿發展 與提升中國整體國力將是習近平的治國優先順序,「 趕歐超美 」還是主要目標。 boxun: 分析习近平性格特征:     1.粗暴、蛮横、强势、好功名,心胸狭窄,任人唯亲善于掩饰,表明他不可能主动进行社会转型,民主宪政,比较适应极权主义制度。     2. 朴实表明他注重目的和结果不注重过程,敢于违反法律,中国会全面流氓化。     3. 传统文化和中国宗教情节导致他不喜欢新的和西方文化,思想具有保守性,排斥基督教等西方文化。     4. 好色的性格,待他权力稳固,会使他放纵情欲、堕落。     5. 猜疑、强势、粗暴的性格使他容易与同僚反目,内斗不断。 epochweekly boxun 李智琦


普洱茶後發酵過程中的水浸出物、茶多酚、氨基酸、咖啡鹼、水溶 性碳水化合物、香氣成分、微量元素和茶多酚氧化聚合產物的變化及其在產品中的 含量,並對茶多酚中的沒食子酸、水化果膠、四種微量元素和茶多酚的氧化聚合產 物 普洱茶化學成分研究     普洱茶是雲南特有的地理標誌產品,以符合普洱茶產地環境條件的雲南大葉種 曬青茶為原料,按特定的加工工藝生產,具有獨特品質特徵的茶葉。普洱茶分為普 洱茶生茶和普洱茶熟茶兩大類;普洱茶生產是以符合普洱茶產地環境條件下生長的 雲南大葉種曬青茶為原料,經蒸壓成型等工藝製成的緊壓茶;外形色澤墨綠,香氣 清純持久、滋味濃厚回甘、湯色綠黃清亮,葉底肥厚黃綠,其品質特徵、化學成分 與大葉綠茶相似。 普洱熟茶是以符合普洱茶產地環境條件的雲南大葉種曬青茶為原料,經後發酵工藝 加工形成的散茶和緊壓茶;後發酵過程有自然緩慢後發酵和人工渥堆快速後發酵兩 種方式,自然緩慢後發酵現有經過長期貯存陳化;人工渥堆快速後發酵則在高溫、 高濕條件下進行;在後發酵過程中,由於微生物等多種因素的參與和作用下,在制 茶坯中原有的各類化學物質急劇的變化,形成了普洱熟茶特有的色澤紅褐,內質湯 色紅紅濃明亮、香氣獨特陳香、滋味醇厚回甘,葉底紅褐的品質特徵。 下屬就以普洱茶的水浸出物、茶多酚、氨基酸、咖啡鹼、水溶性碳水化合物、香氣 成分、微量元素和茶多酚氧化聚合產物八個方面進行綜述,以此抛磚引玉,為普洱 茶愛好者、關注者提供普洱茶熟茶化學成分的輪廓。   一 普洱熟茶中的水浸出物   茶葉中水浸出物是指能被熱水浸泡出的物質,主要包括水溶性糖、水溶性茶多酚 及其氧化物、咖啡鹼、游離氨基酸、水化果膠等,是茶湯的主要成味物質。水浸出 物含量的高低反映了茶葉中可溶性物質的多少,標誌著茶湯的厚薄、滋味的濃強程 度,從而在一定程度上反映了茶葉品質的優劣。故茶葉中的水浸出物含量通常作為 評定茶葉品質好壞的重要指標之一。據研究表明:水浸出物在普洱茶的渥堆發酵過 程和普洱茶的濕倉陳化處理過程中,其含量均呈下降趨勢,而在幹倉陳化過程中則 有增加趨勢。普洱熟茶的水浸出物含量一般在(35±3)%。  二 普洱熟茶中的茶多酚 茶多酚是茶葉中三十多種酚類物質的總稱,主要由兒茶素、黃酮類物質、花青素和 酚酸四大類物質組成,是茶葉中的重要物質,其在茶湯滋味中呈現苦澀味。多酚類 物質在普洱茶的渥堆發酵加工

MTR HK severe delay

on 16 Oct morning rush hours, an unprecedented four lines – the Island line, Tsuen Wan line, Kwun Tong line and Tseung Kwan O line – were hit by severe delays. The MTR called on commuters to use other forms of public transport after journey times were extended by 40 minutes on some of the routes. Speaking to the press on Tuesday morning after the initial announcement of the delays, MTR Corp operations director Adi Lau Tin-shing said the team had noticed the signalling failure at about 5.30am on Tuesday as it started to prepare services for the three lines. “As a result, the command [for] train speeds could not be passed to trains [on the] Kwun Tong, Tsuen Wan and Island lines,” he said. “Because of the safety first principle, [we could] only operate the service by manual operation with slow speeds.” Lau said the company could provide only 20 to 30 per cent of the services normally offered during peak hour, and called on other public transport operators to provide


The top figure shows the movement. Tool on top ( dark colour disc). The bottom figure shows amount of glass remained as dark bars 1/6 D CoC 1/4 D CoC 1/3 D CoC 1/2 D CoC 2/3 D CoC 3/4 D CoC optimal setting. As these are simulations, and if some polishing ( grinding ) process is done by human beings, needs to factor in the man-made variations in stroke length and applied pressure along  push- pull travel path. If the polish( grind) by a machine, theoretically, the optimal process to form a sphere surface is 43.3% stroke TOT(see below). The range is around 1/3 stroke + 15% to 25% overshoot ( meaning 38.3% to 45% stroke) So actually, the past literature of ATM books suggest 1/3 stroke to achieve a sphere, is assumed that the person will overshoot the stroke length. But if overshoot is too much a hole will start to form in the centre. Reference: Computer control dwell time algorithm RFITA

