

目前顯示的是 11月, 2021的文章

area vulnerable to storm surge in HK and Macao

  For the greenhouse gas emission scenario called Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 8.5, it is projected that in 2100, the sea level near Hong Kong Waters will rise by as much as 100 cm relative to its present value.  update from CEDD HK, 26 locations: 港島杏花邨、堅尼地城、西營盤、海怡半島、石澳村、赤柱八間屋;新界及九龍則有大埔三門仔新村、屯門嘉和里、深井新村及西貢市中心等;大澳、梅窩麻布村、南丫島榕樹灣、長洲西  等 2022年4月7日: 土木工程拓展署(CEDD)公布「氣候變化和極端天氣下的沿岸災害研究及改善措施的制訂─可行性研究」(沿岸災害研究),並表示將在未來5年分批為26個較高風險地區,加建或提高擋浪牆及擋水設施等。 macao and zhuhai cuhk    chinawaterrisk   earth org macaubusiness

QHY QHY5L-II problem and solution

problem with USB dropped connection, Windows do not recognize 2015: cloudynights 1 cloudynights 2 astroforum nl   2017 stargazerslounge .  USB3 connectivity problem on SGL hkastroforum hkastroforum 2   >> PHD2 嘅 2.6.3 直情辨認唔到 QHY5 嘅 guide camera,官方網頁已經講咗唔支援??? 找不到PHD2有此說法??? QHY5 guider hkastroforum Tom Van den Eede 幫QHY(合作)寫過晒所有(QHY5, QHY5V, QHY5T...)driver及program,現在已經無chipset的問題。 Tom連capture program都寫過晒,唔用QHY的program(點解? 用過QHY的program你就知點解)。Tom的driver及program要另外download,qhyccd.com只係有條link指過TOM個website astrosoft be ( link now broken, since 2012) abracad100 sina blog   COMSDLL.DLL 版本問題 QHY5主要是以COMSDLL.DLL這個檔來作驅動,但是這個檔整整有六個版本!目前可以成功無誤的,是它的日期為2007.7.31日與2007.8.1這兩個版本可以跑得很正常。GUIDEMASTER網頁上的PLUG IN,它CMOSDLL.DLL是2007.8.6這個版本,我試了它的CALIBRATION中斷時,會亂跑,也不太穩定。 solution(2008): 統一的一個DRIVER都全部(軟件) 可以用     2010 QHY ended cooperation with astrosoft, so Tom van den Eede stopped update ASCOM driver development for QHY5 the USB chip seems to be Cypress EZ-USB FX2 on QHY5 . seems to be how go

sigma Auriga - Al Hiba III


Starvis-2 IMX585 , and some thoughts

The new product uses Sony’s proprietary “STARVIS™ 2” technology, which delivers high sensitivity and high dynamic range (HDR) using back-illuminated pixel technology specially designed for security cameras, resulting in an 88 dB dynamic range, approximately 8 times that of conventional 1/1.2-type 4K-resolution image sensor*1 in a single exposure. It also increases the sensitivity in the near infrared range by approximately 1.7 times compared to conventional model IMX485 other Starvis-2 products:  2.0 um pixel pitch: IMX675(2.0um, 5.12MP), IMX676(2.0um, 12.63MP), IMX678(2.0um, 8.4MP) 2.9 um pixel pitch:  IMX662(2.9um, 2.4MP),  IMX664(2.9um, 4.16MP), IMX585(2.9um, 8.41MP) - NIR enhanced , 8.41 Megapixels -90 fps  -MIPI CSI2 announce June 2021 , starvis-2 product map   very suitable for EAA, or allsky / meteor cam, or portable robot telescope compare eVscope's FOV IMX585(blue box) with IMX224(yellow box) on Messier M42 thoughts: What if binning by 2, ie 5.9 um pixel size, and increas


 NGC752 in Andromeda, Triangulum

OACapture from OpenAstroProject

website developed by JamesF James Fidell in UK github    programming in c language for Linux an MacOs liboacam listed in ArchLinux pretty good support to QHY CCDs too ( so why software people complain so much on  QHY?) stargazerlounge  

NGC clusters in Ursa Major

  NGC2998 , NGC3002 and many others

simple timeline of coffee Panama geisha

  Coffea arabica cultivar Geisha T. 2722   This variety was originally grown in coffee forests in Ethiopia ( probably 1,900-meter plateau north of the town Gesha in the region of Bench Maji and Goldiya, (gori forest ?) 1930s:  A letter from the British Consulate dated 1936 makes numerous references to Geisha Mountain and Geisha coffee. East 39 deg 29 min North 5 deg 32 min is Bale Mountains National Park, Harenna Forest, but not sure which co-ordinate system was used) 10 pounds of coffee seeds collected by Captain Walley  1936: planted in Kenya sent to the Lyamungu research station in Tanzania. accession number Geisha VC-496 1953: arrived CATIE (Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza) in Costa Rica  logged as accession T.2722 1960s: Don Pachi Serracin (Callejón Seco district , Boquete) distributed throughout Panama via CATIE after it had been recognized for tolerance to coffee leaf rust.    1978: First seeds were planted in Boquete on advice of Franciso Serracin senior

