

目前顯示的是 5月, 2021的文章

docking to ISS

  The Crew Dragon also had a few jobs of its own to complete. Crew and capsule would spend about two hours performing 3 different burns of the sixteen Draco thrusters outfitted all around the Crew Dragon’s outer shell. The first phasing burn was needed to insert it into the correct orbit, followed a little while later by a boost burn to raise the capsule’s orbit even more. And lastly, a close coelliptic burn to flatten out the orbit around the Earth making it more elliptical, rather than circular matching that of the ISS. These three burns were completed while the crew was awake performing any necessary tasks. Two more burns remained to be completed, but those would need to occur much closure to docking with the ISS, one while the crew slept and one just before autonomous docking procedures were set to begin. Flyby: "The way the two vehicles navigate together is relative, where you get pieces of information from both vehicles and you do the calculation and then they know exactly w


 廣州今午(30日)召開疫情防控新聞發布會,廣州市衛健委副主任陳斌公布,自5月21日至5月30日,廣州累計新增5宗新型冠狀病毒確診個案,無症狀感染個案21宗。 廣州衛健委表示,廣州第一輪核酸擴大排查現場採樣工作基本結束,累計檢測225.26萬人次,昨日(29日)至今午2時,共發現20人染疫,其中無症狀感染者19人,確診病例1人。 自5月21日爆發疫情以來的感染者中,已檢測的基因測序結果高度同源,均為在印度發現且傳播速度極快的三重變種病毒 delta。 衛生防護中心上周六(22日)曾公布,廣東省被列為中風險地區並暫停廣東省的「回港易」,惟政制及內地事務局在上述消息公布6小時後出稿「轉軚」,將廣東中風險地區收窄至荔灣區龍津街錦龍匯鑫閣,並公布回港易計劃暫時維持不變。   深圳是由最早在英國發現的變異病毒所導致的,其傳染性和傳播能力比以往病毒有所增強。在廣州爲主發生的這起疫情,則是由最早在印度所發現的變異病毒所引起的,這兩個病毒的傳播能力都比以前有所增強,對內地現有的防控措施提出了不小的挑戰 6月1日 深圳市龍崗區出現無症狀本土感染個案,對於是否需要收緊回港易安排,食物及衞生局局長陳肇始表示,正與內地相關單位溝通,目前仍採用國家衞健委的名單。   深圳與廣州近日接連傳出新冠疫情,大陸《財新網》指出,疫情已導致廣州和深圳的港口效率大降,擁堵加劇。全球最大航運公司馬士基5月31日晚間公告,鹽田港防疫措施變嚴,西區作業仍未恢復,東區營運效率僅為正常水平的30%,預計未來一周碼頭將繼續擁堵,船舶延誤時間將延長為7至8天。 深圳5月21日在鹽田港國際貨輪的登輪作業人員例行檢測中,發現1例新冠病毒無症狀感染者,之後透過普篩又發現多名在鹽田港西作業區工作人員也遭新冠病毒感染。為控制疫情,鹽田區5月31日至6月1日對全區戶籍人口和暫住人口,進行第三輪全面核酸檢測。 6月6日 政府晚上更新「回港易」計劃下的風險地區名單,將廣東省廣州、深圳、佛山及茂名市多個區及安徽省六安市一個區,列作中或高風險地區。在抵港當天或之前14天,曾逗留名單上風險地區的香港居民,將不可按「回港易」獲豁免強制檢疫,而須接受14天家居檢疫。 特區政府將廣東省廣州市荔灣、海珠、越秀、番禺和南沙5個區;深圳市的龍崗區的西坑和安良社區,以及鹽田區的沙頭角街道東新村、沙崗圩、東海麗景花園、東海社區、鹽田港、沿港社區;佛山市的禪


