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Arducam pivistation 5

Dark see IMX678 Hackster   CNX Kickstarter




 400mm 等雨量線 Reference: Weather cn


  成都擔擔麵標準做法是,將芽菜、葱花、辣椒油、醬油及肉湯放入碗內,沸水煮熟的細麵撈入放好調味料的碗內,再舀入預早用芽菜、鹽、醬油與肥瘦豬肉粒炒勻的肉臊子,即成。成都擔擔麵還有一個最普遍的版本是乾拌食法,只有醬汁沒有湯:用湯將麵淥好,瀝乾,再加點醬油、醋和辣油拌勻,麻辣惹味,是成都擔擔麵的特色之一。 擔擔麵後來再流傳到四川其他地方,例如重慶,基本上原料是一樣,但口味又有點不同。不過,但凡四川擔擔麵一般都用當地調味,如宜賓芽菜、保寧醋、郫縣豆瓣醬、辣椒、花椒等,最特別是辣油,用川菜專用食油菜籽油,燒熱倒入四川辣椒二荊條及燈籠椒灒成,很花工夫,味道濃惹,大麻大辣,口味獨特。 傳統四川擔擔麵湯面有一層紅油,偏辣,詠藜園把它減辣,先在碗內放上少許辣油、醋、芝麻醬、碎花生粒等配料,和用豬骨、老雞熬了數小時的濃湯,湯的分量很多,煮好的麵再放入碗中。麵充滿麻醬香郁,香濃不膩。詠藜園還有一款叫「改良擔擔麵」,是多加了肉碎和榨菜粒,鮮香爽口:麵條仍依據高低筋麵粉加蛋,撈好後部分以人手打,麵質爽滑、有蛋香、不黐牙。 簡易Recipe: 材料 上海幼麵/關廟麵500克 花生30克 洋蔥30克 糖1茶匙 免治豬肉200克 蒜頭4顆 豉油1湯匙 生粉1茶匙 醬汁 豉油1湯匙 花椒油1湯匙 花生醬2湯匙 黑米醋1湯匙 水1杯 老抽1湯匙 辣椒/豆板醬1湯匙 芝麻醬2湯匙 蝦皮 榨菜絲 薑蓉 蔥 糖1茶匙 做法 免治豬肉加入豉油,糖,生粉及少许水拌勻 醃20分鐘。 煲滾一鍋水,放麵條,水再滾即盛起,瀝乾 把醬汁材料拌勻,備用 燒熱油鑊,放入蒜蓉、洋葱碎爆香,加入豬肉炒勻。 拌入醬汁、一半花生碎煮滾,淋上麵條,撒上餘下花生碎 即可。 Reference  Michelin  


  平面圖 撇角 2 3 模:

STM32F103 cannot run FreeRTOS

  WeChat   非正板 F103C8T6? CPU IDCODE ?

生肖 Zodiac animals in different countries

 生肖,或叫 十二支(不太正確),並沒找到有reliable source 是怎樣關連,眾説紛紜。在日本佛教,有“十二藥師” 一般民間把 “干支”年等同於生肖,出生的四柱八字,算命,而非“干支紀年” Reference  Keishin Ytliu0 生肖由來 周六聊teen谷 易 解字 , 眾說紛紜

Buckley Leverett equation, Navier Stokes etc

 Further to BH's deathmatch Forchheimer vs Darcy article, I explore more on related fluid mechanics I am thinking Martin Blunt can be a good coffee scientist  Percolation and percolation threshold   Sixty years of percolation   Navier Stokes - SIMPLE algorithm  Sciencedirect water flow and transport in porous media in-silico espresso  Computer percolation modeling of percolation  Very interesting  FEFLOW  simulation 

Non Darcy flow - Forchheimer equation

 Darcy’s Law is only valid for slow flow, where the flow is mostly laminar — in other words where water molecules pass through in straight lines, rather than creating turbulence that interferes with the flow. Reynolds number:  The Reynolds number is a measure that predicts if flow in a liquid will be laminar or turbulent — higher numbers indicate a higher likelihood of turbulent flow. Less viscous and faster moving liquids have higher Reynolds numbers — so water flowing quickly through an espresso puck has a higher Reynolds number than oil seeping through bedrock.  At Reynolds numbers above 10, the turbulence becomes significant enough that Darcy’s Law is no longer accurate. When this happens, we need to introduce a correction to the equation — known as the Forchheimer term Turbulence: Ted Lingle  coffee brewing handbook  on turbulence (agitation) ANSYS: How to define turbulence flow equation in CFD Reference  BaristaHustle SlideShare - single phase flow   SlideShare   Researchgate  