Touptek 圖譜

G3CMOS TE cooling series:  other astronomical series Field Yu, CTO of Touptek, is a SKL member, UST HK SDK language support: Native C/C++,  .NET / C# / VB.NET,  Java,  python,   API support: DirectShow, Twain,  LabView Matlab  and so on. Compared with other APIs, Native C/C++ API, as a low level API, don't depend any other runtime libraries. Besides, this interface is simple, flexible and easy to be integrated into the customized applications.   for astrophotography: Platform: ASCOM, INDI   Apps: FireCapture , SharpCap also supports github   of python binding OEM for these brands: RisingCam, Omegon, Altair, MallinCam, ASTcamPan, some of QHY models AMScope on amazon    Francois van Heerden on Touptek 20MP IMX183 TEC Cam (32:58-1:26:30)

M31 Andromeda galaxy

 M31 Andromeda galaxy

Hyperbola newton astrograph with Ross corrector by Alejandro di Baja

 from S&T May 1999 Ross corrector, an alternative: design of telescope: image circle:   amigosdelaastronomie

global meteor network

  github   twitter  of Mary McIntyre  ukmeteornetwork MeteorNews image server: gmn .  build camera from scratch camera module: IVG-HP203Y-AE IMX291 , with special embedded RTOS(hardware compression) ISP: Hi3516CV300 whycan other intelligent IPCAM    discussion of imx291 alternative 青島 QingDao  CMMO  Kknews   Fireball report


上元積元,歷理術語。古代曆法中一般都設有曆元,作為推算的起點,這個起點,習慣上是取一個理想時刻。通常取一個甲子日的夜半,而且它又是朔,又是冬至節氣。從曆元更往上推,求一個出現“日月合璧,五星聯珠”天象的時刻,即日月的經緯度正好相同,五大行星又聚集在同一個方位的時刻。這個時刻稱為上元。 Pang of JPL found a passage in a 1st century B.C. text of Hong Fan Zhuan洪範傳, that says: "The Ancient Zhuanxu calendar 顓頊曆 (invented in about 2000 B.C.) began at dawn, in the beginning of spring, when the sun, new moon and five planets gathered in the constellation Yingshi (Pegasus.)" The book was written by Liu Xiang 劉向who lived from 77 to 9 B.C. 《大衍曆議》云:「《洪範傳》曰:『歷記始於顓頊,上元太始,閼蒙攝提格之歲,畢陬之月,朔日,己巳立春,七曜俱在營室五度。』秦《顓頊歷》元起乙卯,漢《太初歷》元起丁丑,推而上之,皆不值甲寅。猶以日月五緯,復得上元本星度,故命曰閼蒙攝提格之歲,而實非甲寅。」 新唐書: 志第十七上歷三上   Pang said this was all the hint he and Bangert needed. A computer search of planetary positions in the 2000 B.C. era gave only one possible match -- March 5, 1953 B.C. Before dawn on that day, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn lined up like a pearl necklace in the eastern sky, next to the Great Pegasus Square, he said. The planets all spanned but

indi-asi dependency in INDI

 INDI network topology:   Directory dependency graph for 3rdparty:     Large Binocular Telescope's  infrared camera,  LINC NIRVANA from Dr Richard Mathar aka TwiceAsNice   (doxygen) code browser indilib


  到期沒償還 恆大 花樣年 花樣年控股(01777)宣布,於11月24日(周三),主要附屬公司香港花樣年投資控股集團被申請清盤呈請,內容有關據稱未償還本金為1.49億美元之貸款融資,花樣年投資為擔保人。 當代置業 modern lands.  oceanwide holdings 000046 泛海控股 USD 250 million 富力地產香港(2777.hk)的長期外幣發行人違約評級(IDR)由「B+」下調至「B-」,並將其高級無抵押貸款評級由「B+」下調至「B-」,回收率評級為「RR4」。評級被置於下調的觀察名單。 奧園 接獲債權人通知,因集團評級下調,要求集團償還本金總額約6.512億美元融資 華夏幸褔 新增逾期債務79億 累計欠逾939億

update comets data in CdC (Cartes du Ciel) and kstars

 Update >> comet elements the log file is in here: C:\Users\ yourusername \AppData\Local\skychart\database  right now it is using from van buitenen 's database http://astro.vanbuitenen.nl/cometelements?format=mpc&mag=obs the update may take some minutes, just be patient For kstars in linux, it seems the auto update is not working (NASA JPL link down?) comets.dat is located in /usr/share/kstars I copied the file from van buitenen website you have to be root to replace it ( eg in terminal)

India commitment in COP26

PM Modi.    I present 5 'amrit tatva' from India. I gift this 'panchamrit'. First, India will bring its non-fossil energy capacity to 500 GW by 2030.  Second, by 2030 India will fulfill 50% of its energy requirement through renewable energy Third,India will cut down its net projected carbon emission by 1 bn ton from now until 2030.  Fourth, by 2030 India will bring down carbon intensity of its economy by more than 45%.  Fifth, by 2070 India will achieve the target of 'net zero' according to PM Modi at COP26 World Leaders' Summit.  14 Nov   India's environment minister Bhupender Yadav interrupted the adoption process for the Glasgow pact before it had barely begun, proposing new language in the deal that would request governments "phase down" coal use, rather than phase it out. days earlier U.S. special envoy John Kerry stood with his counterpart from China, Xie Zhenhua, holding a paper and going over it line by line together. Days earlier, the