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resveratrol, anthocyanin and warfarin

Resveratrol acts on many different tissues in the body. It is chemically related to estrogen. In some situations, high doses of resveratrol boost the activity of estrogen, in others they block estrogen. That makes resveratrol supplements iffy for women with cancer of the breast, ovary, uterus, or other estrogen-sensitive tissue, those trying to become pregnant, or those taking an oral contraceptive. Resveratrol makes platelets in the bloodstream less “sticky,” and so could increase the risk of bleeding in people who take warfarin (Coumadin), clopidogrel (Plavix), aspirin, ibuprofen, or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. harvard uni isotonix reservatrol faq Dietary Supplements: Safety, Efficacy and Quality. Katja Berginc,Samo Kreft  anthocyanin and heparin : 長庚紀念醫院 消費者委員會: 藍莓精華可改善視力的聲稱

肝素 heparin

肝素首先從肝臟發現而得名,天然存在於肥大細胞,現在主要從牛肺或豬小腸黏膜提取。 肝素是一種由葡萄糖胺,L-艾杜糖醛苷、N-乙醯葡萄糖胺和D-葡萄糖醛酸交替組成的黏多糖硫酸脂。 1、抗凝血: (1)增強抗凝血酶3與凝血酶的親和力,加速凝血酶的失活; (2)抑制血小板的粘附聚集; (3)增強蛋白c的活性,刺激血管內皮細胞釋放抗凝物質和纖溶物質。 2、抑制血小板,增加血管壁的通透性,並可調控血管新生。 3、具有調血脂的作用。 4、可作用於補體系統的多個環節,以抑制系統過度激活。與此相關,肝素還具有抗炎、抗過敏的作用。

What is glycobiology?

Defined in the narrowest sense, glycobiology is the study of the structure, biosynthesis, and biology of saccharides (sugar chains or glycans) that are widely distributed in nature.   society for glycobiology education resource Knowledge of Glycobiology can improve your health: Glycosylation glycosylation means enzymatic attachment of saccharides onto proteins, and glycation refers to exclusively non-enzymatic protein modification. Glycosylation is an important biological process that serves a number of key functions. These include, but are not limited to, proper protein folding, increased protein stability, and overall diversification of the proteome. It's a carefully regulated and essential process.  It has been shown that the long-term products of glycation, so called advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs), accumulate in tissues of living organisms with age.The older we get, the more of these AGEs we seem to accumulate on our long-lived protein

Tips for Lowering AGE Consumption

Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs): Foods High in AGEs • Sugary items such as candy, cookies, cakes, soda, and pastries • Processed foods, including packaged meats and cheese • High-fat (especially red) meats • Fats, including butter, margarine, and oil • Fried foods Foods Low in AGEs • Fruits and vegetables • Seafood • Whole grains • Low-fat breads • Pasta • Vegetarian burgers Cooking Methods • Use a slow cooker • Cook foods in water through boiling, steaming, or poaching • Marinate foods in acidic or citrus-based sauces Healthful Lifestyle Changes • Get the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep per night • Exercise 150 minutes per week • Treat preexisting conditions such as obesity and high blood pressure source : AGE foundation ( suspended as of 7 Aug , 2015) wiki 美肌大敵 glycobiology

What is in your supplement?

The authorities, New York State attorney general, said they had conducted tests on top-selling store brands of herbal supplements at four national retailers — GNC, Target, Walgreens and Walmart — and found that four out of five of the products did not contain any of the herbs on their labels. Ginseng pills at Walgreens, promoted for “physical endurance and vitality,” that contained only powdered garlic and rice Walmart, the authorities found that its ginkgo biloba, a Chinese plant promoted as a memory enhancer, contained little more than powdered radish, houseplants and wheat. Three out of six herbal products at Target — ginkgo biloba, St. John’s wort and valerian root, a sleep aid — tested negative for the herbs on their labels. From GNC, Herbal Plus brand: Gingko Biloba: No gingko biloba found Did detect allium (garlic), rice, spruce and asparagus St. John’s Wort No St. John’s Wort found Did detect allium (garlic), rice and dracaena (a tropical house