

目前顯示的是 4月, 2023的文章


 30/4/2023 全球暖化令氣溫上升,極端天氣變得頻繁,相信市民都感受到持續乾燥或大雨的情況愈來愈多。新任天文台長陳栢緯指出,原因是傳統的氣候模式正在改變。 「過去南海較難生成熱帶氣旋,因為範圍較小,但不知是否因為海溫較高,近年也能有東西成形,至於是否成熟的熱帶氣旋就較難說,但也有生成的過程,就在旋轉。拉尼娜現象也有影響,令風季較遲。」 陳栢緯表示有迹象顯示南海比以往更容易形成熱帶氣旋,本港風季的時間有被推遲的情況,如去年就受到拉尼娜現象影響,11月仍有八號颱風信號,前年12月亦有風暴進入南海,天文台要發出一號戒備信號。 陳指出,面對氣候變化為天氣預測帶來的挑戰,天文台正爭取資源建立新的天氣雷達,預計可比現時早5分鐘發出暴雨預警,亦會引入人工智能預測天氣;如近年在東涌沙螺灣測試的「有源相控陣天氣雷達」效果理想,計劃設置4部雷達,在香港建立網絡,相信未來可以更早發出暴雨預警,亦有助監測冰雹。 Budget 2021-22: ...taking forward the trial implementation of a rented Phased Array Doppler Weather Radar, a new generation weather radar with higher scanning frequency, to assess its potential in territory-wide application for enhancing HKO’s work in monitoring and predicting high impact weather; 廣東 納睿雷達公司 公布,該公司研製並具有自主知識產權的X波段雙極化「有源相控陣天氣雷達」Phased Array Doppler Weather Radar,今日(22/10/21)由天文台沙螺灣氣流剖析儀站完成了調試安裝,正式投入業務運行。 公司指,AXPT0364雙極化相控陣天氣雷達是目前先進的軍用技術外溢到民事領域而衍生出的新一代天氣遙感探測設備,具有超高精細化雲雨探測功能,在探測龍捲、冰雹、短時強降水等中小尺度天氣系統中有明顯優勢。新型雷達將無線電雙極化收發技術和電掃相控陣技術有機結合,具有超高時空分辨率探測能力,可在60秒內對半徑60公里、水平0至360°,垂直0至60°的空間

EKCC 東九文化中心

 東九龍文化中心 X 藝術科技 X 符號是 crossover?相輔相成?還是... The most technology inclined cultural centre in HK! 東九文化中心將配備立體投影設備及沉浸式音響系統、全方位實時舞台追蹤及執行系統和網上直播系統等;並將其中一個多用途小劇場設置名為「創館」的試驗場地,另配備擴增/虛擬/混合/延展實境技術器材,包括270度環迴 LED電子顯示屏、4K攝影系統及影像處理系統,為業界提供一個研究和策劃及創作新作品的基地。 主題 Themes: AR, VR, ER, AI, Chatgpt, MoCap, edutainment  Open: 2nd half, 2023 IMHO, 角色定位,沒開幕已經很blur 模糊了。 科學館, 科學園,會展,Disneyland, Ocean Park, HKTDC,大館, PMQ, 西九文化區不是已經有類似event嗎? 今日講 AI , ChatGPT, 3個月半年後已經下一個generation了。 Metaverse 元宇宙到了2023已經不知去到哪裡。 Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, B站已經有一大堆ecosystem,相比之下, 點線面,更新速度有沒有那麼快,那麼無界限global presence 嗎? 現時科技發展,一日千里。 投資的硬件壽命周期很短,Lab /incubator 又怎樣push pull?是synergy 還是爭飯碗?目的是making profit 還是 resources provider ? 本地文化人/團體會怎樣看呢? 對象target audience 是本地,or for 遊客? 2022 digital arts festival 詩   Teamlab Let's see. Reference  facebook   Website   Pdf   Waves  江逸天 Olivier Cong

Full frame CCD in 2023

 IMX366, IMX455 and beyond IMX366: Full frame 8K resolution,  60P  For a 80mm f/4 telescope,Messier M31 Andromeda  FOV: 6.45 x 4.3 degrees For IMX455, it can be thought as full frame version of IMX571: QHY600 Pro I, Pro II, aka astronomical CCD, released in 2019 cloudbreakoptic review Risingcam   Medium format: IMX461 Question: Is it real, or just fake news? Sonyalpharumors  

