

目前顯示的是 3月, 2022的文章

Carbon emissions from Sportswear

 The most used fabrics in that specific category are Cotton, Polyester, Spandex, Nylon.  Cotton needs gigantic amounts of water to be usable (10,000 liters for 1 kilogram of cotton). In addition, that resource is often harvested with fertilisers destructing biodiversity and causing sanitarian crisis in rural regions such as Central Asia. Polyester, Spandex and Nylon are synthetic fabrics derived from petroleum, as we all know, causing large amounts of carbon emissions or harming biodiversity. Those chemical innovations release microfibres which cannot be treated by recycling plants who release them into the sea with dire consequences on the marine environment. Sneakers are mainly made of petroleum-derived fabrics (Polyester, thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) ) which are the heaviest carbon emitting materials in fashion today. As a result the shoe market in 2020 was responsible of 1% of global carbon emission, an exorbita


 它是「古絲綢之路」以北保存最完整的,規模最宏大的一座古城遺址。黑水城,蒙古語稱為哈拉浩特,又稱黑城。 亦集乃,又譯亦即納,西夏 黨項 語意為「黑水」,又名黑水城。 黑城遺址位於內蒙古額濟納旗達來呼布鎮東南25公里處 原文網址: https://kknews.cc/travel/33oa3g.html  黑城遺址位於內蒙古額濟納旗達來呼布鎮東南25公里處 co-ordinates on Google maps  41.764897,101.1452143,536 黑城遺址位於內蒙古額濟納旗達來呼布鎮東南25公里處 原文網址: https://kknews.cc/travel/33oa3g.html 據史料記載,明初洪武五年,將軍馮盛西征將黑水城圍困。黑城是元朝時期的最後一個城池,由於城堅池深再加上城內補給充足所以久攻不下,後來明軍在黑城西南方向將黑城的唯一水源截斷,黑將軍在城內挖井但均未挖出水源,所以決定在城北挖洞突圍。後黑城被攻陷,明軍進城大肆屠殺搶掠,之後黑水城就變成了一座死城,在茫茫荒漠裡顧忌了數百年,直到19世紀末俄國探險者的闖入,是這座神秘古城重新聞名天下。   In The Travels of Marco Polo, Marco Polo describes a visit to a city called Etzina or Edzina,which has been identified with Khara-Khoto     When you leave the city of Campichu you ride for twelve days, and then reach a city called Etzina, which is towards the north on the verge of the Sandy Desert; it belongs to the Province of Tangut. The people are Idolaters, and possess plenty of camels and cattle, and the country produces a number of good falcons, both Sakers and Lanners. The inhabitants live by t

Fukushima 福島縣土震M7.4 earthquake on 16 March 2022

 JQuake: TeeFive youtube channel weathernews:  Kuriharacam: What is Gal ? ( basics of seismic monitoring) JQuake , brew install 國土交通省氣象廳  jma report mesonet   NERV on twitter Earthquake prediction : is there any scientific proof this actually base on, or just playing with statistics? I felt an earthquake

earthquake near Hong Kong 2022-03-13 18:00 UTC

 from HK stations(Broadband sensors only): HKO earthquake report .  What is interesting is the epicenter location. China and HK reported a location at sea (22.51N, 115.04E) near Huizhou. But USGS/IRIS reported ( 22.737°N  114.982°E± 7.1 km) it is on land. The difference is ~26 km. cenc report   ceic rthk news Raspberry shake event id:  rs2022fbthyr IRIS earthquake online URL builder     example:   https://service.iris.edu/irisws/timeseries/1/query?net=HK&sta=HKPS&cha=BHZ&start=2022-03-13T18:28:00&end=2022-03-13T18:32:00&format=plot&loc=--   list of online datasets

what it means to live with covid? Here to stay?

  Nature : Example:   lockdown policy in Singapore vs new cases in united kingdom   Endemic: The technical definition implies a relatively stable rate of transmission in a defined geographic area, without huge waves ripping through the population. It exists in the population at some level, it fluctuates, but it eventually settles where it’s going to settle. But endemic doesn’t reflect severity, said Uphsur, of the U of T. “Hundreds of thousands of children die from malaria every year. That has been a stable phenomenon over time.” Tuberculosis, endemic in many places, also kills huge numbers.  Svalbard, Norway: “Even though the pandemic is not over, and the health preparedness on Svalbard is still vulnerable, the risk that covid-19 infection will lead to a critical load on the health preparedness on the island is considerably less now than before during the pandemic. Therefore, we can make these changes now, which will be positive for the Svalbard community and the local business commu