   1名29歲乘印尼「GA876」航班來港的外傭(個案編號:11831),她於酒店完成檢疫後,居於僱主位於深水埗南昌站上蓋私人住宅匯璽第5A座家中,在第26日的強制檢測證實染疫。 確診患者的CT值為38,病毒量屬於低,另亦驗出帶有病毒抗體,至於深喉及鼻咽測試結果則暫為不確定。張表示,病人在社區感染的機會較低,由於考慮到她可能在印尼已受感染,故有可能是輸入個案。 問及今日確診外傭有否驗變種病毒,張指,L452R及N501Y的檢測在進行,由於其僱主家入口相通,故第5A及5B座都需強檢。而外傭在西營盤華麗都會酒店檢疫期間的採樣承辦商為Prenetics。 初步個案涉及1名39歲的印尼女傭,患者2月20日乘搭「SQ882」航班,經新加坡抵港,由於她長時間留於香港,若該患者最終確診,將被視為本地感染個案。 該名印傭入境後曾於外傭中心提供的寶寧大廈臨時住所,與另外4名外傭同住;4月6日至5月19日期間則於準僱主伯爵街伯爵園的寓所中居住,家中有6至8名成員,上述2幢大廈將被列入疫廈名單,有關住戶須接受強制檢測。她5月4日曾做檢測,當時未有驗出病毒,5月7日及20日曾往入境處辦理手續,由於她本欲於5月23日返回印尼,故5月21日到梁顯利中心檢測後揭發個案,現列作初步感染。 今日確診外傭於本周四(20日)在白田社區檢測中心進行採樣;而另1名初步確診外傭則在昨日(21日)在梁顯利油麻地社區中心採樣,前者承辦商為香港分子病理檢驗中心有限公司,後者為金域檢驗(香港)有限公司。 袁國勇總結近期7宗本地確診個案的調查分析,當中最近5宗本地個案及可能本地個案(個案11831、11833、11834、11835、11836),5人近月均有外遊紀錄。袁國勇指出,5個案的病毒量均很低,入院時IgG抗體測試為陽性,其中3宗的病毒基因排序顯示與第四波疫情無關,密切接觸者無任何確診個案。港大微生物學系對患者的血清進行測試,發現5名患者的 IgM抗體測試 結果均為陰性,推斷他們早在2至4個月前已感染,相信非在港染疫。衛生防護中心傳染病處主任張竹君表示,明天(30日)會將該5宗個案轉為輸入個案。  

fusion power

 Tokamak:   No current device has been able to generate more fusion power than the heating energy required to start the reaction. Scientists measure this assessment with a value known as fusion gain (expressed as the symbol Q), which is the ratio of fusion power to the input power required to maintain the reaction. Q = 1 represents the breakeven point, but because of heat losses, burning plasmas are not reached until about Q = 5. Current tokamaks have achieved around Q = 0.6 with DT reactions. Fusion power plants will need to achieve Q values well above 10 to be economic. ITER:   timeline ITER > DEMO > PROTO > mass scale fusion energy. by 2060 Feb 2022 In UK, JET’s latest experiment sustained a Q of 0.33 for 5 seconds. JET is a scaled-down version of ITER, at one-tenth of the volume  12 apr 2023 全超導托卡馬克核聚變實驗裝置(EAST), HT-7U, 周三(12日)晚上創造了新的世界紀錄,成功實現穩態高約束模式等離子體steady state h mode 運行403秒。 wiki STEP powermag scitechdaily

hong kong interesting places co ordinates, using Google maps

to measure destination by distance and bearing: http://www.geomidpoint.com/destination/   using siu sai wan as an example, wish to find a place which is:: bearing: 113 degrees distance: 10 km press "Calculate" and then "See it on map"  facing east or south east: heng fa 22.2799386,114.2357618 lobster bay 22.2947094,114.294899 tai au mun 22.2947094,114.2948994 shek o lover bridge 22.2294005,114.2562069 siu sai wan 22.2685813,114.2486733 hung hom ferry pier 22.3018106,114.1899297 butterfly bay 22.3716086,113.9696241 mui wo pier 22.264531,114.001386 how to find co-ordinates on google map, or click this link . Click the location, and it will show up on URL of course, if you want to find path of sun or moon you can do it on smartphone by  sun surveyor sun locator sunearthtools suncalc PlanIt moveabletype Vincenty Formulae in excel Vincenty in python  How Google Earth measure   long lat distance calculator geodata calc

ASI AIR review

 Wi Fi bridge or STA mode. This just increase  the cover range of WiFi connections of the ASI AIR box with your device ( smartphone or tablet). This DOES NOT provide internet access via your home wireless network

shenzhen SEG plaza wobble 深圳賽格大廈出現搖晃

The tower began to shake at around 1 pm on 18 May       Real-time monitoring of the building’s vibration frequency, tilt rate and settlement degree found that they did not exceed official safety parameters     Merchants were allowed to enter the SEG Electronics Market on Wednesday, but customers were still being denied entry The Shenzhen housing and construction bureau commissioned multiple professional institutions to conduct real-time monitoring of the building’s vibration frequency, tilt rate and settlement degree from 9pm on May 18 to 3pm on May 19, and found them all to be within official ranges set by China’s safety bodies, according to the statement released on the official WeChat account of the Shenzhen government. a preliminary investigation indicated that a combination of three factors, including wind, the subway line below the SEG Plaza, and temperature differences inside and outside the building, likely all played a part in what some experts have said was the creation of an

