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Zwo ASIAIR and GPL violation

20198-19 product launch: ASIAIR是一款由苏州振旺光电(ZWO)自主研发的无线天文摄影产品,是天文摄影领域的一颗新星。 ... ASIAIR是一款智能WiFi设备,有了它就可以通过手机或者Pad来控制ASI相机和赤道仪来进行解析、GOTO,导星和拍摄。ASIAIR绝对不是市面上那种的集成开源软件MiniPC,不存在VNC和远程桌面。ASIAIR的APP应用软件是ZWO历经半年多的时间自主研发的,为移动而生,为用户提供最佳的操作体验,支持Android和iOS系统。 V1.6 forum 16/5/2021: 在基于 Linux、INDI、PHD2, astrometry.net 等开源项目的基础上,ZWO 投入了大量的人力和财力,对深空摄影套装的各个设备兼容性做了大量研发工作。 我们也在此呼吁全球各大赤道仪厂商,少一些“个性化”的属性,拥抱 ASCOM 标准,包括后来的 Alpaca 标准,让整个行业的发展更加友好。 From Gehelem, showing credits page in ASIAIR Hi i've posted a question on ASIAIR+ product page a few days ago (10/09/2021) It has not been approved and was removed Let's give it a try here, i'd really like to have an answer The pro version uses opensource software : is this the case on "Plus" version ? If so, by what means do you intend to fulfill the obligations of opensource licenses ? At least the publication of modified code for the LGPL2.1 associated with indi, wich pro version obviously uses for mount control. From Bill Nash: recent resp

香港科大-雄彬一號 Jilin-1 Kuanfu-02a KF02A

  港科大今日(21日)宣布,將於25日與長光衛星技術股份有限公司合作,在甘肅酒泉衛星發射中心發射一顆名為「香港科大-雄彬一號」的多光譜光學衛星,以監測與全球環境、災害及可持續發展相關的遙感數據。作為香港首間發射衛星的高等院校,這顆衛星標誌着科大構建遙感衛星星座、並與長光衛星合力打造一個全面性環境監測與災難預報系統的第一步。 將發射的多光譜光學衛星主要用於科研用途,其所拍攝的遙感影像解像度是目前公用歐洲太空總署哨兵二號光學衛星解像度的20倍,幅寬亦與美國最新一代陸地衛星相近,屬民用衛星類別中最高規格。 是次衛星發射獲葉志雄及葉吳彬彬伉儷慷慨支持,為答謝捐贈,科大把衛星命名為「香港科大-雄彬一號」。科大首先會利用衛星所提供的遙感數據,建立一個覆蓋全港斜坡,用於監測地表情況、以及模擬和展示山泥傾瀉災害過程和社會臨災反應的數碼孿生系統,以協助提升社會災害應變協調及決策管理。 LAUNCH at 0459 UTC Aug 25 of the Gushenxing-1 No. Y8 rocket carrying Changguang's Jilin-1 Kuanfu 02A (吉林一号宽幅02A星) imaging satellite into orbit The Jilin-1 Kuanfu-02A imaging satellite has been cataloged by Space  Force in a  529 x 547 km x 97.6 deg sun-sync orbit with 11:18 local time  orbital plane. The satellite has a mass of around 230 kg. https://ts2.space/en/china-launches-ceres-1-y8-rocket-to-deploy-jilin-1-kuanfu-02a-satellite / https://space.skyrocket.de/doc_sdat/jilin-1-kuanfu-02.htm http://www.jl1.cn/news_view.aspx?id=3819 first photos after launch, at 0.5m/pix  resolution  The fo

c/2023 p1 comet nishimura

 C/2023 P1 Initial estimate is non survival zone Reference: MPEC Van buitenen Astroarts SSD Aerith Theskylive Astro Telegram  CBET VdS   Astro cz

Alvan clark

 Yerkes objective     Testing machine for reflecting mirror blank Reference The Mentor - the story of the lens Astrosurf   Wisconsin 101  Yerkes construction  60 inch mirror blank: stolenhistory

The great paris exhibition telescope of 1900

La grande lunette de l'exposition de 1900 It's largest telescope for moon and sun observation at that time  It consists of: a siderostat   a long steel tube/tunnel of 60 m long   an objective holder ( Francois Deloncle) drawing of objectives: the objective: from wikiwand: The telescope had two interchangeable achromatic doublet lenses 1.25 m (49.2 in) in diameter, one intended for visual observation and the other for taking photographic shots - the device functioning as an astrograph -, and had a focal length of 57 m (187 ft).  Due to its very large size, the scope was mounted in a fixed horizontal position. Given the size of the instrument, the use of an equatorial mount proving impossible, the designers designed a Foucault siderostat mounted on a cast iron frame, all specially adapted for the telescope.  Light from astronomical objects was redirected into the optical tube through the siderostat which had a moving mirror 2 m (6.56 ft) in diameter. As for the horizontal steel t