Solar eclipse satellite image

  So from top down view, the umbra + penumbra is really huge, and fuzzy. If you really fear to musd it, just stay away from 5% boundary, and should be fine. Btw, watch the weather forecast for cloud overcast. Miami u NESDIS NOAA   Forbes totality map is now wrong , what ...


  2024年3月8日 相关部门反映,本市某抖音用户在其主页发布了一则视频,内容为其利用设置的无线电台收听民航调度信息。 接到线索后,威海市工业和信息化局立即安排执法监测人员前往现场查处。 经查,当事人在其住宅内擅自设置使用1部业余无线电台,并自行架设1部自制的天线,曾用于收听民航调度信息并将其发布在抖音上。其自称为业余无线电爱好者,不久前才购置的设备,还未取得无线电台执照,并表示从未使用无线电台对外发射过无线电信号。 Frequency: 导航台 VOR/ILS 通讯频率在108 - 117.95MHz,话音指挥频率在118 - 135.975MHz,下滑道 信标频率在329.15 - 335Mhz。 手机占用频段在700MHz 到100 GHz之间。单从频段上说,飞机通讯与手 机通讯相差甚远,基本不会产生邻频、镜 像干扰。此外,由于调制方式的不同,即 便因为极小可能出现干扰,也很难影响到 飞行安全。 我们平常使用收音机FM波段的频率范围通常在87.5MHz至108MHz之间。飞机与地面塔台之间一般使用的是118-135.975MHz的频段。只要使用改装的收音机或者是专业的收音机在机场附近就能收听到。 法例: 根据《中华人民共和国无线电管理条例》第二十七条规定,除了列出的3种情况,其他台站都是要向无线电管理机构申请台站执照 2013 版《业余无线电台管理办法》第二十七条 业余无线电台通信不得发送、接收与业余业务和卫星业余业务无关的信号,不得传播、公布无意接收的非业余业务和卫星业余业务的信息。 新版《业余无线电台管理办法》第四十八条 有下列行为之一的,由无线电管理机构依照《中华人民共和国无线电管理条例》第七十二条的规定处理: (一)故意收发业余无线电台执照载明事项之外的无线电信号,传播、公布或者利用无意接收的信息的; (二)擅自编制、使用业余无线电台呼号的; (三)未经批准进行广播或者发射通播性质的信号,超出业余无线电台使用属性之外的目的使用业余无线电台,未按照规定记录或者保留业余无线电台日志,以及其他未按照业余无线电台执照载明事项设置、使用业余无线电台的。 《中华人民共和国无线电管理条例》第七十二条 违反本条例规定,有下列行为之一的,由无线电管理机构责令改正,没收违法所得,可以并处 3 万元以下的罚款;造成严重后果的,吊销无线电台执照,并处 3 万元以上 10 万

Colorlight receiver card i6 v6

There are many versions of this  colorlight  receiving card Here is v 6.0, with heatsink removed SDRAM (U18): winbond  W9864G21b-6 4Mbit x 16 U29,U30: Gb Eth Phy U32: Lattice LFE3-35EA, devkit Question: yosys compatible? From Tom Verbeure , unfortunately NO!!!

海氏 C6 E61

 海氏 Hauswirt Official  website ebsite  Selling at Rmb 8699. What do you think?