my 8 inch f/6 mirror making

The measured focal length is 118.5 mm, ie f/5.84

75 years of battling diabetes

Today(2015), with over 29 million Americans with diabetes and nearly 400 million similar individuals worldwide, the enormity of the diabetes problem has escalated exponentially CHF: congestive heart failure ER: emergency room ESRD: end-stage renal disease IHD: ischemic heart disease. Diabetes is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in Hong Kong. It claimed about 13700 in-patient discharges and in-patient deaths in all hospitals†, and 492 registered deaths‡ in 2015. It was the tenth commonest cause of deaths in Hong Kong, accounting for 1.1% of all deaths in 2015. The crude death rates were 7.2 for male and 6.4 for female per 100000 population of respective sex in 2015. The true number of deaths from diabetes is possibly higher since many deaths can be attributed to its late complications. Age-standardised death rates were 3.8 for male and 2.6 for female per 100000 standard population in 2015. From early 1980's to 2000, the age standardised mortality rate showe

TESS camera

Mission:  The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is an full sky mapping Explorer-class mission, dedicated to finding planets around bright, nearby stars so that more detailed follow-up studies can be done.   specification The detector assembly in each camera consists of a focal plane CCD array and associated electronics. Each CCD array contains four back-illuminated MIT/Lincoln Laboratory CCID-80 devices. The 100um deep-depletion, frame-transfer CCDs consist of a 2048 x 2048 imaging array and a 2048 x 2048 frame-store region (for rapid shutter-less readout 4 ms) with 15 x 15 micron pixels. The four CCDs in each array are separated by 2mm and create an effective 4096 x 4096 pixel detector that is operated at -75 degrees C to reduce dark current. The detectors are read out at 625 kHz with <10 e- read noise. The detector electronics consist of two compact double-sided printed circuit boards seated beneath the CCD focal plane. The el

xiaomi band battery

Mi band one ( First gen ) plastic package removed, and uncoiled: so it is a lithium polymer type battery. 3.8V 0.17 Wh 0.17 / 3.8 = 45 mAh capacity Mi Band 2 ( 2nd gen ) again a lithium polymer battery 3.7V, 0.17Wh, 45 mAh capacity So despite a newer generation, the battery remains same. The major difference is the on UI. Generation One use 4 dot size LED Generationt Two use dot matrix OLED

Gene roasting profile

From BoldJava: ^ Preheat unit with hopper in to 175C. ^ Pre-measure 230grams ^ Hit E stop and move like the wind ^ Use dual settings. a. High grown or dense beans: 248C into the first crack plus 45 seconds. Then turn down to 243C until 2:30 minutes past initial crack of first crack (try to stay out of 2nd crack). I call this a full city roast and is my starting point for working on a new bean. I can shorten/lengthen based on cupping results. Most beans finish between 12:45 and 14:00 minutes. b. Brazilians, some Indonesians, intermediate elevation beans: 243C/237C, profiled above c. Kona and Caribbean beans: 237C/232C , profiled above I end the roasts with an E stop and cool my beans externally. My current is a steady 120 (variac controlled). My assumption is that you have 220V so trust that the profiles can be superimposed onto your unit. From John Despres: The harder, more dense beans that are typically grown over 5000 feet need a higher initial heat and less

fine grinding, 1/3 D W stroke

For fine grinding starting from 220 grit and finer, the normal 1/3D stroke used is shown in Fig 8. the mirror is centered over the tool and the stroke is a W-type stroke with a total lateral amplitude of ¼D (i.e. 1.8 cm on either side of the centre for a 15 cm mirror) and an up and down amplitude of about 1/3D (i.e. about 2.5 cm up, 2.5 cm down for a 15 cm mirror). It should be 1/3D on the average; some strokes should be a little shorter and some a little longer. No attempt should be made to make the strokes uniformly 1/3D in amplitude. The 120 0 rotations of the blank above and the 45 0 rotations of the blank below are of course continued. the wet now lasts longer, say for 4 or 5 minutes. At the completion of a wet the mirror and tool are cleaned as before and a fresh charge used. Shankar

Request for illumination prohibition by upward search light on highway

Regarding the maintenance of expressways, sign lighting by nightly searchlight is a concern for light hazards and traffic safety. I would like to ask for appropriate guidance to related areas, thank you. Astronomical observation, science education: Astronomical observation requires a dark night sky. Japan boasts one of the world's leading campaigns and achievements in citizen (amateur) astronomical activities, and specialized astronomers at universities, research institutes and science educational facilities throughout the country are conducting advanced research to capture weak light from space I am doing big scientific achievements. At elementary and secondary schools, observation of stars and astronomical observations are conducted as part of science education. Measures against light pollution by the Ministry of the Environment: "Light pollution countermeasure guideline" (1998) formulated by the Ministry of the Environment and "Han

「Motorola DragonBall」晶片系列

Ir Dr. H.L.Yiu 姚慶良博士‧工程師(右)現任香港科技園公司先進製造產業主管,亦是 Motorola DragonBall 龍珠處理器項目早期的創始人之一,由 1993 年開始至 1997 年他曾經參與龍珠處理器的研發與市場工作。 Dr. Ray C.C Cheung 張澤松博士(中)現任香港城市大學應用程式實驗室總監及電子工程系副教授。90 年代在中大畢業,現在於城大向同學們教授 FPGA 晶片的設計,畢業後的學生會到 IC 集成電路企業工作。 Monica Leung(左)香港中文大學電子工程系畢業,前為軟件工程師,現任香港電子科技商會執行委員,為專門舉辦 STEM 教育課程的 Blueinno Technology 公司始創人與總監,在科學園機械人工作室定期開課。Monica 在 2000 年頭學生時代,曾加入龍珠晶片開發小組做實習工作。 unwire

CO2 in coffee

From Dr Samo Smrke talk in SCAA