

目前顯示的是 6月, 2014的文章

872 竺可桢号

872 竺可桢号简介 872 竺可桢号 ,原名“海洋 20 号”。首艘 636A 型海洋综合调查船, 2003 年 5 月在中国船舶工业总公司芜湖造船厂开工建造。船上装备有 20 余项测量系统,在执行海上作战的准备工作中,可对距岸 100 海里以外海区进行水深测量,海底地貌测量,海底表层地质探测,扫海测量,海洋重力测量,海区温度、盐度、密度测量,验潮、海洋气象观测及投放军用浮标等。 872 竺可桢号加装深海 6000 米扫测装置 10 日将抵马航 370 搜索区 海軍360 

MH370 search goes to new phase

after may 2014, now the search moved to a new search team. The new search zone comes as Dutch engineers begin a survey to map uncharted deep sea terrain at the bottom of the Indian Ocean in search of the plane. A survey ship from Dutch engineering company Fugro, carrying 40 crew and technicians, began mapping out an area larger than the Netherlands, some 1,600 kilometres off the West Australian coast. The search for the lost plane is being coordinated by the ATSB, and is expected to cost $60 million in the first year. Fugro usually conducts surveys of ocean floors for oil and telecommunications companies. Strategy director Rob Luijnenburg says this search area is in a particularly rough location. "The area has mountains, ridges, valleys, and you can't see a lot down there unless you make it visible with technology," he said. "For the first phase you need a good map, once you have that you can plan the next phase." It will take roughly three month

市面上最健康 / 最高卡路里 雪糕

最唔科學, 最唔全面统計結果:  

some less common indian spices / cooking ingredients

i found from an indian grocery store Indian name English name comment char goond gum arabic or cassia gum choara rang kat dried dates yellow Gond katira Tragacanth Gum E413 kutta atta buck wheat mehti seed fenugreek seed neem Nimtree or India Lilac to prevent insects eating the clothes and also while storing rice in tins. Neem leaves are dried and burnt in the tropical regions to keep away mosquitoes Rangkat Sodium dithionite reducing agent, in dyeing process samba wheat rava or Wheat Semolina Upma wheat semolina sooji / suji / rawa semolina suhaga borax sweet alma alma paprika? sweet makhana sweet lotus seed tukmalanga basil seed used in Shahi Falooda white till powder white sesame powder


昨天(11/6/14)大陸戰機升空去攔日本的偵察機,最近的距離只有30公尺。這也是上個月二十四號以來,不到三週內,雙方的軍機再度在空中對峙。跟據日本NHK電 視台報導,日本自衞隊的兩架偵察機,昨天中午在東海飛行,結果遇到大陸空軍蘇愷27型戰機近距離攔下來,雙方軍機最近的距離只有30公尺遠。這已經是短時 間內,大陸和日本軍機第二次空中對峙。上個月24號有兩架日本的偵察機,趁著大陸和俄羅斯舉辦軍事演習,飛入東海的軍演空域,同樣讓大陸蘇愷戰機攔下來。   雙方軍機最靠近的時候,一樣只有30公尺。軍機遭到攔截後,日本政府立刻向大陸提出抗議。不過大陸再度反咬日本,擅闖東海防空識別區,因此必須做出適當反應。 中國大陸今天(12日)表示,日本指控中國大陸軍機在東海空城逼近日本自衛隊飛機,目的在欺騙國際社會。 大陸國防部官網刊出的聲明還說,日本自衛隊飛機駕駛員所採取的行動危險、又具挑釁性質。 2架中國大陸蘇愷27(SU-27)戰機11日在靠近北京劃設的東海防空識別區,逼近日本自衛隊飛機,雙方距離僅30公尺。該空域和日本防空識別區重疊。 日本副外相齋木昭隆上午緊急召見北京駐日本大使程永華,就大陸軍機逼近日本自衛隊飛機一事提出「嚴重抗議」,要求中方採取措施,防止類似事件再次發生。 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  面對日本方面再三炒作“中國軍機異常接近日本飛機”,中國國防部12日發布視頻,用事實反擊日方污蔑:6月11日,中國空軍航空兵部隊在東海防空識別區進行例行巡邏,10時17分至28分, 中方 圖 -154飛機在我近海有關空域正常飛行時,遭到日2架F-15飛機抵近跟蹤,最近距離約30米,嚴重影響中方飛行安全。《讀賣新聞》稱,中國國防部公布的 該事件是日本方面11日沒有對外說的,中國發布視頻形成對日本的強勢壓力。面對中國方面“有圖有真相”,日本防衛省有些慌了神。12日晚,面對記者的包 圍,日本防衛大臣小野寺五典稱,日本這是“符合國際法的、安全的緊急升空”。氣急敗壞的《產經新聞》12日引述不具名日本政府高官的話稱,中國方面發布的 “是完全沒有關係的事件視頻”。   “非常罕見”,日本時事通訊社12日評價中國國防部發布該視頻。報道稱,這兩段

study warns that home grade 3d printer poses similar threat as smoking

The emission rates measured during the printing of small plastic figures were similar to cooking on a gas or electric stove, or burning scented candles and even as harmful as cigarette smoke indoors. The study found that these printers produce a high amount of “ultrafine particles” (UFP) , which have the ability to become deposited in the lungs and penetrate the tissue, becoming absorbed right into the blood stream. from globalnews

red wine and dark chocolate: is it really good food for your heart?

Recent study show red wind and dark chocolate didn't help at all. Resveratrol levels had nothing to do with inflammation, cardiovascular disease or cancer rates.  “The thinking was that certain foods are good for you because they contain resveratrol. We didn’t find that at all,” Semba said. So should you ditch the dark chocolate and red wine? Both experts said they hope consumers weren’t eating these foods for the health benefits. For starters, chocolate can be high in calories, sugar and fat. Instead, stick to eating these foods in healthy portions. The study participants could very likely eat according to the Mediterranean Diet, which favours plant-based foods, such as vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts and less red meat. That eating pattern has been linked to reducing heart disease and stroke. from globalnews