

目前顯示的是 2011的文章

NAS hacking

D-link has a very low-priced NAS D-link DNS-321, and some german has made some access into it, and you can have more control of the firmware. here's the link

php: print_r not working properly

<?php   $str = "Hello world. It's a beautiful day.";   print_r (explode(" ",$str)); ?> try add these: <?php   $str = "Hello world. It's a beautiful day.";   echo'<pre>';   print_r (explode(" ",$str));   echo'</pre>'; ?> The <pre> HTML tag defines preformatted text. Text in a pre element is displayed in a fixed-width font (usually Courier), and it preserves both spaces and line breaks . link


作为一个事情的组织者,作为一个领导,无论领导的职务大小,只要你对一个事情负责,要全盘去处理这个事情,你光有能力是不够的,还必须要有一定的魄力!要处理好能力与魄力的关系,摆正两者的位置,用能力的提高促魄力的增强。 魄力是指处置事情所具有的胆识和果断的作风。简单的讲,敢于想,敢于做,勇于负责。对领导者来说,魄力是一种必不可少的素质。优柔寡断容易错失机遇,遇事不决常会降低效率,谨小慎微导致裹足不前。有些领导干部就是因为魄力不够,结果能力得不到发挥,工作打不开局面,单位形不成合力。 《三国》里面有曹操考验两个儿子的事,说曹操为了考验曹丕和曹植谁更能干,就故意让他们出辕门,又让守门士兵不放过去,后来杨修给曹植出了个主意,就让曹植说:“我奉丞相之命,有阻拦者斩”。“魄力”就是一个人处理和对待问题时,能发挥主观能动性,忽略不重要细节对整体的影响而做出正确的决定或选择,关键是他能够显示自我才干,自我思维,自我特点。从不拖泥带水也是魄力的一个重要表现,从容,干练,有一定的鼓动性或者说是带动性。是一种人格魅力。 现在各行各业都提倡变革,都在发生着一些或多或少、或大或小的变革,进行这些变革中不免有人畏缩不前,有人大胆尝试。显然前者不在讨论之列,关键是我们以什么来区分有胆识和鲁莽,区分果敢和草率的差别。我们可以找出它们之间的许多差别,但是不管什么差异最根本的一点我的理解应该是胆识和果断是与理性的判断为前提的,心血来潮,不计后果等等的做法是不能称其为有魄力。 但是,任何魄力都必须以能力为前提。能力是魄力之基。没有能力作内核,魄力就会表现为有胆无识、鲁莽行事,武断而不是果断;没有能力作翅膀,魄力就只能在地面跛行,根本无法飞上蓝天;没有能力作骨骼,魄力就是一尊泥塑,经不起狂风暴雨和时间的冲刷。其实,魄力是把“双刃剑”,必有能力作剑柄,这“剑”才能为我们披荆斩棘,开辟道路;否则,就可能伤着自己,危害他人,影响工作。 在实际工作中,个别领导误把魄力当能力,并用魄力证明能力,认为魄力越大能力就越大。有的不遵循单位发展的客观规律,不顾现实条件和需要,盲目出“新思路”,搞“大手笔”;有的不善调查研究,不会分析论证,情况不明决心大,心中无数乱拍板。一味显示魄力的结果往往是,“思路”成了“死路”,“大手笔”变成“大败笔”。这种喜欢在显示魄力上动心思、不愿在提高能力上下功夫的做法,既是行动上

Star B68

pros fast CPU : MT6573 3.5" HVGA slim WIFI GPS Bluetooth using Nokia 4L battery ( 2 pcs provided) capacitive touchscreen using common MicroUSB port, also used for charging Android 2.3.4 FM Radio cons Camera: 5 Megapixel. but performance seems like 1 Megapixel Only good for bright conditions has best resolution around 24 cm from object practically not usable for QR codes on magazines Audio: The Earpiece is not loud enough in noisy environment, and bass is not enough phone functions: no re-dial ( done by pulling down previous out-going call list) Screen Brightness is just enough in outdoors, even though turn backlight full on. The capacitive screen is sometimes over-sensitive, and sometimes have mis-triggers just by holding the phone edge. GPS, hopefully has higher sensitivity, can lock on with 1 minute. Now takes 2~ 4 minutes

Chinese Threat - America's New War

What's wrong with firefox?(firefox 3.6.24)

Strange firefox fonts, strange table alignments in Ubuntu But Chromium looks just fine. Now I found the reason. In Firefox: 1. goto Edit >> Preferences. 2.  goto Content Tab, for  Fonts and Colors, choose Times New Roman, size 12 Click Advanced button, and for fonts of Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong) Traditonal Chinese (Taiwan) and Other Languages Proportional: Serif Serif: Times New Roman Sans-serif: Arial Monospace: serif   Now, it looks much much better 