PolyU contributed to Tianwen-1 mission on landing site mapping and evaluation

     Two research teams at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) contributed to the Nation’s first Mars exploration project Tianwen-1. By harnessing their extensive experience in the field of aerospace science and technology, as well as their commitment to research excellence, PolyU researchers played a vital role in the Tianwen-1 mission, in collaboration with the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST). Professor WU Bo helped identify possible landing regions with advanced topographic mapping and geomorphological analysis technologies. Professor YUNG Kai-leung developed a sophisticated space instrument, the “Mars Landing Surveillance Camera (Mars Camera)”, for capturing images of the surroundings of the Red Planet and monitoring the status of the Zhurong Mars rover. Mars landing site mapping and evaluation Landing on Mars is a challenging endeavour due to several reasons, such as the complicated Martian surface, the very thin atmosphere as well as possible dust storms. There

Ibn al-Shatir

 replace quants with epicycles.  laid ground work for Nicholaus Copernicus Ptolemy model  E S Kennedy  Wiki

Ulugh Beg(兀魯伯, 烏魯伯格), great prince of stars

 One of the most important measurements carried out by Ulugh Beg's astronomers was the obliquity of the ecliptic. The ecliptic is the circular path described by the the sun in the course of a year, and its obliquity is the angle at which it cuts the equator. Establishing this precisely is important for a variety of other astronomical measurements and calendar calculations. The astronomers in the classical world had errors on the order of 7'-10'. Arab astronomers achieved for the most part much greater precision; in the case of Ulugh Beg, the error was only -0'32".    The most remarkable instrument in Ulugh Beg’s there was the huge Fakhri sextant, or underground mural quadrant which boasted a radius of 40m, making it, at the time, the largest astronomical instrument in the world of that type. in Samarkand 撒馬爾罕 ( 乌兹别克斯坦 Uzbekistan) The north–south axis of the main building was occupied by a huge sextant with a radius of 40 m (called Fakhrī sextant after that of Khu


  龔祖同 中國光學專家。江蘇川沙(今上海市)人。畢業於清華大學。留學德國,柏林高等工業學校畢業,獲優秀畢業生榮譽和特准工程師稱號。1938年回國後,曾任耀華玻璃廠廠長兼總工程師,長春光學精密機械研究所研究員和副所長,中科院西安分院副院長。中科院技術科學部委員。1979年加入中國共產黨。畢生從事高速攝影應用光學和纖維光學的研究工作,是中國高速攝影技術的創始人。建國前,曾為研製中國第一架野外雙筒望遠鏡作出重要貢獻。建國後,試製成功了中國第一批光學玻璃。後在他的倡導和組織下,有關科研部門先後試製成功中國第一台電子顯微鏡、紅外夜視望遠鏡、高速攝影機、60厘米天文望遠鏡和塑料自聚焦微透鏡等。在他領導下,西安光學精密機械研究所拉制了第一根光學纖維。1986年獲國家科學技術進步獎特等獎。著有《光學玻璃》、《二次γ射線的波長》、《望遠鏡的設計》、《光學玻璃製造技術的發展》、《高速攝影資訊理論》、《自聚焦纖維在高速網絡攝影中的應用》等。   龔氏網 興隆60厘米望遠鏡    興隆

