

目前顯示的是 7月, 2020的文章

mars 2020 ephemeris

telnet horizons.jpl.nasa.gov 6775 type at prompt: mars2020 apparent RA and DEC: ******************************************************************************* Target body name: Mars2020 (spacecraft) (-168)    {source: Mars2020_merged} Center body name: Earth (399)                     {source: Mars2020_merged} Center-site name: GEOCENTRIC ******************************************************************************* Start time      : A.D. 2020-Aug-01 00:00:00.0000 UT     Stop  time      : A.D. 2020-Aug-15 00:00:00.0000 UT     Step-size       : 1440 minutes ******************************************************************************* Target pole/equ : No model available Target radii    : (unavailable)                                               Center geodetic : 0.00000000,0.00000000,0.0000000 {E-lon(deg),Lat(deg),Alt(km)} Center cylindric: 0.00000000,0.00000000,0.0000000 {E-lon(deg),Dxy(km),Dz(km)} Center pole/equ : High-precision EOP model        {East-longitude

mars 2020 perseverance

liftoff timeline: T+0:00:01.1: Liftoff T+0:00:35.2: Mach 1 T+0:00:47.1: Max-Q T+0:01:49.3: Jettison SRBs T+0:03:27.6: Payload Fairing Jettison T+0:04:22.1: Main Engine Cutoff T+0:04:28.1: Stage Separation T+0:04:38.1: Centaur Ignition 1 T+0:11:27.9: Centaur Cutoff 1 T+0:44:59.5: Centaur Ignition 2 T+0:52:50.1: Centaur Cutoff 2 T+0:57:32.8: Mars 2020 Separation captured by virtual telescope after liftoff: near constellation Andromeda change in luminosity acquisition of telemetry signals after separation:    terrain navigation system        ULA spaceflightnow plan to enter mars atmosphere 18 feb 2021 The Mars 2020 rover will still be running the GESTALT AutoNav algorithms, but when the mission launches, the new rover will be carrying an FPGA-based hardware accelerator called the Vision Compute Element (VCE) that wasn’t present on the Curiosity rover.   Early in the landing sequence, the CVAC accelerates tasks for the Lander Vision System (LVS

emirates mars hope mission

successful launch on 19 Jul 2020 TCM1: 11Aug TCM2: 28 Aug TCM3: 8 Nov ( final) target there will be 2 to 4 more TCMs (tentative) ETA Mars: 9 or 10 Feb  TCM1 and TCM2 orbit simulator hope probe tracker

optical test of telescopes and camera lenses

from takashi suzuki the more clearly the colors are separated from one another by a vertical central axis, the more a refractor tends for achromatic. The more the colors are crescent-shaped and the whiter the overall impression is, the more clearly a lens tends towards APO. knife edge, or foucault tests: The curvature of the Ronchi fringes mainly represent the amount of spherical aberration, but it increases in proportion to the F number. If the amount of aberration is the same, the curvature of the Ronchi fringes of the F10 optical system will be twice as much as that of the F5 optical system . At first glance, the shorter focal ratio telescopes will appear to have less aberration, so take note . from rohr SLR or DSLR lens from ERphotoreview 有比較就有傷害,好不好 ronchi and foucault tests in rohr's website

China Mars exploration tianwen-1天問一號

“以前我们探月,最远是到地月轨道,处于地球的引力圈。现在要到火星,不仅有地球,还有太阳和火星的引力影响,因此这次火箭系统有很大的变化。”首次火星探测任务工程副总指挥、国家航天局探月与航天工程中心主任刘继忠解释。 “火星離地球最遠4億公裡,從地面上發送一種指令,探測器要在23分鐘后才能執行,這就給我們的測量、控制帶來了新的難題。”張榮橋說,第二個挑戰是環境新。“航天器設計的邏輯是先了解要去的環境,通過各種技術、手段、措施來保障航天器適應這個環境,但深空探測的特點是要去一個尚不確知的環境。盡管我們已成功實現月球的軟著陸,但火星和月球的環境截然不同,給探測器的設計帶來很大難度。” solar cell array ~ 4 m sq area latest launch schedule is 23 July 2020 04:41 UTC 7月23日12时41分,我国在中国文昌航天发射场成功发射天问一号火星探测器。记者今天从中国卫星发射测控系统部所属西安卫星测控中心获悉,天问一号进入地火转移轨道后,由佳木斯深空站、喀什深空站、阿根廷深空站(Argentina's Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE),  a Chinese-run tracking station installed in Las Lajas, Argentina)组成的中国深空测控网,顺利实施探测器地火转移段首个圈次测控工作。目前,天问一号探测器工况正常。 7月23日13时21分左右,阿根廷深空站率先捕获目标;21时37分及24日凌晨1时许,天问一号探测器相继被坐落在我国东西边陲的佳木斯深空站、喀什深空站成功捕获。三大深空测控站点在各自测控弧段内向天问一号探测器及时上注各项飞行状态设置指令,并成功实施干涉测量,探测器飞行数据源源不断地传递至北京航天飞行控制中心。 7月27日,北京航天飞行控制中心飞控团队与中国航天科技集团试验队密切配合,控制天问一号探测器在飞离地球约120万公里处回望地球, 利用光学导航敏感器对地球 、月球成像,获取了地月合影。在这幅黑白合影图像中,地球与月球一大一小,均呈新月状,在茫茫宇宙中相互守望。 by pixe

