

目前顯示的是 2月, 2015的文章

Janus-faced role of SIRT1

from NCBI SIRT1, a NAD+-dependent histone/protein deacetylase, has been emerging as a crucial regulator of assorted physiological events through deacetylation of various proteins related to apoptosis, DNA repair, and metabolism. SIRT1 is also involved in tumorigenesis; but it is still under much debate whether SIRT1 stimulates or suppresses carcinogenic processes. SIRT1 inhibits inflammation and activities of transcription factors that exacerbate carcinogenesis. Moreover, SIRT1 contributes to preservation of genomic stability. Thus, SIRT1 takes part in prevention, retardation, and suppression of carcinogenesis. SIRT1 is supposed to be underexpressed in tumors if it is indeed a tumor suppressor. Contrary to this supposition, substantial proportions of human cancer specimens have shown overexpression of SIRT1. SIRT1 aggravates inflammation, inactivates tumor suppressors, and, concomitantly, activates protooncogenes. In addition, SIRT1 promotes cancer cell proliferation, invasion, m

drugs from dirt

eLife drugsfromdirt

proton therapy

from youtube

Can we eat to starve cancer?

    from insightful nutrition Angiogenesis foundation

虎杖根 與 白藜蘆醇

Neuroprotective effects of resveratrol in Alzheimer disease pathology Growing Evidence Links Resveratrol to Extended Life Span from Life Extension Magazine March 2007 中草藥 : 主治: 湿热黄疸,淋浊,带下、水火烫伤,痈肿疮毒,毒蛇咬伤、经闭,癥瘕,跌打损伤、肺热咳嗽、热结便  趙生 :  利膽退黃,活血通經,清熱解毒,祛痰止咳 調理脂肪肝劑 虎  杖五錢    北柴胡三錢    白   芍四錢     枳實四錢    炙甘草二錢  雞骨草五錢    粟米芯一兩    生石決明兩半    蜜棗一枚 做法 : 1)採用瓦煲煎藥。2)洗淨藥材。3)取清水四碗煎剩一碗。     4)飯後飲服,每天飲一劑。 功用 : 活血消滯,散結消脂。      主治 : 脂肪肝。   肝癌方 材料 : 北柴胡三錢、白芍三錢、枳實四錢、炙甘草二錢、獨脚金一錢     垂盆草五錢、蠐螬一錢、虎杖五錢、生牡蠣一兩、生鱉甲一兩 功用解說 : 宣通氣血、消腫定痛、護肝抗癌。     主治 : 肝癌手術後治理。 A+醫學百科    中文百科在線  tangut  Michio Takaoka's research  resVida from DSM Japan study   white hellebore   Japanese Knotweed 虎杖  Melinjo Quackwatch: don't buy the hype More harm than good  


是中央人民广播电台主要的短波发射站 824台 福建省莆田市涵江区三江口镇后郭村 wikipedia wapiknow 豆瓣: 中国大陆2009年中波频率表

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ingredients Guazumae Folium 150 mg Parameriae Cortex 135 mg Zingiberis purpurei Rhizoma 100 mg Curcumae heyneanae Rhizoma 150 mg Manihotae Folium 187.5 mg another slimming tea ingredients Green Tea Parameriae Cortex Guazumae Folium Foeniculi Fructus Curcumae Rhizoma -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guazumae Folium - Bay Cedar: used to treat diarrhea, dysentery, colds, coughs, contusions, and venereal disease. It is also used as a diuretic and astringent. For shrinkage of mucous membranes to reduce vaginal mucous Parameriae Cortex - rapet wood: claims to to shrink the uterus after childbirth, also used as an anti ulcer treatment and treating wounds Zingiberis purpurei Rhizoma - ginger: The treatment of dyspepsia, flatulence, colic, vomiting, diarrhoea, spasms, and other stomach complaints Foeniculi Fructus - fennel 小茴香 M

cinnamomun cassia 桂皮, rhodiola rosea 紅景天

cinnamomun cassia ( on the left) rhodiola rosea claimed to to lower blood sugar in diabetes