香港DAB 技術規格

數碼聲音廣播【DAB+】技術, 根據 : – 歐洲尤里卡【Eureka-147】制式標準 ETSI EN 300 401 – HE AAC v2 編碼技術 ( ETSI Standard ETSI TS 102 563) • 傳送頻率 : – 219.584 – 221.120兆赫, 中間頻率 220.352兆赫 – 即是數碼聲音廣播頻道11C DAB vs DAB+

Digital Audio Broadcasting DAB

2011年3月24日: 香港數碼廣播有限公司 、 新城廣播有限公司 和 鳳凰優悅廣播有限公司 獲發牌照提供數碼聲音廣播服務。 香港電台 亦將會在2011年底啟播 優點: 單一頻道可以覆蓋全港,流動接收及選台更方便,不需調校頻率 播放媲美數碼多媒體產品(如MP3)的高音質節目 接收穩定、免除雜音 為聽眾帶來多元化節目選擇 提供文字及圖像訊息服務,可提供新聞頭條、天氣情況、交通消息等 在同寬度的頻帶上,DAB+可提供的頻道較FM多 免費 技術規格 超過30國家已開始DAB廣播或試播, 正式啟用的國家 包括 澳洲 比利時 中國 捷克 丹麥德國 香港 馬爾他 荷蘭 挪威 星加玻 南韓 瑞典 瑞士 英國 品牌: Arcam Bush Grundig LG Oxx Pure Roberts Sangean Sony Tangent IC 供應商: Frontier Silicon Atmel Silicon Motion

My view on Android

Android is an operationg system developed by Google, and based on linux kernel. It sees phenonmenal growth since 2009, firstly from mobile phones, then to tablets. The growth pattern is also very similar to linux. Linux, is now 20 years old, and is still growing / evolving rapidly. It's very grass-root style movement, based on GPL open source concepts. There's lots of info on the internet, free apps on Google Market. Yet many says that the tablet market is dominated by iPad from Apple, but it's still similar scenario as "Linux vs Microsoft". Linux did not try to compete with Microsoft, and shows no interest on it. Similar belief is in Android. They promote a FOSS ( Free open-sourced softwares ) ecosystem, that let everyone to participate / modify your device. It's same concept that "If you cannot open it, you do not own it" Android may not become the winner in tablet market / mobile phone market, but it won't die. I went to 桑達

Plastic Logic

Cambridge University’s Cavendish Labs and I’m joined by Professor Henning Sirringhaus, who is a founder and chief scientists for a company called Plastic Logic Plastic Logic is a little start-up company in Cambridge that make plastic electronics. So if you imagine your plastic bag that you use to do your shopping that’s a very uninteresting thing. It doesn’t do much. But you can make electronic devices such as transistors, light emitting diodes, solar cells using these plastic materials in the same way that you would use silicon for conventional electronics. Plastic Logic is a company that’s exploiting this materials research for displays. The core of the technology is to make plastic transistors using a plastic semiconductor. So what you need for a flexible display are lots of transistors on a flexible substrate. Plastic Logic uses PET, which is the material from which coke bottle are made as a substrate. It then deposits an array of transistors onto that substrate. It can be


Screen Size : 18.5" Wide Resolution : 1366x768 Pixels Brightness : 250 cd/m2 Pixel Pitch : 0.300 mm View Angle : 170º Horizontal - 160º Vertical Contras Ratio : 40000:1 (Dynamic) Response Time: 5 ms Speakers: Built in DVI: Y D-Sub: Y Weight: 3.6 Kg use min 82 dots per inch now I use 87 dots per inch: Smoothing: no effect Hinting: Slight

M12 hardware info - from Quadrant

System SDK version: 2.3.1 ID: GINGERBREAD OS name: Linux OS version: Device Model: sdkDemo Product: sdkDemo Board: sdkDemo Brand: rockchip Fingerprint: rockchip/sdkDemo/sdkDemo:2.3.1/GINGERBREAD/eng.wbx.20110822.165452:eng/test-keys CPU Name: ARMv7 Processor rev 2 (v7l) Current freq: 1008 MHz Max freq: 1008 MHz Min freq: 1008 MHz Cores: 1 Architecture: 7 BogoMIPS: 1004.66 Hardware: RK29board Revision: 2 Serial #:0000000000000000 Memory Total: 524288 kB Free: 6684 kB Inactive: 129096 kB Display Resolution: 1024x768 Refresh rate: 0.01 Hz GPU(OpenGL) Vendor:Vivante Corporation Renderer:GC800 Graphics Engine Vesron: OpenGL ES-CM 1.1 Max texture units: 4 Max texture size:8192 Max lights:8 VBO: supported Frame buffers: supported Cube maps: supported Texture combiners: supported DOT3 combiner: supported Crossbar combiner: unsupported .... .... .... Sensors MMA8451Q 3-axis Accelerometer >> detected also by Senser List AK8

