

目前顯示的是 5月, 2015的文章

who's who in telomerase

telomerase database William Andrews ( Bill) :   Founder of Sierra Sciences , wiki Former director of  molecular biology of Geron corporation , wiki Geron has granted a license to TAsciences to sell TA-65 TAM-818 , claims that it keeps telomerase renewing 1Truth818 Immortal Cell Science The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks


此外,為方便茶的運輸及收藏,茶莊更推出餅茶,而近年陳年普洱餅茶更成為收藏對象。著名的老字號餅茶,例如「宋聘」、「同興」、「同慶」、「福元昌」、「敬昌」、「江城」等,已是近百年之珍品,是名副其實「可喝的古董」。   除餅茶外,別緻典雅的茶盅與蓋碗亦為愛好茶藝人士的心頭好,成為特色收藏。蓋碗又名「焗盅」或「蓋杯」,是清代茶具新創,始現於康熙時期,由一碗、一蓋、一托盤(碟)所組成。   蓋碗造型簡單優美而實用,其敞口方便注湯,加蓋可保溫、保潔和保持茶香,故利於泡茶、鑑茶。蓋碗上的圖案裝飾亦甚具欣賞價值,無論是鳥語花香,又或是三星拱照,都能為品茗者帶來品茗以外一份視覺享受與精神上的滿足。   「一盅兩件」展覽的一百二十多件展品,包括罕見的陳年普洱餅茶、內票、內「飛」、蓋碗茶具及古老製茶工具,由多位香港茶藝前輩熱心慷慨借展,包括董瑞 糨(文博軒)、楊慧章(新星茶莊)、陳大炎(陸羽茶室)、王漢堅(茶社茶學研究),以及林君賢(林奇苑茶行),為品鑑研究提供了不少寶貴資料。展覽輔以文 字、錄像和圖片作詳盡介紹,內容豐富。   此外,文化博物館將於三月期間邀請多位茶藝界前輩主持兩項講座。其中於三月十三日下午二時三十分至四時三十分舉行的「耳聞目睹:香港普洱茶的發展」邀 得楊慧章及王漢堅主講,二人將分享普洱茶的發展史、泡製心得、品嚐及分辨方法,參加者更有機會品嚐各種普洱茶的真味。而在三月二十日下午二時三十分至三時 三十分舉行的「影青月白好烹茶」講座則請來鄧玉貞主講,為參加者講解泡茶的各種學問。 1/10/2003 hk heritage museum

HK rainfall vs terrain

1961 to 1990 1971 to 2000 why there is more rain in Tai Mo Shan The most rainy locations are Tai Mo Shan, Sai Kung and Lantau Peak


陳家強網誌: 首先,中國內地金融市場經過多年的發展,規模與日俱增,然而在投資選擇上依然相對缺乏。中國經濟經過多年高速發展,企業及民間累積了不少財富,在國家「走出去」的大形勢下,對 多元化的基金產品需求自然會日趨殷切 。 此外,內地監管機構及市場力量亦協助推動基金管理業的發展,多年來 內地股市為散戶主導,佔交易額高達八成 ,為有助股市長遠的健康發展及提高市場質素,適當增加機構投資者包括基金的比重是有需要的。 所以説我們這麼着緊要發展基金管理,是因為知道這對香港整體 資產管理行業 及經濟增長會帶來好處。今日香港表面上不乏基金產品,然而我們主要是基金的銷售和分銷中心, 大部分獲認可的基金都不是在港註冊 ,而我們亦 缺乏支持基金營運的中後台配套 。 由此自2012年起,我們便推出了一系列的政策去推動資產管理業務的發展,鞏固香港作為國際金融中心的地位,當中包括 讓私募基金享有離岸基金的稅務 優惠 ,草擬法例引入公司型開放式基金的新結構,並全面寬免交易所買賣基金轉讓的印花稅,但以建立香港作為資產管理樞紐的戰略角度而言,最重要的一步一定是 剛剛宣布的基金互認安排。 在商討以至落實安排過程中,政府與證監會一直緊密合作。我知道很多人認為監管機構只是以監管為主而不會發展,事實上,證監會一直努力在監管與市場發 展間取得平衡,擔當發展市場的法定角色,並積極與內地相關部委長期緊密溝通、發展互信,所以滬港通及基金互認成功得到落實,證監會可說功不可沒,亦充份表 現香港市場的成功之處。 有人說現在股價上漲,成交暢旺,是香港股市的大時代。甚麼是大時代可說人言人殊,我不打算參與討論,我只知道基金互認安排,令到中港兩地資本市場的互聯互通再邁進一步,所帶來的影響,我相信會不下於滬港通。 或許有人會問:基金互認安排會否令已經相當熾熱的股票市場更加亢奮,我認為可能剛好相反,隨著 基金管理的規模擴大,專業管理的參與增強,會令市場變得更理性化,長遠有助市場穩定發展 。 2015年5月24日 曾俊華網誌: 為迎接內地金融市場逐步開放,我們多年來一直透過與內地市場實踐互聯互通,為香港金融業爭取更多發展機會,去年11月啟動的滬港通就是大家熟識的成功例 子。我在2013年的財政預算案,公布證監會與內地相關機構研究建立內地與香港基金互認安排,經過近兩年多的努力,具體工作終於完成,我感謝