伊斯蘭 天文化對古中國的貢獻 Jamal ad-Din Bukhari 扎馬魯丁

扎馬魯丁   Jamal ad din bukari  ﻦﻳﺪﻟﺍ ﻝﺎﻤﺟ Several Chinese astronomers worked at the Maragha observatory, founded by Nasir al-Din al-Tusi in 1259 under the patronage of Hulagu Khan 旭烈兀 in Persia. One of these Chinese astronomers was Fu Mengchi, or Fu Mezhai(傅穆斋或者傅蛮子,本名叫傅岩卿,道教或傳真教術士). 忽必烈繼位後,札馬魯丁任職於司天台,主持制定《萬年曆》。在1263年任命拂菻 人(今敘利亞,Sack of Baghdad)愛薛 Isa,專管西域星曆、醫藥;1267年(至元四年),他依據伊斯蘭教曆法撰著《萬年曆》Zij,由忽必烈頒行天下,在元代一直為人民所採用。同年,他在元大都(今北京)設觀象台  据李约瑟考证,札马鲁丁可能是札马鲁丁·伊本·穆罕默德·纳贾里,他表示不愿负责修建伊儿汗国首都南面的马拉盖天文台。受旭烈兀派遣而来中国。 Mongol conquest of khwarazmien empire In command of the more than 30 staff at Beijing’s Islamic observatory was Jamal Al Din, a renowned Persian astronomer. He oversaw the creation of a handbook that explained the methods of Islamic astronomy. This and other works by the Islamic scientists were later translated into the Chinese languages and studied by Beijing’s elite astronomers.  7 instruments.  《元史》天文誌、歷誌中記載 , 七種觀測天象的「西域儀象」   (1)咱秃哈刺吉 ,汉语叫“浑天仪”,以铜制成,刻以周天度,画以十二辰位,由内外几个环结合而成,可以旋转,透过窍洞,观测天象;

astroberry wifi not working

out of the box, Wi Fi connection is not yet set up( for internet access), and WiFi HotSpot is set at priority -999, which is lower than 0 ( default priority) Please note that the wireless port can be set either as Wi Fi HotSpot mode, or Wi Fi client mode ( to connect to your local Wi Fi network), but NOT both at the same time.  assuming your home network is set as 192.168.1.### segment. In this way, astroberry is set as HotSpot mode, you will find that you cannot connect to internet !!! On astroberry.io, Quick Start suggest using wireless connection to connect to internet, but I suggest using wired connection. Simple solution: 1. connect wired ethernet from router to astroberry. Internet access is via this ethernet connection. 2. connect to astroberry via HotSpot. 3. once logged in, update the apps if necessary. In addition, you may do this 4. check  ip address  of astroberry from router 5 use putty to SSH, and login login as astroberry.  6 or use VNC viewer to connect 7 you may ifcon

variants of concern list from CHP HK

13 May   Following the announcement by the World Health Organization on the classification of the variant strain B.1.617 (India) (delta/kappa) as the fourth Variant of Concern (VOC), after the three variants  B.1.1.7, alpha (UK)  B.1.351, beta (Africa)  and P.1, gamma (South America) the CHP will, with immediate effect, use L452R as the indicator of the new VOC, similar to the practice of using N501Y as the indicator for the other three VOCs. Cases positive with L452R will be managed with the same epidemiological control and prevention measures as those for cases positive with N501Y. 第四波是印度尼泊爾病毒株 but B.1.525 is not on the list at this moment  20 Aug 2021, Delta G/478K.V1 (B.1.617.2+AY.*) is now the dominant VOC all around the world The next challenge to face will be immunity escape of newer variants 1 Sep 2021 The World Health Organization said it has identified a new coronavirus “variant of interest,” named mu—also known by its scientific name, B.1.621—in its weekly pandemic update CD

