

目前顯示的是 9月, 2020的文章

loongson MIPS64

  MIPS64 RISC 28 nm the benchmarks shows it is bottom 2nd laptop from BYD with 14nm quad-core 3A4000 CPU. Longsoon claims the CPU is 100% faster than the previous generation 3A3000 and is comparable in performance to AMD's "Excavator" cores used in the A8-7680 Godavari architecture. Of course, this demonstrates how far behind Longsoon is from TSMC and Intel in performance, speed, and efficiency of its latest node. benchmarks compare CSDN

maillard reaction in coffee roasting

      from Anne Cooper,cafe culture

chang'e 5 lunar mission 嫦娥5號

  to be launched on 24 Nov, 2020 ( previous was Oct, 2020) landing site: Mons Rümker ESA DSN support tracking : Unlike Chang'e 4 which was equipped with a radioisotope heater unit to survive the extreme cold of lunar night, the Chang’e-5 landing and sampling need to take place within a single, 14-Earth-day lunar daytime.  TCM-1: 14:00 UTC 24 Nov 2020 TCM-2 and -3: TBA 112 hours to moon. sunrise over Mons rumker landing site on late 27 Nov Lunar orbit insertion to a 200 km elliptical orbit on 28 Nov 嫦娥五号探测器需要进入近地点200公里、远地点约41万公里的地月转移轨道,对运载火箭的能力提出了很高的要求。 Lunar landing:  20:30 UTC  29 Nov The total mission is expected to last a total of 23 days until landing in Dorbod Banner, Inner Mongolia, around December 16–17. Samples would then be transferred to specially developed facilities for handling, analyzing, and storing the lunar material.    嫦娥五号任务计划实现三大工程目标: 一是突破窄窗口多轨道装订发射、月面自动采样与封装、月面起飞、月球轨道交会对接、月球样品储存等关键技术,提升我国航天技术水平; 二是实现我国首次地外天体自动采样返回,推动我国科学技术重大进步; 三是完善探月工程体系,为我国未来开展载人登月与深空探测积累重要的人

primary and secondary surveillance radar system in Hong Kong

  There are two principal types of radar system used for ATC, namely primary surveillance radar (PSR) and secondary surveillance radar (SSR). A PSR transmits radar pulses and detects the reflected signals from the aircraft concerned. It provides information on the range and bearing of aircraft in the form of a target blip on the radar screen.  An SSR provides information on the position, altitude and identity of aircraft in the form of target label on the radar screen. It does so by transmitting interrogation signals to trigger the transponder on board an aircraft, which in turn transmits special coded signals back to the SSR to provide the concerned information. Thus, effective operation of an SSR is subject to the availability and proper functioning of the aircraft’s transponders. Not all aircraft have transponders. Some military aircraft, for instance, do not.   A PSR, on the other hand, does not rely on any transponder. To provide an adequate radar picture with a continuous display

former aviation reflector at black hill Lam Tin

You can see some strange big white rectangular hoardings when you are hiking along wilson trail 3, one is facing north east and the other south west. The boards were often tagged as 'former aviation reflector' Many said that it is for aircrafts, during foggy weather, when visibility is low. Common belief is that  they bounce back radio waves. Some say it is microwave antenna However, when you think more carefully, the shape of it do not reflect the waves back to aircraft as they should, it is rather a wave spreader than a reflector. What is it? If it is a reflector , it should look like a corner of a square box, or called as corner reflector.   It seems to be erected for the Hong Kong airport, likely be the previous Kai Tak airport. It could be part of the transponder system for air traffic control transponder or as special purpose secondary surveillance radar (SSR), or part of the SSR system. The electronics may have been removed after the Kai Tak airport was closed and /or su

mars 2020 exploration spacecrafts location update

Sep 21 From Jonathan McDowell: tianwen TCM-2

Ditting lab sweet grinder

  It claims to have higher extraction, more sweet, less bitterness, less fines 80mm flat burr, cast steel belt driven 13000 rpm    home-barista mobile01

coffee filters mesh sizes and extraction

from Matt Perger's experiment:       in ascending order of hole size hario paper filter: 20 nom. (30~40 meas) um Ameuus o2 50k holes: 30 um Ameuus o1 10k holes: 100 um Able disk fine: 150 um? Able disk standard: 300 um? metal filter for handdrip: 800目, 22um   CONFIL有田燒陶瓷濾杯( made of alumina powder): 50 um feebie  細粉篩粉器: 80 目, mesh 80, 180 um     VST espresso filter basket: 170um unknown brand made in italy, double portafilter basket: 300um, 715 holes mesh size table ( ASTM ):    Question: sifting claims to reduce bitterness in cup ( i dont think it's a bad thing), and brings clarity. Most says they also let more coffee oil into cup ( wrt paper filter) OTOH, some minor nuances might also be filtered out too, and cause less complexity/ monotonic question: will too small hole size also blocks coffee oils?   coffeeastra  

decoding interplanetary spacecraft using gnuRadio



 2020年 9月12日 中國的「快舟」運載火箭繼七月之後,再次發射衛星失敗。當局通報,昨天下午一時,甘肅酒泉衛星發射中心利用「快舟一號甲」運載火箭發射「吉林一號」高分02C衞星,但火箭飛行出現異常,發射失利,正分析具體原因。「快舟一號」是由中國航天科工集團研製的全固體燃料小型運載火箭,全長二十米,起飛重量三十噸,二○一三年投入使用。   Jilin-1 Gaofen (‘high resolution’) 02C optical Earth observation satellite. The satellite was understood to have 0.76-meter resolution capabilities with a swath width of 40 kilometers.   The Kuaizhou-1A, understood to be derived from missile technology, consists of three solid stages and a liquid propellant upper stage, and is capable of lofting a 200-kilogram payload into a 700-kilometer sun-synchronous orbit (SSO). The Kuaizhou-1 launcher, developed by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASIC), is a small, solid fueled launch vehicle, which is possibly based on the road mobile DF-21 IRBM with two additional upper stages.  kknews global security   skyrocket  Norbert Brugge  

gene coffee roaster and mods

    owner's manual service manual illustrated parts breakdown Coffee time wiki jong ken on heater wire replacement  coffeeclub99 heater mod to 1850W and repair blogs and ruten artisan software Automation mod from N Sager (aka Brewtal) this one from Evan Graham (aka evquink) and roasthacker : bean mass probe bracket on thingiverse evquink's github on bean mass probe v2   wifi temperature broadcast RaspberryPi mod from r0bin about temperature readings on HB :   unconfirmed. the thermal sensor on the heater box side is the feedback probe for controlling the temp you set. The temp read ( on the LED display) is from the exit side probe. The air temp entering the roasting chamber would then be limited to the 250 deg c max.  Remember this unit is reading air temp. Not bean temperature.  The heater side sensor seems to be type k embedded in hex screw, whereas on exhaust side, seems to be type k with metal sheath


  likely be base on Shenlong project 863 : 火箭:CZ 2F/T 四大特點: 第一是無人航天器,第二是由運載火箭發射升空,第三可在太空軌道上長時間停留並進行機動變軌,第四還可以自主着陸。 china-aerospace.blog leonarddavid zarya