No bypass brewer

 Sketch from Gagne: Examples: Aeropress, Yuropress Coffee consulate RS-16 Tricolate v3 $51 - expensive: Next level pulsar $65 - v expensive  How about diy? Timemore dispenser + aeropress clone (~$20)? If it takes 4 to 5 minutes to complete, temperature drop needs to take into consideration. Are these a "non pressurized" filter coffee? Reference: Scott Rao   Coffeeadstra   TBT: total brew time

E61 thermosyphon

  Some says a pre flush helps, having a PID even better. engineering espresso   But from HB , first and second shot is not that stable. Between 90 to 96 deg c  And HX requires a flow restrictor ( o ring)to improve the stability mobile01 Managing HX brew temp  ... With a cooling fan LM GS/3(saturated grouphead) does it much better  SCA protocol says 93 +/- 3 deg c From Ascaso : T group is actually refers to thermoblock type Warm up simulation using openFOAM, HB Reference  GS3

汽車電池 challenges

  按照美國能源部的計算,一旦電池成本降到每千瓦時125 美元,擁有並使用一輛電動汽車的成本就會汽油汽車低,至少在全球大多地區如此。 Techbang Solid state from GAC: solid state electrolyte with sponge silicon anode, to be in market 2026 Hyper-branded car with GAC's solid-state battery would probably cover 450 miles with the same battery footprint. GAC confirmed so, saying that the volumetric energy density of a solid-state battery pack with its 30 Ah cells is 52% higher than that of current ternary lithium batteries in performance EVs.

清明 2024


Amazfit bip repair

 After battery replacement  Battery connector keeps popping up The top metal part is NOT holding down the battery connector . Btw, what's purpose of that metal part?It's not in electrical contact with any circuits.... Have to fix it by adding glue!!! So far bad experience

Hammer driving force

Larry Haun: Newton's second law v^2=u^2+2*a*s And F=ma Assume the time of strike is same, Direct proportion to  -Hammer weight (mass) -acceleration -square of distance of strike. Turkish woodworker  Veysel Çelik : Time:~1/4 sec Travel:~50cm Nail:50 mm Hammer: 284g(10 oz) Timber: 3x4cm 松木或樟木,(畫框木) So the force is 11N In Tennis serve: So there's no "velocity hammer", but acceleration and how high you strike. Higher/longer is the strike, the square of increase is your driving force. And it doesn't matter which material ( titanium or steel) of hammer head is used Hammer weight, choose one as long as you can handle, not strain to your waist and elbow.  You should feel good in hand and good balance. Some heavy ones just too "head heavy". Also the manufacturers offer heavy head with shorter handles, with good reasoning. For me the max is ~16 oz Reference: Toppr


openpyxl is a Python library to read/write Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm/xltx/xltm files. It was born from lack of existing library to read/write natively from Python the Office Open XML format. All kudos to the PHPExcel team as openpyxl was initially based on PHPExcel. Pypi Realpython Youtube


 3月20 03:06:25.4 UTC 11:06:25.4 HKT

Pendulum and damping

Plumb bob is actually a type of pendulum. Movement is determined by Simple harmonic motion period of the pendulum was approximately  2*Pi*sqrt(l/g) Damping  and critically damping  Water vs air: 40 sec vs 60 sec  Dry and viscous damping Flapping of bird pendulum   By air Diameter of string  Helm string麻繩 vs nylon line: 40 sec vs 70 ~80 sec Eddy current and  Magnetic damping Reinventing ideas   Initial experiment with an existing plumb bob and two simple magnets is not too successful, needs more fine tuning. Otherwise you are making a chaotic pendulum instead. TBD. Another YouTube   Xmdemo  by varying the magnet to damper distance Magnetic braking(eddy current) with copper plate: ME230 Reverse  "Laser" plumb bob , laser firing upwards Laser firing downwards: Shinwa  , 易之力 EZX-038 Sikana  , using a wooden block with hole Plumb bob should be as close to wall as possible, almost touching. Stackexchange Isaac Plumb bobs  , storable   Constructor org Temple builder Smartbob Curso a

Casio FX9860 SDK

 GUI: CPU: Renesas (Hitachi) superH SH3 or SH4 Fx9860GII support OS update This CPU has been used as a LCD controller IC Forum Planet casio Codewalrus Wiki Comparison chart Using gcc E-Gadget Link of links

模板 - 樓梯

 地面級咀線 台英: 柱躉: 注意不是直角,而是斜向第一級 斜板: 突出幾個 不用鋸成“貼邊”.拆板時用鎚仔打掉突出部份。 Assume: Common dimensions of 私樓消防後樓梯。 級面225  級高175 級咀線37.875 degrees  級距285.044mm 級咀 踢腳距離138.137