

目前顯示的是 2014的文章

website defaced by ankicilar

just found this morning. here is the website the background comes from another seemingly hacked site

Sony hackers attacks

US-Cert released an alert of Targeted Destructive Malware based on SMB Worm Tool see here too: slashdot securityweek idigitaltimes it seems that a hacker group #GOP is responsible Kevin Mandia's message comments from mashable KrebsOnSecurity 

Telomere and aging

As we know that telomeres shortening is related to aging, so what can we do to help lengthening it? vigrous exercise eg Peak 8 reduce weight Reduce oxidation damage Resolve mental and psychological traumas more rest and sleep nutritional balancing program take telomerase supplements source : telomerasenow  The immorality Edge - M Fossel, G Blackburn, D. Woyarowski Dr Mercola's article 1. The Immortality Edge by M. Fossel, G. Blackburn, and D. Woyarowski. - See more at: http://personal-longevity.com/2013/07/29/telomeres-and-how-to-lengthen-them/#sthash.XnJc2Yoq.dpuf References 1. The Immortality Edge by M. Fossel, G. Blackburn, and D. Woyarowski. 2. Dr. Mercola’s article of 4/19/2011 is: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/04/18/is-this-the-key-to-living-longer-than-150-years-old.aspx - See more at: http://personal-longevity.com/2013/07/29/telomeres-and-how-to-lengthen-them/#sthash.XnJc2Yoq.dpuf

Ambition The Film

We fall, we pick ourselves agin, and we adapt. Ambition, Stubborness

MH370 Search Update

with more data from various sources, more confidence is gained to the most probable search area. At this moment, besides Fugro Equator which will soon finish barthmetric survey, GO Phoenix and Fugro Discovery will join the undersea search source radar logs from Malaysia  29  July 2015 first debris found on reunion island, confirmed to be flaperon on right wing from GeoMar : Particle locations 16 months before reaching Reunion Island bbc 28 Feb: Dong Hai Jiu 101 東海救 101, eworldship  towed sonar, ProSas60 system Fugro Discovery on marinetraffice 30 Dec 2015, A South African teenager on holiday in Mozambique. Liam Lotter was strolling on a beach in southern Mozambique, near the resort town of Xai Xai, when he spotted a grey piece of debris washed up on the sand. It had rivet holes along the edge and the number 676EB stamped on it,    676EB refers to access panel hatch on the right-hand outboard flap of a boeing 777 3 Mar 2

yutu news 玉兔

2014 As of 6 Sep CCTV news, the chinese lunar lander and rover is still operational, although the rover Yutu was damaged and cannot move from Twitter UHF@SatCom on 8 Sep: Tonites Yutu Rover X-Band downlink - carrier only, no data, but still a great signal. FFT @ http:// pjm.uhf-satcom.com/twtr/yutu_0809 14.jpg   … - nothing from Chang'e'3 美國太空總署(NASA)微博證實,玉兔已超期服役7個月 is just a nice misunderstanding ( 美麗的誤會 ) some of instruments onboard yutu is still working and sending back data to Earth, 10 months after landing, which was initially expected to have a lifetime of 3 months. It works 7 more months. 据新华网9月4日电(记者刘畅)中国探月工程总设计师吴伟仁4日在澳门表示,6日“玉兔号”月球车将进入第十个月昼工作期,目前其4台科学载荷——全景相机、测月雷达、红外成像光谱仪、粒子激发X射线谱仪运行正常。 but some doubt how much scientific exploration can be done, if Yutu stays stationery from planetary.org from ifeng on youtube the video didn't mention when the 360 panorama image was made, but by comparing the 2 photos above, it seems to be on fin

updated MH370: updated barthmetric progress map

up til 22 Aug, 2014, more than 70% of high priority area have been mapped and analysed. So it's very good progress. from ATSB:


  娉娉嫋嫋十三餘,豆蔻梢頭二月初。 春風十裏揚州路,卷上珠簾總不如。 贈別二首之一 年代:【唐】 作者:【杜牧】體裁:【七絕】 類別:【】 【注解】: 1 、豆蔻句:喻處女,後因稱十三四歲女子為豆蔻年華。 【語譯】: 姿態美好舉止輕盈正是十三年華, 活象二月初含苞待放一朵豆蔻花。 看遍揚州城十裏長街的青春佳麗, 卷起珠簾賣俏粉黛沒有比得上她。 原文網址: 980920荳蔻年華是13歲少女,為何用荳蔻形容?  Alpinia katsumadai Hayata of Family Zingiberaceae 草豆蔻 Hainan Galangal, Katsumada Galangal reference and HK herbarium

2 J-15 pilots killed during trials on china aircraft carrier

BEIJING (AFP) - Two pilots in a squadron conducting fighter jet take-off and landing tests for China's lone aircraft carrier were killed during trials, state media reported, offering a rare glimpse into the secretive project. The revelation of the deaths came in a report last week on the signing of an order of commendation for the crew of China's first carrier-based jet fighter, the J-15. "Two test pilots of the squadron sacrificed their lives during the tests," the official Xinhua news agency reported on August 27. No details were given on exactly how or when the pilots were killed or the timing of the tests. China's sole aircraft carrier, the 300m Liaoning - a Soviet-era vessel Beijing bought from Ukraine - was commissioned in September 2012. The Xinhua report said that Chinese President Xi Jinping signed the commendation order for the squadron, part of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force. The commendation was given to the squadron "for success

iron and haemoglobin

top haemo (heme) iron food (more easily absorbe): pork liver clam oyster top non-haemo(non-heme) iron food: agaric ( 黑木耳 ) soybean stick ( 腐竹) weetabix sesame black bean soya bean

"rubber duck" comet , 3D photo from ESA Rosetta

enjoy. After 10 years of travelling in space. this is just the beginning of the exciting journey, and expecting 1 year of explorations, news and surprises to us. Now ESA has to decide a landling site to drop a small landing craft Philae onto the comet. twitter ESA's blog youtube

garam masala

A typical Indian version of garam masala contains:     turmeric     black and white peppercorns     cloves     cinnamon     black and white cumin seeds     black, brown, and green cardamom pods

common mushroom types

Mushrooms are an excellent source of B vitamins, selenium, and potassium. These important vitamins and minerals help to break down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Mushrooms protect cells from damage that might lead to heart disease and high blood pressure. Mushrooms are one of the lone plant sources of vitamin D, a vitamin that contributes to bone health, building your immune system, and regulating cell growth. Mushrooms are a low calorie food because they are made up of 90% water. They are also fat-free, cholesterol-free, low in sodium, and full of fiber.    Summary of Mushroom Key Findings from the Mushrooms and Health Summit Mushrooms have a unique nutrient composition: naturally low in calories, fat and cholesterol, they’re the only source of vitamin D in the produce aisle; provide B vitamins and potassium (8% DV); and are a valuable source of micronutrients and antioxidants such as ergothionene and selenium. Mushrooms, when substituted for meat in meals,

台中 大型藥用真菌特展

 鹿角靈芝: 牛樟芝 靈芝 桑黃 ( Phellinus Linteus or meshimakobu ) 雲芝 夏草 from 馬賽克女郎 also refer to wikipedia medicinal mushroom


菇類所含的蛋白介于植物和動物中間的蛋白質,它有三個特點: 第一  免疫活性蛋白 第二   膳食纖維 第三 菇類多糖 膳食纖維 : 建議每天吸收量 500g 疏菜 400g 水果 100g 菇類 食譜  滑子菇pholiota nameko (nameko) 真姬菇( buna-shimeji or hypsizygus tessellatus) 姬松茸 / 巴西茹 himematsutake (princess matsutake ), Agaricus subrufescens (aka Agaricus blazei and Agaricus brasiliensis ) : somewhat sweet taste and fragrance of almonds Mercola . Study shows benefit of Agaritine to tumor mushrooms and health 2010 from James Y. Hasegawa Yuki-no Agaricus from Hokkaido btv 養生堂  www.chow.com - know your mushrooms