

目前顯示的是 10月, 2021的文章

Alain Paillou

 aka easybob, easybob95, easybob08 on webastro   some of his projects: running asi178mc with a raspberry pi 3 b+ EAA running ASI178mc with Jetson Nano , openCV, pyCuda moon in enhanced color copernicus crater in 3D   astronomy-imaging-camera forum galleryastro   facebook

EasyAstroBox EAB

simple open source tracking mount based on raspberry pi ( similar to Skywatcher Star Adventurer), from France It is completely free, free to use and offers you many advantages:     Easy to build     Easy to install     Inexpensive ( 50 € ~ 100 € )     Low consumption     Based on the Raspberry Pi nano-computer     Uses open-source software     Raspbian Buster Lite ( Linux ) operating system optimized for astrophotography     Autoguiding     Piloting with or without planetarium     Connectivity to different mounts, cameras, CCDs, digital cameras, ...     Astrometry     Full control from a smartphone, tablet, ..., by Bluetooth and WI-FI some pictures mechanics: most are 3d printed, and  design: by fusion360, PC: raspberry pi software: based on open source Indi,(and Indigo?) KStars, Ekos, EQMod and more facebook official website    astronamur    NAFABox   AstroEq , hhastrophoto

8K organic CMOS

 from Panasonic 1. “OPF CMOS image sensor design technology”, in that, the photoelectric-conversion part and the circuit part can be designed independently. The OPF CMOS image sensor has a unique structure, in which, the OPF performs a photoelectric conversion and the circuit area performs charge storage and signal readout functions completely independently. Using this OPF CMOS image sensor structure, we developed high-speed noise cancellation technology and high saturation technology in the circuit area which has a large available space. As a result, it is possible to realize simultaneously 8K resolution, 60fps framerate readout, wide dynamic range [4] (by achieving a high saturation level) and global shutter function, which are normally traded off. 2. “In-pixel capacitive coupled noise cancellation technique” which can suppress pixel reset noise at high speed even at high resolution Because the OPF CMOS image sensor has a structure in which the OPF and the charge storage part are con

ASI camera programming via python-zwoasi in Linux

why? astroberry is totally usable on a PC, the UI has so many features, and the "up" and "down" buttons are simply too small to use on a smartphone, or a mini tablet. So I start to investigate on a simple command line, or a "lite" version of UI with big buttons I use raspberry pi and old ASI120 as an example 1a. install ASI_linux SDK 1b. copy python-zwoasi from github , or simply 'pip install zwoasi' 2. extract or install under /home/astroberry 3. for testing purpose, copy the zwoasi_demo.py to ASI lib/arm7 directory  4. edit the zwoasi_demo.py file and insert os.environ variable as below: 5. save with another filename, eg, zwoasi_demo1.py 6. in terminal, run 'python zwoasi_demo1.py'   first light photo: setting environment in python   Steven Marple's blog   how about FITS format? pyQt example

aurora live webcam

 NB: for "Live from Lapland" channel, look for horizon cam, or sky cam videos. Highlight videos are recorded from the past explore auroralive   seetheaurora   occurs due to the collision between charged particles emitted from the sun during a solar flare and atoms and molecules in the atmosphere. This results in bursts of light, called photons, which then make up the aurora. Collisions with oxygen produce red and green auroras, while those with nitrogen result in pink and purple ones. This reaction surrounds the polar regions of the earth, occurring at an altitude of 65 kilometres to 650 kilometres in a zone called the “Aurora Oval”. space weather forecast from NOAA Soft serve on FB Photo tip: 8 sec, f/2.8 ISO 1600

19 November 2021 partial lunar eclipse

 19 November 2021   14:02:09 to 20:03:40 ( HKT +8)  17:38 月出 most of time it happens during daylight, and thus very dim   one of favourable sites would be in Shek O石澳, Tai Long Wan大浪灣 timea n date   earthsky   naoj inthesky eclipsewise  hko

Sharpstar harmonic drive Mark III



20 Oct 2021  near 44 cas and IC1805(heart nebula), NGC1027 a cropped:  

YCE 咖啡豆大賽 第6 屆 (2021)

 雲南 youmelive

interesting improvement in 5 years

   This guy only mention the equipment changes and much longer exposure times.  Only "upgrading" the camera, the equatorial mount etc, won't make all the quatum leap change. Something is missing.... He didn't mention LRGB or narrowband imaging, stacking etc He didn't mention the post processing improvements. Which is about 50 % of astro photography ( maybe more than 50%)  btw, the elephant trunk only occupy 1 /25 of the field ( new setup) vs 1/16 ( old setup) 2.12" x 2.12" per pixel (new) vs  1.31" x 1.31" per pixel (old)  and there is a lot of cropping. anyways, all of this show his dedication to astronomy astrocat course

AI Can Now Fix Your Grainy Photos by Only Looking at Grainy Photos

  2018 Using NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPUs with the cuDNN-accelerated TensorFlow deep learning framework, the team trained their system on 50,000 images in the ImageNet validation set.   nvidia blog   arxiv Hasinoff: Burst photography for high dynamic range and low-light imaging on mobile cameras   Moseley: Extreme Low-Light Environment-Driven Image Denoising over Permanently Shadowed Lunar Regions with a Physical Noise Model lehtinen