Extended full well mode in IMX571 cameras

in PlayerOne Poseidon , 71 ke full capacity available right from the beginning in ASI 2600MC Pro, cloudynights apr 2023 now ZWO added the "extended full well mode" to 80 ke- full well, to  ASI2600MC Pro   ONLY  ( IMX571 sensor), and 15 FPS ( raw8) in Touptek, INDILIB forum in QHY268  IMX571 QHY offers four readout modes for the 268: 0 (photographic mode)  amplifier switch to lower noise at gain=26 1 (high gain mode).  amplifier switch to lower noise at gain = 56 2 (extended full well mode). Higher noise, but full well around 80Ke- 3 (extended full well mode 2CMSIT) Full well around 80Ke-, but readnoise 1.3x lower than mode 2 For mode 1, HQA measured 2.85e-/ADU readnoise at 0 gain setting.  This yields a system gain of 0.77e-/ADU, and a linear full well depth around 62K counts or 48Ke-.  He considered this the best combination for photometry, as fairly short exposures will have enough sky signal in broad-band filters that the sky noise will dominate over the readnoise, and you

chatgpt robot

  Github GPT-3PO: Voice commands -> Whisper API transcription -> GPT-4 maps instructions to robot API

Fengwu 鳳烏

Chinese researchers have developed an advanced artificial intelligence (AI) weather forecast system, pushing global medium-range weather forecasts beyond 10 days. The system, FengWu, is based on deep learning architecture of multi-model and multi-task, capable of generating high-precision global meteorological forecast results for the next 10 days in 30 seconds. Global medium-range weather forecasts are significant in meteorological and climate forecasting to predict the atmospheric system status in the next 14 days. Compared with the traditional physical models, FengWu reduces the error by 19.4 percent and extends the forecast range to 10.75 days based on reanalysis data, according to the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, one of its developers. In the future, the system can complement the traditional physical models in weather forecast digitalization and support industries such as agriculture and forestry Shlab   Arxiv

Easter, Lent how to calculate

Vernal Equinox is March 20 or 21, the ecclesiastical full moon is the 14th day of a tabular lunation (new moon), and Easter falls on the first Sunday following the first ecclesiastical full moon that occurs on or after the day of the vernal equinox. 春分是3月20日或21日,教會滿月是平月(新月)的第14天,復活節是春分當天或之後出現的第一個教會滿月之後的第一個星期日。 The first day of each of these lunar months is the ecclesiastical new moon. Exactly one ecclesiastical new moon in each year falls on a date between March 8 and April 5, both inclusive.  This begins the paschal lunar month (逾越節農曆月) for that year, and thirteen days later (that is, between March 21 and April 18, both inclusive) is the paschal full moon. Easter is the Sunday following the paschal full moon. In other words, Easter falls from one to seven days after the paschal full moon, so that if the paschal full moon is on Sunday, Easter is the following Sunday. Thus the earliest possible date of Easter is March 22, while the latest possible date is April 25. EG, in 2024 vernal e

Solar flare warning

  NOAA   Using R,S,G scale as indicator  CME: Solar flares having X Class is highest level, followed by B, C, M. Each letter means 10 times stronger What is X Class  flares  News: ChannelC   which is often exaggerating. From NOAA tweet @NWSSWPC: A R3 (Strong) HF radio blackout event occurred due to a X1.2 flare from Region 3256 on 28 March, 2023, at 10:33 pm EDT (29/0233 UTC). Visit swpc.noaa.gov for any additional information and updates. So UHF, VHF, AM, FM are not affected  NOAA SWPC  forecast on  - radio blackout - solar radiation storm - geomagnetic storm Space   Spaceweatherlive METoffice HKO space weather   Pskreporter  map display of UpTo past 24 hr Ham radio monitor  Solarham Australia   Astro gla  , impact on HF Comm 7, 14, 21 MHz 28 Nov 2023: M9.8 flare

When does Ramadan begin?

Ramadan is determined by sighting of crescent moon. For the moon to be visible, the moon must set after the moon When is the first crescent moon? Three methods: - calculation of ijtima ( sun moon geocentric conjunction) - time of sunset - position of sun - position of moon at sunset In the book Kitab ad-Dur al-Aniq (by KH. Ahmad Ghozali ) is included in the category of the tahqiqi bi at-tadqiq method with a very long algorithm and several corrections so that it gets very accurate results. 2 Rukyat (observation)   2023:   2020:   2018: Crescent moon watch   How to sight new crescent moon RMG  Yallop visibility   IMCCE for 2023 Aljazeera Lembago New criteria   Hukumonline  using Jean meeus algorithms  Implement astronomical algorithms   Hisab awal bulan hijriyah metode kitab ad-durr al aniq Prayer times Sciencedirect UTHM BRIN @OIFUMSU  brunei astronomy   brunei Darussalam FB   Astrotalk  Islam calendar background Convertdate in Python