M12 android tablet hardware info - from System Tuner

from system tuner: System Information Linux version (yick@yick-desktop)(gcc version 4.4.0(GCC)) #1273 PREEMPT Mon Augg 22 16:43:58 CST 2011 BogoMIPS :1004.66 Features :swp half thumb fastmult vfp edsp thumbee neon vfpv3 CPU implementer:0x41 CPU architecture:7 CPU variant :0x3 CPU part :0xc08 CPU revision:2 Hardware :RK29board Revision:0000 Serial :0000000000000000 CPU : ARMv7 Processor rev2(v7l)

using Microsoft (chinese) fonts in Ubuntu

Zimbio Ubuntu guy xgwang on Ubuntu 7.1 gutsy 如果你有一個方便的Windows機器(IANAL但我認為你需要一個 Windows 的 license ,以便合法使用的孔索拉字體),複製該文件到一方便的地方。 然後,在Terminal console 終端: sudo cp *.ttf /usr/local/share/fonts cd /usr/local/share/fonts sudo chown root:root *.ttf sudo fc-cache -fv ubuntu.cn the default font I choose is Arial ( from Adobe ), font size 16

working with MS access mdb files in Linux

It seems there is no easy direct way to work on a M$ access mdb file But you can extract the file contents and convert to csv format, and then use Openoffice to view it 1. Install MDBTools 2. use a python script to automatically convert to a CSV format file here is a link with a small python script to do conversions

So did Einstein get it wrong? Scientists clock particles travelling faster than the speed of light

CERN claims neutrinos went faster than the cosmic speed barrier of 186,282 miles per second (299,792 kilometers per second) A neutrino beam fired from a particle accelerator near Geneva to a lab 454 miles away in Italy traveled 60 nanoseconds faster than the speed of light Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2040735/So-did-Einstein-wrong-Scientists-clock-particles-travelling-faster-speed-light.html#ixzz1Yjq4R7ii “The feeling that most people have is this can’t be right, this can’t be real,” said James Gillies, a spokesman for the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, outside the Swiss city of Geneva. Mr. Gillies told The Associated Press that the readings have so astounded researchers that they are asking others to independently verify the measurements before claiming an actual discovery. “They are inviting the broader physics community to look at what they’ve done and really scrutinize it in great detail, and ideally for someone elsewher

ubuntu 10.10 apache web server setup

Via Synaptic Package Manager 1) install apache2 2) install php5 use static ip address /etc/network/interfaces auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask network broadcast gateway in apache2 add port 8080 as alternative http port etc/apache2/ports.conf NameVirtualHost *:80 NameVirtualHost *:8080 Listen: 80 Listen: 8080 etc/apache2/sites-available/default virtualhost *:80 .... ServerName joelinux.????.com .... .... /VirtualHost virtualhost *:8080 .... ServerName joelinux.????.com .... .... /VirtualHost Install firestarter for incoming policy add 8080 don't know why the images or photos cannot be displayed >> solved. Install php-gd via Synaptic package manager and php-Imagick for creating and modifying images a nice tutorial on Apache with Centos

Things to do before and after Ubuntu Installation

1. harddisk is not recognised by Ubuntu Installer. But you can mount the drive or the partition, and no problem to perform reads or writes Follow this link to remove the tags Ubuntu Installer can't find my SATA drive 2. Logitech Cordless Optical Keyboard I just use "generic Logitech keyboard" and is just fine. The numeric keypads are working correctly. Don't select "Logitech cordless optical keyboard". My model is Y-RK49 3. install numlockx, and modify the X startup scripts, so that numlock is always ON when X windows is started Enable Numlock Upom Login 4. fix the clock As I am using same PC with multiple Operationg Systems installed, the real time clock is used differently. Windows is thinking the realtime clock is local time, while in Ubuntu thinks it's UTC so I change the Ubuntu /etc/default/rcS scripts to UTC=No UbuntuTime 5 Make grub menu visible and with boot messages visible grub2 it is located it /etc/default/grub ma

2 car accidents captured on webcam in Hebei, China

slippery and scary

Sony SLT-A77 OLED viewfinder

Spec : AMOLED 1024 x 768 XGA 100% frame coverage ( should be ) frame rate: 12 fps max review shows that Cons: Sony's new OLED technology does a dramatically better job with highlights than most any EVF approach we've seen in the past, but we found that the tonal problem has now moved to the shadows: In scenes with a wide tonal range, it can be tough to see any detail in shadow areas without momentarily re-framing to get the viewfinder to gain-up a little. Even with the brightness adjustment set to maximum, when I brought the viewfinder to my eye while shooting under bright sunlight, the EVF display was significantly less bright than the surroundings. While great progress has been made, even the A77's OLED display doesn't come close to providing the dynamic range of a purely optical system. Likewise, update lag during continuous shooting is still at least somewhat an issue. Pros: One very useful improvement over optical viewfinders comes at the opposite