魯平就香港問題答記者問 1993年3月17日 人民日報海外版

 鲁平就香港问题答记者问 如果彭定康一意孤行,中国政府将按基本法的设计“另起炉灶”; 既然英方关闭了谈判的大门,中方不能破门而入;香港问题是中英 两国政府之间的问题,任何第三国无权插手 新华社北京3月17日电 国务院新闻办公室今天举行中外记者招待会,邀请国务院港澳办公室主任鲁平就港英当局突然公布选举安排、破坏中英合作的基础问题阐述中国政府的立场,回答记者的提问。 有记者问,如果港督彭定康坚持“政改方案”,一意孤行,中国政府将采取什么措施。      鲁平回答说,中国政府一贯主张合作,不要对抗。但如果彭定康先生一意孤行,坚持和中国政府对抗的话,中国政府将不得不采取相应措施,按照香港基本法的规定筹组香港特别行政区第一届政府和立法会,也就是大家所说的“另起炉灶”。事实上,这个“炉灶”在香港基本法里已经设计好了。现在说“另起炉灶”,就是按照基本法的设计来砌一个新“炉灶”。这是因为彭定康先生所砌的“炉灶”与基本法不能衔接,到九七年后就不能用了。离九七年只有四年多时间了。从现在开始,我们就要抓紧做好各方面的准备工作。这就是我们要采取的相应措施。鲁平说,在“另起炉灶”的时候,中国政府会坚持贯彻“一国两制”的方针,全面执行基本法的有关规定,争取到九七年香港能实现平稳过渡,顺利交接,保持繁荣稳定。中国政府的这个一贯立场,任何时候都不会动摇。“另起炉灶”的目的,就是为了保持香港的长期繁荣稳定。 有记者问,据英方透露,彭定康突然公布选举安排,是因为中方不愿意定出一个确切的会谈日期。中英两国政府还有没有机会重开谈判,能不能谈一下谈判的过程? 鲁平说,英方的这一说法不确实。中国政府巳经同意在有关谈判的问题已经解决的情况下,在3月份进行谈判,至于在哪一天还有待商定。所以,3月12日彭定康突然在香港立法局发表声明,公布他的所谓“宪制方案”,我们一方面感到非常震惊,另一方面又在意料之中。感到震惊,是因为在3月12日前,双方关于谈判安排的分歧已逐步缩小,几乎已经达成协议,谈判眼看马上可以进行,但遗憾的是他于3月12日下午3时公布了方案。本来,这个问题双方还可以进一步探讨,有些分歧已经逐步缩小,经过双方磋商是不难解决的,所以,我们对彭定康为什么要匆匆忙忙在“宪报”上公布他的所谓方案感到不理解。但另一方面我们觉得又在意料之中,因为我们认为彭定康对中英两国谈判解决有关九四、九五选举问题的分歧本来就没有诚意

新冠疫苗 保障基金

   新冠疫苗|保障基金接10宗索償 各項副作用賠償額上限首曝光 2021-05-12 08:00 最後更新日期:2021-05-12 08:00 疫苗接種計劃展開逾兩個月,政府不時公布疑涉副作用事件。《香港01》獲悉,政府 撥款10億元設立的「疫苗保障基金」已開始運作,並交由安盛(AXA)負責管理申請 及理賠工作,行政費1000萬元。 據了解,基金已接獲索償申請,按現行機制,死亡個案最高可獲賠償250萬元,嚴 重受傷個案則最多可賠300萬元,實質保障額則取決於個案傷亡的「嚴重程度」。 指引顯示,以面癱為例,倘持續逾26周,有明顯的面部不對稱等副作用,則會被界 定為「長期身體損害」,可獲賠最多百多萬元。不過,索償個案需經呈報至專家委 員會,並評定為「未能排除與疫苗無關」。 食物及衞生局回覆《香港01》查詢時確認,截至上周六(8日),基金接獲10宗索償申 請,現正處理中。 港府疫苗接種計劃開打逾兩個月,截至5月2日,本港共接獲2402宗異常事件報告, 當中涉及28宗注射疫苗後死亡報告。(資料圖片) 政府早前已制訂接種疫苗嚴重或非預期異常事件清單,面癱、嚴重過敏反應、由醫 護人員或公眾認為免疫接種引起的任何其他嚴重和異常情況、敗血症等,亦屬於表 列範圍內。立法會財委會亦於2月底通過10億元撥款,由政府設立疫苗保障基金, 為接種疫苗後出現不良反應的市民提供經濟支援。食物及衞生局局長陳肇始當時表 示,接種疫苗後出現嚴重異常事件例子不多,設立基金僅屬「有備無患」,最希望 沒有市民需要索償。 *安盛擔任行政管理人處理賠償申請 3年行政費1000萬* 《香港01》獲悉,安盛已獲政府委任為行政管理人,行政費為1千萬元,為期3年,主 要負責處理申請、查詢及投訴事宜等行政工作,亦會負責進行理賠,包括為個案進 行分類及進行嚴重程度評估,倘合符資格,管理人將據其年齡及身體受損程度,釐 定相應的支付金額。翻查政府公告,截至5月2日,本港共接獲2402宗異常事件報 告,當中涉及28宗注射疫苗後死亡報告。據了解,基金已現「零的突破」,共接獲 10宗索償申請。 根據保障基金機制,倘接種後嚴重受傷或身故,40歲以下人士最高保障額分別為 250萬元及300萬元;逾40歲以上者則分別是200萬元及250萬元。(資料圖片) 最新一份疫苗安全監察報告顯示,現有呈報的多宗死亡個案未顯示與疫苗有因果關 係,但有