Open source LOAM : Lidar Odometry and Mapping

From Carnegie Mellon University, Ji Zhang

plant sterol in food

Sterol helps to lower bad cholesterol ( LDL), but yet inconclusive. Seems also hamper absorption of fat-solube vitamins. So be cautious of overdoing patient uk

rainy days of May 2015

Daily rainfall info, refers to rain gauge located at HK Observatory, is obtained from here 15 May, 2015(Fri) total rainfall is 0.0 mm 16 May, 2015(Sat) total rainfall is 18.4 mm 17 May, 2015(Sun) total rainfall is 5.7 mm 18 May, 2015(Mon) total rainfall is 0.9 mm 19 May, 2015(Tue) total rainfall is 1.2 mm 20 May, 2015(Wed) total rainfall is 107.7 mm 21 May, 2015(Thu) total rainfall is 12.6 mm 22 May, 2015(Fri) total rainfall is 0.7 mm 23 May, 2015(Sat) total rainfall is 169.4 mm 24 May, 2015(Sun) total rainfall is 8.2 mm 25 May, 2015(Mon) total rainfall is 29.4 mm 26 May, 2015(Tue) total rainfall is 64.6 mm 27 May, 2015(Wed) total rainfall is 0.2 mm 28 May, 2015(Thu) total rainfall is 1.4 mm 29 May, 2015(Fri) total rainfall is 0 mm 30 May, 2015(Sat) total rainfall is 7.0 mm 31 May, 2015(Sun) total rainfall is 1.9 mm 1 Jun, 2015(Mon) total rainfall is

釋迦 Sugar apple ( Custard apple )

health benefits health benefits 2 32 Amazing benefits from healthbeckon 台灣簡介

cuban hardtimes and heart disease, diabetes

during 1991 to 1995, Cuba faces economic sanction population wide has a weight loss of 5.5 kg results in decrease of heart disease and diabetes result: Rapid declines in diabetes and heart disease accompanied an average population-wide loss of 5.5 kg in weight, driven by an economic crisis in the mid-1990s. A rebound in population weight followed in 1995 (33.5% prevalence of overweight and obesity) and exceeded pre-crisis levels by 2010 (52.9% prevalence). The population-wide increase in weight was immediately followed by a 116% increase in diabetes prevalence and 140% increase in diabetes incidence. Six years into the weight rebound phase, diabetes mortality increased by 49% (from 9.3 deaths per 10 000 people in 2002 to 13.9 deaths per 10 000 people in 2010). A deceleration in the rate of decline in mortality from coronary heart disease was also observed.   if UK has to do the same: from bmj

X-51A Waverider 2nd test flight

Tomorrow ( 7 Oct, 2012) the USAF will test their fastest experimental jet, the X-51A Waverider. It’s being prepared at Edwards Air Force Base in the Mojave Desert tonight for a departure to the Pacific Ocean on the wing of a B52 Bomber. When testing begins it will be dropped and the engines will fire, the test will last a mere 300 seconds. This is the longest flight test so far for the X-51A to date. When testing begins it will be dropped and the engines will fire, the test will last a mere 300 seconds. This is the longest flight test so far for the X-51A to date. This  NASA  and Pentagon experimental aircraft could go from NY to London in about an hour, reaching a top speed of 1700 meters a second. During the test the X51-A will climb to an altitude of 70,000 feet, cut its engines and crash into the Pacific Ocean and break up.There are no plans to recover the craft. 1 May 2013 Although the Air Force is not yet commenting on details of the flight, the X-51A is thought

Anti-aging therapy and technologies, present and future, and what might come

below are predictions only: 1999 Initial stem cell therapy begins computerized measuring of biochemical biomarkers of aging 2000 Telomerase trials begin in humans 100% of he human genome mapped and sequenced Legislation enacted to protect Americans against genetic discrimination 2004 rudimentary gene chips available to measure changes in "gene expression" as biomarkers of aging naked DNA transplants begin 2005 test for risk of cancer, diabetes, stroke gene therapy for hemophilia, heart disease, some cancers 2010 DNA chips that analyze a person's genetic makeup and compare it to optimal sequences of genes biomarkers of aging now based on gene expression directly 2012 medicine tailored to an individual's genetic makeup available to treat disease, including cancer 2015 nanotechnology therapy for aging disorders in humans 2018 doctors correct defective genes using combinations of DNA transplants, nanotechnology, and s

phases of acute hepatitis b

phases of chronic hepatitis B

  WHO issues its first guidelines for chronic hepatitis B patients: The "WHO guidelines for the prevention, care and treatment of persons living with chronic hepatitis B infection" lay out a simplified approach to the care of people living with chronic hepatitis B, particularly in settings with limited resources. The guidance covers the full spectrum of care from determining who needs treatment, to what medicines to use, and how to monitor people long-term. Key recommendations include: the use of a few simple non-invasive tests to assess the stage of liver disease to help identify who needs treatment; prioritizing treatment for those with cirrhosis - the most advanced stage of liver disease; the use of two safe and highly effective medicines, tenofovir or entecavir, for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B; and regular monitoring using simple tests for early detection of liver cancer, to assess whether treatment is working, and if treatment