Chandrayaan 3 and common navigation method in spacecrafts

Spacecraft navigation without GPS.  Comparison table: Examples: Astrix 90 fibre optic gyroscope FOG used on ExoMars Hazard avoidance in ALHAT in project Morpheus  lander SPLICE   NDL  Navigational Doppler Lidar to be used on Intuitive Machines  IM-1 , as early as Nov 15 2023, launched by Spacex falcon 9   Chandrayaan-3 landing: Laser Inertial Referencing and Accelerometer Package (LIRAP): LIRAP is like a special “balance and motion sensor” for the lander. It helps the lander understand its position, orientation, and any movements it makes during its descent and landing on the lunar surface. ( Laser gyroscope) Chandrayaan-2 had a front-facing camera(TMC-2). Still, the communication system could not transfer the images in real-time. But now the communication system has been beefed up to enable the front-facing camera of the CY3 lander to transmit the images in real-time to the ISRO control centre. The images are collected as part of the autonomous hazard identification and avoidance man

Luna-25 soft landing

mission profile: soft landing is one of main objectives of luna-25   DISD-LR ДИСД-ЛР The soft landing of the station should be provided by a Doppler speed and range meter (DISD-LR) developed by the Vega Concern (part of the Rostec State Corporation's Roselectronics holding). The DISD-LR device is being created in the conditions of import substitution, the developers note. According to the original plan, Luna 25 was supposed to be launched in 2014. However, various reasons provoked delays one after another. The last big postponement (from 2021 to 2023) was caused by the malfunction detected (80% accuracy in readings) in the Doppler speed and range meter (DISD-LR) during the tests. Being an important part of the soft landing system, this device couldn’t be ignored, and its insufficient accuracy may cost a mission. The repeated tests of DISD-LR and subsequent changes of the lander’s software caused a delay for almost two years     22 x 13x 2 Slotted waveguide antenna  array,slot lengt

voyager 2 phone home again

after loss of communication last month( Jul 23), now it's back to normal: AUG 4, 2023  DSN 43 Canberra ground station X band 160 b/sec -150 dBm. JPL update: At 12:29 a.m. EDT (16:29 UTC) on Aug. 4, the spacecraft began returning science and telemetry data, indicating it is operating normally and that it remains on its expected trajectory. NB: Voyager 2 is programmed to reset its orientation multiple times each year to keep its antenna pointing at Earth; the next reset will occur on Oct. 15, which should enable communication to resume. The mission team expects Voyager 2 to remain on its planned trajectory during the quiet period.  Next coming schedules(time in Australian Eastern time): DSS43    VGR2    5/8   1600-1745 DSS43    VGR2    6/8   1355-0325 DSS43    VGR2    8/8   0010-0555 DSS43    VGR2    8/8   1530-2005 DSS43    VGR2    9/8   2105-0450 reference: DSN eyes   JPL update on 4 Aug cdscc   Hackaday , Digital Canopus tracker   NTRS document   Stackexchange  

moon at perigee (closest to Earth) 2023

 using NAIF WebGeoCalc DistanceFinder  2023-08-02 05:52:06.316514 UTC,  357,311 km ( 11 h 20 m after full moon) and also: 2023-08-30 15:54:18.934966 UTC ( Super moon and perigee), Angular size 32.95', 357,341 km reference; HKO : 01 Aug 13:52  and 31 Aug 02:08 HKT interesting VO : 2023年8月2日2时32分满月,由于该时发生于8月2日13时52分月球过近地点(约35万7311公里)之前仅相差约11小时20分钟,因此该次满月看起来会较大。满月时月球距离地球约35万7528.078公里,月面视直径33.052角分,使其成为年度第二大满月。 本年(2023)最大满月发生在8月31日9时36分。由于月球在30日23时54分通过近地点(约35万7181公里)后近9个小时42分钟,因相对距离月球比较近,所以月面看起来会觉得比较大 ,是本年度13次满月中的最大满月,满月时月球距离地球约35万7340.93公里,月面视直径约为33.43角分,比今年2月6日那次满月(年度最小满月)的视直径大了约13.5%。 inthesky   EarthSky NASA Fred Espanak   NAOJ In fact, moon is at closest on 21 Jan, 20:57:06 2023 UTC (New moon)