

目前顯示的是 3月, 2014的文章

samsung processor business forecast

that's a tight spot to park

a new 80k pound range rover wedged between a wall and the basement

Formula One 2014 goes hybrid


上面白色是最易找到,$2x. 但漏水. 灰色, $4x, 是假冒 "MADE IN ITALY"  假冒 "MADE IN ITALY"  的標緻  左面是白色膠喉的喉頭, 右面是灰色膠喉的喉頭, 上圖左面是真正 好貨 ( MADE IN ITALY )灰色膠蓋.右面是冒牌 白色膠蓋. 膠蓋在安裝扭緊時爆開  上圖左面是真正 好貨 , 標了其他規格.右面是冒牌, 單單印了 MADE IN ITALY  好貨的膠蓋是可以下移, 露出喉頭及黑色軟膠墊 黑色軟膠墊是有坑紋. 質感較柔軟. 緊後可以"迫實"水龍頭 及喉蓋, 沒有滲漏 正板 MADE IN ITALY 賣 $4x, 價錢絕對合理. 冒牌貨在旺角新填地街買的, 也是$4x. 真是要小心!!! NB: MADE IN ITALY 是否真正 意大利制造實在無從考 証

Hitachi SF-800 washing machine - photos

Hitachi SF-800 washing machine - wiring diagram

Gigabyte P35 PS3R status

captured on 11 mar 2014 seagate hdd reports unusual high raw values for "Read Error Rate" and "Seek Error Rate", which is giving false impression that the drive is not functioning properly. Can anyone explain the meaning of such readings from S.M.A.R.T. ? see here