

目前顯示的是 5月, 2014的文章

singapore chili crab - claimed to be original recipe from palm beach

from ang sarap Chilli crab is one of the most popular dish in Singapore, it is made out of chopped fresh crabs stir fried in a sweet and savoury tomato and chilli based sauce. It was invented by Cher Yam Tian in 1950 when her husband suggested adding bottled chilli sauce to her crabs stir-fried with bottled tomato sauce. She started in a small pushcart and the business grew fast until she opened up a stall 6 years later in the Upper East Coast Road in Singapore. They then opened a restaurant called Palm Beach  in 1963 and sold the business in 1984. In 2000 her son Roland Lim opened a Roland restaurant Despite its name this dish is not really hot, the sauce is semi-thick with hints of sweetness and spiciness but not overpowering. Usually paired with bread like baguette or Chinese buns but it goes well with rice. Ingredients 3 large crabs 4 tbsp tomato ketchup 2 tbsp chili sauce juice from half lemon 3 tbsp oyster sauce 3 tbsp soy sauce 1 red onion, chopped 1 t

singapore chilli crab - from David Parry

This recipe is based on a food trip I took to Pongol point in Singapore, it can be used with any crab even soft shell crabs…. Serves 2 2 1kg crabs cleaned 3 tblsp veg oil 10 Thai style shallots, diced fine 3 cloves garlic, diced fine 1 lrg knob of ginger (50g) grate on micro plan 1 cup of water 1 tblsp tomato ketchup (recipe follows) 2 tblsp caster sugar 60g ground roasted peanuts Rempah (recipe follows) Crusty bread to serve and mop up the juices Tomato ketchup 15 ripe tomatoes, cored 500ml peanut oil 1 red onion, chopped 4 cloves garlic, fine diced 2 knobs ginger, fine diced roast tomatoes in oven until soft (180 for 10 min) and force through a food mill. Heat oil in Pan and fry paste until fragrant Add tomato puree and simmer for 40min, until it is reduced so far that it is frying in the oil. Store in sterilized Jars until needed. Rempah 5 red chillies 10 dried chillies (rehydrate) 1 tblsp shrimp paste 1 stalk lemongrass 1 knob galangal 4 candl

singapore chilli crab - third way

this recipe is from ferriefoodbox Ingredients 1.2 catty Mud crab, well washed and chopped into sections 2 brown onions, peeled and roughly chopped 12 red chillies Belacan, thumb size piece ½ tbsp cider vinegar 1 tbsp tomato paste 400ml tomato puree 4 tbsp light soy sauce ½ tsp salt 4 tbsp sugar Oil ¼ tsp corn or potato starch, mixed in ½ cup of water 1 egg Coriander leaves, to garnish Blend onions and chillies in a food processor into a puree Heat oil in a wok and add onion and chilli paste. Add belacan and continue to cook until most of the liquid from the onions evaporates. Add vinegar, tomato puree, tomato paste, sugar and salt and light soy sauce. Add crab pieces and continue to cook over high heat until shell turns red. Add starch Add egg and stir through gently. Garnish with fresh coriander leaves

Singapore chili crab - another way

another recipe from picturetherecipe INGREDIENTS: (serves 2) * 2 lb. crab of your choice, chopped into sections * 1/2 yellow onion, sliced * 1 tablespoon garlic, minced * 1 teaspoon ginger, minced * 1 dried chili / 2 bird’s eye chilies * 3 tablespoons chili paste / sriracha sauce * 1 teaspoon shrimp paste * 4 tablespoons ketchup * 3 tablespoons thin soy sauce * 1/4 cup warm water * 4 tablespoons sugar * 2 eggs * 2 tablespoons cilantro leaves, chopped METHOD: - Break the crab up into sections and smash the claw a little to help it absorb flavors. - Blend the onion, ginger, garlic, chili, sriracha sauce and shrimp paste into a fine paste. - Saute the paste over medium high heat in a wok, stir-frying until it cooks down. - Add ketchup, soy sauce, water and sugar and stir to combine. - Add crabs and stir to coat evenly then let it sit and cook, covered for about 15 minutes over medium heat. - Once the crab is red and cooked, uncover and break the egg, stirring to c

Ras El Hanout

Ras El Hanout is a complex, aromatic Moroccan spice blend. Most recipes include cardamom, nutmeg, anise, mace, cinnamon, ginger, various peppers, and turmeric, but 30 or more ingredients might be used. Typically prepared by grinding together whole spices, dried roots and leaves, this recipe keeps things simple by using ground spices. Ras El Hanout's literal translation from Arabic is “head of the shop," implying that it's "the best (or top) of the shop." While some Moroccans use it in daily cooking, others reserve it for specialty dishes. Ingredients: 2 teaspoons ground ginger 2 teaspoons ground cardamon 2 teaspoons ground mace 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon ground allspice 1 teaspoon ground coriander seeds 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1 teaspoon turmeric 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper 1/2 teaspoon ground white pepper 1/2 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper 1/2 teaspoon ground anise seeds 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves how to make video