26 May lunar eclipse

 partially visible in Hong Kong.    from Hokoon.  PLK NPL live   HKO live 


    政府今日(五月七日)公布更新2019冠狀病毒病本地感染確診個案已完成接種新冠疫苗的密切接觸者的檢疫期要求。政府參考衞生署衞生防護中心中心轄下的新發現及動物傳染病科學委員會和疫苗可預防疾病科學委員會(聯合科學委員會)聯同行政長官專家顧問團(專家顧問團)今日作出的暫擬共識建議,並考慮本港疫情的最新情況,決定採取循序漸進安排,由即日起調整相關密切接觸者的檢疫期要求如下: 不涉及N501Y變異病毒株的本地感染確診個案的密切接觸者 ---------------------------      如符合下列三項條件,其強制檢疫期可由於檢疫中心進行14天檢疫(與確診個案最後接觸日起計,最後接觸日為第零日),縮短至在檢疫中心進行七天檢疫: (i)提供已完成接種兩劑克爾來福或復必泰新冠疫苗(註)的證明,並與接種第二劑疫苗的日子已相隔14天;及 (ii)於入住檢疫中心當日或第一日所進行的呼吸道樣本聚合酶連鎖反應檢測,結果為陰性;及 (iii)於入住檢疫中心後進行的新型冠狀病毒刺突蛋白(spike protein)IgG或總抗體,或替代中和(surrogate neutralising)抗體測試結果為陽性。     密切接觸者完成七天檢疫後,須繼續進行七天自我監察,並於第12日於社區檢測中心進行強制檢測。 涉及N501Y變異病毒株的本地感染確診個案的密切接觸者 --------------------------      如符合下列三項條件,其於檢疫中心強制檢疫期可由21天(與確診個案最後接觸日起計)縮短至14天,然後再進行七天自我監察,並須於第19日於社區檢測中心進行強制檢測。 (i)提供已完成接種兩劑克爾來福或復必泰新冠疫苗(註)的證明,並與接種第二劑疫苗的日子已相隔14天;及 (ii)於入住檢疫中心當日或第一日,以及與確診個案最後接觸日起計的第七日和第12日,進行的呼吸道樣本聚合酶連鎖反應檢測,結果均為陰性;及 (iii)於入住檢疫中心後進行新型冠狀病毒刺突蛋白(spike protein)IgG或總抗體,或替代中和(surrogate neutralising)抗體測試結果為陽性。 (註)以下人士亦視為符合條件(i): (1)確診個案密切接觸者如能提供證明,曾感染2019冠狀病毒病而距離出院日期不超過九個月; (2)確診個案密切接觸者如能提供證明,曾感染2019冠狀病

CZ-5B core stage re-entry

  after sending the Tianhe to 400 km orbit, the core stage is about to re-entry on 7 May.  Satflare has made forecast of  debris fall zones from David Hah: 8 May: EU SST latest autonomous predictions show that the re-entry window of object CZ-5B R/B is 2021-05-09 01:59 UTC ±467 min.   9 May. 2021年5月9日10时24分,长征五号B遥二运载火箭末级残骸已再入大气层,落区位于东经72.47°,北纬2.65°周边海域 EU SST langbroek aerospace Leolabs .  n2yo  

using TLE2Keplerian to convert for GMAT

the python script is on Gitlab This example uses Tian He core stage as example, NORAD id is 48275, so the TLE text file is named as 48275.txt 1. prepare a text file with 3 lines first line : TIANHE_CORE second and third line: TLE run "anaconda prompt" goto directory where the python script is located type 48275.txt | python TLE2Keplerian.py > out.txt the keplerian elements are now saved in the out.txt file. using myfirst.script as template, replace keplerian element lines with the data just generated  copy and paste the output into another text file, named as 48275.script these lines are kept the same every time: GMAT $$$$$.DateFormat = UTCGregorian; GMAT $$$$$.Epoch = '01 Jan 2000 11:59:28.000'; GMAT $$$$$.CoordinateSystem = EarthMJ2000Eq; GMAT $$$$$.DisplayStateType = Keplerian;  replace $$$$$ with name of your satellite run GMAT File >New >Mission File > Open>  myfirst_48275.script press the run button or press F5:  if everything is ok, you will the