 16/10/2021 飛船順利進入預定軌道,到早上6時56分,按預定程序,採用自主快速交會對接模式,成功對接於天和核心艙,與之此前已對接的天舟二號、天舟三號貨運飛船一起構成四艙組合體,整個交會對接過程,歷時約6個半小時。

water on Mars

 No large standing bodies of liquid water exist on the planet's surface, because the atmospheric pressure there averages just 610 pascals (0.088 psi), a figure slightly below the vapor pressure of water at its triple point;  under average Martian conditions, warming water on the Martian surface would sublime meaning transition directly from solid to vapor; conversely, cooling water would deposit meaning transition directly from vapor to solid.  Before about 3.8 billion years ago, Mars may have had a denser atmosphere and higher surface temperatures, allowing vast amounts of liquid water on the surface, possibly including a large ocean that may have covered one-third of the planet. Water has also apparently flowed across the surface for short periods at various intervals more recently in Mars' history.  Aeolis Palus in Gale Crater, explored by the Curiosity rover, is the geological remains of an ancient freshwater lake that could have been a hospitable environment for microbial

火星日淩 後的任務

 因日凌現象 通訊最後 30/9/2021 恢復: 22/10/2021   以火日夾角為5度作為criteria 條件(perseverance 為 2 度) “日凌”结束后,火星地表上的祝融号,将进入拓展任务阶段。它将向着陆点以南的方向行驶,以环绕器发现的疑似泥火山的地区为目标,开展巡视探测。 首次火星探测任务地面应用系统副主任设计师 曾兴国:首先要到达现在火星车南部大概两公里左右的一个地形。可以看到它有很多像沉积的沙堆,我们想知道沉积的东西是什么?区域地形的抬升原因是什么?根据之前火星车预期寿命和它的工作情况,我们想去它(火星车)南部大概20公里左右,一个分布有很多疑似泥火山的区域。但需最小2000多日路程才能到達  Isidia Planitia 東面,  Nepenthes Mensae , Terra Sirenum and in Chryse uahirise id 196932 24.747N 109.776E The Utopia Planitia region contains many distinctive landscapes from HiRISE: davidaroffman cyol   cctv 13 共同關注 sciencedirect   geomorphologic map of Utopia Planitia    Elsivier

副熱帶高壓 (副高) subtropical high 及梅雨槽

  aka 李氏力場  副熱帶高氣壓簡稱副高,是位於副熱帶地區的暖性高壓系統。它對中、高緯度地區和低緯度地區之間的水汽、熱量、能量的輸送和平衡起著重要的作用,是大氣環流的一個重要系統。由赤道低氣壓帶上升的氣流,由於氣溫隨高度而降低,空氣漸重,在距地面4-8公里處大量聚集,轉向南北方向擴散運動,同時還受重力影響,故氣流邊前進,邊下沉,各在南北緯30°附近沉到近地面,使低空空氣增多,氣壓升高,形成了南北兩個副熱帶高氣壓帶,它是因為空氣聚積,由動力原因形成的,屬暖性高壓。 比較近幾十年太平洋高壓於夏季(6月至8月)的強度變化(如圖2),可發現早期在1950至1970年代最西只到達東經135度左右,但近年來太平洋高壓有越來越往西延伸的趨勢,西伸的位置已覆蓋至臺灣上空,近10年西伸位置甚至接近中國華南,副高強度增強使得近年來夏季平均溫度偏高,極端高溫日數也有偏多的趨勢。  500hPa   on hko @ 5600m cma atm tw   xn121   cwb tw

very large telescopes

  resolution limitation and breakthrough Improvement in angular resolution at optical wavelengths. The development of adaptive optics has permitted diffraction-limited observations from ground-based observatories since 1990, largely eliminating the effects of the atmosphere.  The dashed line shows the theoretical diffraction-limited resolution for the telescope. The solid line shows the seeing limit imposed by the atmosphere. Improvements were obtained by going to very good seeing sites. The resolution of the Hubble Space Telescope is shown, sciencedirect

new ice phase

 phase XIX ( 19th) under low temperature 110k 0r below and high pressure 1.6GPa permittivity, dielectric jaea jp

comet c2021 S4

 中国科学院紫金山天文台10月10日发布消息,2021年10月8日,国际小行星中心(MPC)发布了紫金山天文台盱眙观测站近地天体望远镜发现的一颗新彗星,命名为C/2021 S4(Tsuchinshan)。这是紫金山天文台发现的第七颗彗星,也是第五颗以Tsuchinshan(紫金山的威妥玛拼音)命名的彗星。 some of details on MPC ( one of the 9 separate observations) D29 Purple Mountain Observatory, XuYi Station.  Observers H. B. Zhao, B. Li,     G. Zhaori, R. Q. Hong, L. F. Hu.  Measurers H. B. Zhao, B. Li, H. Lu, G.     Zhaori, Z. J. Xu.  1.04-m f/1.8 Schmidt + CCD.  also known as C2021-T167 on MPC orbitsimulator from find_orb, projectpluto MPC vanbuitenen   JPL Horizons app to generate ephermeris hkas  

martian night sky

 just not what you think space com