DNS setting in Ubuntu 10.04

itś located in /etc/resolv.conf for netvigator, I add these 2 lines #google DNS servers nameserver nameserver #netvigator DNS servers nameserver nameserver the DNS server address can be found by whois: eg http://who.is/dns/netvigator.com/

Cannot attach files in new Yahoo Mail, in ubuntu 10.04

recently, change to use New Yahoo Mail. I thought everything is just fine. But then I found problem to attach files. The "attach" icon keeps on looping for minutes ( forever ) and didn't complete I thought it was Yahoo Mail. But it's definitely related with Ubuntu too. If I use another PC running Windows, and use Internet Explorer or Firefox to do same thing, it works !? It seems to me similar to Adobe flash stuff plugins in Firefox. EG, there is non working flash videos, cannot attach multiple files in Yahoo Blog Need to dig more. Have fun 12 Aug follow the link, and did what it does http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Flash%20does%20not%20work%20properly%20or%20will%20not%20update Now sure that the flash plugin is using adobe itś actually located in /etc/alternatives ls fire-fox-flashplugin -al firefox-flashplugin -> /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so so whatś still stopping? 12 Aug after several testing with different c

RQ-170 Sentinel

stealth UAV for reconnaisance It was said that it was providing realtime video feed for Osaba Bin Laden operation that night

Why the new library didn't work in Arduino

If you are 200% sure the tried, proven, and working by others besides you. You may forget to refresh you Arduino Development Environment. case 1: in your sketch code: #include "?????.h" rather than #include should be used case 2: you have started your Arduino Development Env. Later, you added a new library folder under your Arduino directory you then test the sketch codes, and found "error in ???.h" >> You must close the Arduino and add the library first, and re-start Arduino to take effect

Eurocopter X3, more than 300 km per hour

Will be in Paris air show this year 2 turbofan and 1 main rotor

Alejandro Mendez from El Salvador is the 2011 World Barista Champion

Congratulations to Alejandro who put in a stunning performance to fend off stiff competition from 5 other top baristas to be crowned World Barista Champion of 2011 Watch online here Alejandro partnered with Steve Leighton of Has Bean coffee roasters to produce the award winning roast of Ernesto Menendez's Finca La Illusion - grown on the slopes of the Sanata Ana volcano in El Salvador Here's Steve's tasting notes from his website http://www.hasbean.co.uk/pages/El-Sa...-Number-1.html The other finalists who represented their countries and did themselves proud are; 2. Pete Licata - USA 3. Matt Perger - Australia 4. Javier Garcia - Spain 5. Miki Suzuki - Japan (#1 female barista) 6. John Gordon - UK The trend is that people/judge are stressing more and more the front process of coffee - The farming, harvesting and processing. Just like Alejandro who's from a El Salavador, closely coneected with his local farms, make the (exotic) signature drink from cof

Vashti Bunyan - Train Song

This song is catching attention again, hearing this in Samsung Smart TV commercial. Music is just timeless

Starbucks Acquires Full Ownership of Starbucks Stores in Central, South & Western China

SEATTLE, June 01, 2011 - Starbucks Coffee Company (NASDAQ:SBUX) today announced the signing of a contractual agreement with Maxim’s Caterers Ltd, its long time joint-venture partner in South China, including Hong Kong and Macau. Starbucks has assumed 100 percent equity of its business in the important China provinces of Guangdong, Hainan, Sichuan, Shaanxi and Hubei, and the municipality of Chongqing. As a result, Starbucks now has full control of more than half of the Starbucks retail stores in Mainland China as it looks to accelerate growth in the future. Also as part of the agreement, Maxim’s has acquired Starbucks remaining equity stake in the Hong Kong and Macau markets, assuming 100 percent equity of those markets.


English 中國大陸 香港 台灣 Espresso ESP特濃/義式咖啡 特濃/義式濃縮 義式濃縮 Espresso Machine 意式咖啡機 意式咖啡機 意式咖啡機 Cappuccino 卡布奇諾 泡沬咖啡 泡沬咖啡 Latte 拿鐵 鮮奶咖啡 ??? Pourover coffee machine 手沖 手沖 手沖 Drip coffee 美式咖啡 滴濾咖啡 ??? Drip bag 掛耳包 滴濾包 掛耳包 Siphon 單品咖啡壺 塞風/虹吸壺 塞風/虹吸壺 Instant Coffee 速溶咖啡 即溶咖啡 即溶咖啡

It's dragon boat festival

Today is time to watch dragon boat racing. This slowly turns into a small carnival. Also time for swimming. Today's temp is going to be 33 deg C !!!