satellite images of flooding in China July 2020

CNSA using SAR( synthetic aperture radar) in Gaofeng 3, with resolution up to 1 m, can penetrate clouds to take photos 2017年11月15日2點35分,在我國太原衛星發射中心,風雲三號D星在長征四號丙運載火箭的托舉下順利升空,發射成功! 「風雲三號D」衛星的發射,在氣象和科技領域刷新了國際國內多項記錄。 「風雲三號D」衛星是目前中國光譜測量通道最多的衛星,測量通道近7000個。經過大幅升級改進的核心儀器中解析度光譜成像儀,可媲美美國最新發射的聯合極軌氣象衛星的成像儀器,成為國際上最先進的寬幅成像遙感儀器之一。 此次D星搭載的4台遙感儀器為全新研製、首次上星搭載,紅外高光譜大氣探測儀採用了目前國際上最先進的傅立葉干涉探測技術;近紅外高光譜溫室氣體監測儀是首次從風雲衛星上搭載的監測全球溫室氣體濃度的遙感儀器;廣角極光成像儀是全球首台從空間大範圍獲取極光圖像的遙感儀器,在世界處於領先地位;繼美國後成為全球第二個搭載電離層光學儀器的衛星。 此外,該星還能對氣溶膠和二氧化碳等溫室氣體進行更有效的監測,將為全球碳循環研究提供重要數據,增強中國在全球碳排放等問題上的話語權。 「風雲三號」D衛星交付使用後,將使全球數值天氣預報的更新時效從6小時進一步縮短到4小時。 2021年6月3日,風雲四號B星搭乘長征三號乙運載火箭在西昌衛星發射中心成功發射。作為我國新一代靜止軌道氣象衛星風雲四號系列衛星的首發業務星,風雲四號B星將與在軌運行的風雲四號A星組網協同工作。 除提高頻率外,風雲四號B星將提供比A星更高的探測靈敏度和探測精度。它可在36000千米距離精確感知到地球大氣0.05攝氏度的溫度變化,其溫度探測結果與真實值的偏差在0.5攝氏度以內,相比A星提高1倍。 “高分专项”7颗卫星将于2020年前发射并使用“高分专项”是一个非常庞大的遥感技术项目,包含至少7颗卫星和其他观测平台,分别编号为“高分一号”到“高分七号”,它们都将在2020年前发射并投入使用。“高分一号”为光学成像遥感卫星;“高分二号”也是光学遥感卫星,但全色和多光谱分辨率都提高一倍,分别达到了1米全色和4米多光谱; “高分三号”为1米分辨率;“高分四号”为地球同步轨道上的光学卫星,全色分辨率为50米;“

comet neowise C2020 F3

can see with naked eyes Dawn comet viewing will be best through about July 18th, with the evening apparition starting about July 12th and continuing the remainder of the summer. Between July 12–18 you can observe it at both dusk and dawn. morning sky: Evening sky: From International Space Station: Ephermeris in local HKT (+8 UTC): Moophz  in Lebanon Ray Brooks NASA small body browser , type Neowise to search. shown as C/2020 F3 (Neowise) JPL Horizons Chris Schur skyandtelescope cometwatch calsky  ( out of service) space dot com groups.io  facebook: asteroid & comet research and watch facebook: comet watch facebook: comets and asteroids spaceweathergallery ICQ comet observations how to process in DSS: How to star freeze Comet Jaques - Tony Cook astrobin

Mars closest approach 2020

this year is a good year to observe Mars, and also for Mars exploration launches alpo astronomy seems that you need a focal length of  3500mm with 3x barlow, using eg IMX290 or similar, to have a decent image

python - quick start

install using anaconda . - this will install NumPy SciPy and many other packages. It takes care of conflict management between packages, and environments. They claim to be better than pip I choose the individual package this will install python 3.7.6  check the version by "python --version" after install, verify your installations : Anaconda Navigator, or Anaconda Prompt type: conda list What's new in AstroPy  4.0 here comes the tricky part: install opencv 3.4.12 these doesn't work for me: conda install -c conda-forge opencv  conda install -c menpo opencv   openCV tutorial: morioh