Makansutra Cooking: Singapore Pepper Crab

ingredients 1 tbsp ginger minced 1/2 tbsp white pepper powder garlic 1 tbsp minced 50 g shallot 1 tbsp black pepper 60g butter spring onion 2 3 tbsp oyster sauce 2 3 tbsp sugar 1/2 tbsp salt 4 5 tbsp chinese chaoxin wine bakuteh stock crab 1 kg


五香粉因配料不同,它有多种不同口味和不同的名称,如麻辣粉、鲜辣粉等,是家庭烹饪、佐餐不可缺少的调味料。 配方1 : 砂仁 60g 丁香 12g 豆蔻 7g 肉桂 7g 三柰 12g 配方2 : 大料(八角) 20g 干姜 5g 小茴香 8g 花椒 18g 陈皮 6g 花椒 18g 配方3 : 大料(八角) 52g 桂皮 7g 三柰 10g 白胡椒 3g 砂仁 4g 干姜 17g 甘草 7g            五香粉一般用于腌、泡肉类。包肉粽 , 炒糯米时 , 加些五香粉 ,肉粽就会味道十足。            所谓五香粉是将超过5种的香料研磨成粉状混合一起,常使用在煎、炸前涂抹在鸡、鸭肉类上, 也可与细盐混合做沾料之用。广泛用于东方料理的辛辣口味的菜肴,尤其适合用于烘烤或快炒肉类、炖、焖、煨、蒸、 煮菜肴作调味。其名称来自于中国文化对酸、甜、苦、辣、咸五味要求的平衡。            五香粉的基本成份是磨成粉的花椒、肉桂、八角、丁香、小茴香籽。有些配方里还有干姜、豆蔻、甘草、胡椒、 陈皮等。主要用于炖制的肉类或者家禽菜肴,或是加在卤汁中增味,或拌馅。


十三香是一种约定俗成的习惯叫法,实际上它由20多种成份组成,下面我就各种成 份的性味及营养价值作一些介绍。 1、八角:性辛温、理气止痛,温中散寒,是菜肴中必不可少的调味品。 2、丁香:辛温、香气浓烈,温肾助阳,温中止吐。 3、山奈:辛、苦温,温中散寒、理气止痛,少用。 4、山渣:性酸,消食化积、散瘀行滞,对高血压高血脂有明显的降低作用,一般 以温煮为好,当茶饮也有良好的收效。 5、小茴:辛温、理气和胃、祛寒止痛,是烧鱼的常用调料。 6、木香:有广木香、云木香两种,行气止痛,气味浓香,但配料时少用。 7、甘松:辛、甘、温,近似香草药理,食欲不振,气郁胸闷,常用作卤盐水鹅。 8、甘草:甘、平、补中益气,泻火解毒,润肺祛痰,缓解药性,必备之药。 9、干姜:分南姜和北姜,辛、温、发汗解表,温中止呕,化痰温肾散寒,是家庭 伤风感冒、胃子不好的必备之品。 10、白芷:发汗解表,祛风止痛,有抗菌作用,是龙虾调料必用之品。 11、豆蔻:气味辛、温、浓烈,化温和胃,产在印尼、马来西亚,是烧、卤、腌制 菜肴的上好材料,龙虾调料必用之品。 12、当归:甘辛温,补血活气,止痛,一般与母鸡同煮,可起到滋补的作用。 13、肉桂:平常所说的桂皮,三年生,产于广西,温肾助阳,温通经脉。 14、肉蔻:辛温气浓香,涩肠止泻、温中行气,产于东南亚,是香料中的调味佳品。 15、花椒:四川产青椒为最佳,陕西产红花椒次之,山东与内地产再次之,温中散 寒,止泻温脾,是家庭菜肴中的必用之品。 16、孜然:原产于新疆,现大部分都是甘肃孜然,是新疆烤羊肉串常用调料,清香 型。 17、香叶:国内香叶质量差,进口香叶,香气浓郁,有较强的防腐作用。 18、辛庚:辛温、通鼻窍,我国各地都有。它的别名,木笼花、望春花、通春花, 是卤菜烤肉的好材料。 19、胡椒:辛温、热、温中散寒,增进食欲,助消化。我国海南岛产白胡椒,广 东、广西部分地方产黑胡椒, 大量的黑胡椒从越南进口,是家庭必备的调味品。 20、草果:辛温、胸脘胀闷,食少治症,是烧卤鸡的主料,主产于广东。现价格昂 贵。 21、草蔻:辛温,温中开胃。 22、阳春砂:辛温,是腌制卤菜的佳品, “十三香”就是指13种各具特色香味的中草药物,包括紫蔻、砂仁、肉蔻、肉桂、丁香、花椒、大料(八角)、小茴香、