

目前顯示的是 2月, 2020的文章

抗疫 顧小培

background: 病毒進入合適「宿主」體內後,能借助後者的設施「自我複製」。冠狀病毒屬一類叫「包膜病毒」(Enveloped virus)的病毒。為什麼這樣叫它?因為它的表面可以帶有一層細胞膜。然則此細胞膜何來?原來,病毒會先在一些細胞內,利用細胞的現成設施,將自己大量複製。之後,那些「新丁」會黏附在細胞膜裏面的「神經胺酸酶」(Neuraminidase),強行把自己的整個身體「逼」出細胞膜外。過程中,病毒不經意地帶走逼破了的部分,於是身上掛上了一些細胞膜。 病毒表面攜帶了宿主的細胞膜,那豈不像是披了羊皮的狼,能夠瞞騙「牧羊犬」(免疫系統中的巨噬細胞),令其疏忽職守而不予追殺?那卻不會,尤其因為冠狀病毒正正有一些像皇冠的蛋白質突了出來,難以遁形。 沙士和其他類似的冠狀病毒可以經呼吸系統感染肺部,那是它在人體中可引致的最嚴重禍害。病毒一旦碰上肺上皮細胞,會黏附在其表面的「血球凝集素」(Hemagglutinin);之後,病毒藉着了它已經披上了(原屬於宿主)的細胞膜,(後者能「溶」入肺上皮細胞),從而施施然進入上皮細胞。 沙士疫症過後的科研分析 最初的想法是:人體若遭受病毒感染,免疫系統這個防衞軍會拚命殲敵;卻反而因為這樣做,向自己賴以維生的肺組織施行了過分的襲擊,弄巧成拙,「好心做壞事」,令肺受到重創而功能盡失,也就是肺衰竭;病人因而死亡。 所以,在沙士肆虐之時,香港大學醫學院袁國勇教授想到:由於病人死於肺組織纖維化帶來的肺衰竭,足證病人的免疫系統太亢奮。於是,他果斷地以超高量的類固醇藥處方,將很多瀕死的沙士病人從死門關拉回來。 袁教授的想法完全沒有錯。但原來,過程中尚有另一個火上加油的因素,那是科學家在十多年後才發現的。 當有病毒入侵了肺組織,駐守在肺的免疫巨噬細胞可以立即偵察到。巨噬細胞隨即會分泌一種叫MCP1/CCL2的「趨化因子」蛋白質(J. Interferon Cytokinte Res. Vol.29, pp.313-326),全名是Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein 1 / Chemokine C-C Motif Ligand 2。這屬一類激素,顧名思義,其功能在於「趨化」一些細胞層面的工序。 MCP1/CCL2滲入血液後,會令血中的T淋巴細胞走出血管,進入肺組織(Faseb

Sai Wan , Ham Tin Wan, 西灣, 鹹田灣

全香港最美,最小污染的沙灘, 當之無愧. 請好好保護 西灣: 遠望鹹田灣, 蚺蛇尖: distance: 11.3 km calories: 457 kcal time: 3:30 hours NPC note of hike

half of secondary infections occur early in incubation period

At least one of every two instances of human-to-human transmission of the new coronavirus is believed to occur while the first patient is not yet showing symptoms, according to an estimate by a group of Japanese university researchers. Based on its determination, the team, headed by Hokkaido University professor Hiroshi Nishiura, has called for preventive measures as well as reinforcing the medical care system against a potential sharp rise in coronavirus patients , rather than focusing exclusively on isolation as a way to contain the disease. According to the estimate based on 26 human-to-human infection cases released by six countries such as China, Thailand and the United States, the timing of the secondary infection was shorter than previously thought. Although the average period of incubation for the coronavirus originating from central China is believed to be about five days, the researchers found that second patients in more than half of the 26 human-to-human

spread of novel coronavirus in Korea

this time, the information is less available than MERS a few years ago first locally infected patient occurred on 30 Jan 2020. He is 6th case in Korea The transmission occurred when patients No. 3 and 6 met for over an hour at a restaurant in southern Seoul, local network MBC reported Friday(31 Jan). Patient 31: The country's 31st COVID-19 patient, who resides in Daegu, 300 kilometers southeast of Seoul, is judged to have infected at least 11 others, according to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) on Wednesday(19Feb2020). The patient was hospitalized at a Daegu hospital from Feb. 7-17. The KCDC said that the patient has had contact with 166 people, who have now placed themselves into self-quarantine. 37 of the patients known to have attended a church service with the 31st patient, a 61-year-old woman who is presumed to have infected about 40 people so far. The public health authorities said earlier it is still unclear how th


重慶: 近日,重慶攀鋼重慶鈦業公司發生聚集性疫情引發「復工危機」,因未嚴格執行疫情管控要求,該公司發現兩宗確診,一宗無症狀陽性感染者,造成一百多人密切接觸。當地工業區一名工作人員證實此事,目前該公司已封鎖隔離,停止生產。   據《每日經濟新聞》報道,一份落款為大足工業園區管理委員會的緊急通知顯示,周一(十日)攀鋼重慶鈦業公司「由於復工後未嚴格按照市疫情管控要求進行管理,發生一宗聚集性疫情嚴重事件,該公司兩宗確診,一宗無症狀陽性感染者,造成一百三十一人密切接觸」。   工業區一名工作人員稱確有其事,「據我們收到的通知,目前這家企業已經封鎖隔離,停止生產」,其所在的開發區正加強企業排查。至於此宗聚集性疫情發生的緣由,暫無詳情可知,涉事公司尚未對此回應。 為做好返工潮的防疫工作,廣州防控指揮部昨日宣布,即日起從湖北返穗的民眾,一律實施集中隔離健康觀察,以遏制新冠肺炎疫情在社區的擴散及擴散,降低感染率。任何拒絕隔離、導致疫情傳播者,將依法追究責任。通告要求有關部門加緊安排集中隔離觀察場所,做好人員、經費和設施等保障,並逐一為抵穗者登記資料。   國資委公眾號「國資小新」昨日發文稱,據不完全統計,截至周三(十二日),全國各地國企已經實現大面積復工復產。首都國企復工復產比例高達九成九,上海復工率則約百分之八十,廣東省屬十八家企業及下屬企業基本全部正常經營。 星島CA guancha 廣州: 據報廣州市天河區的天盈廣場東塔出現新冠肺炎感染病例,其所在公司所有員工已於上周五(14日)隔離及停止辦公。這是廣州正式復工後,首次出現寫字樓確診病例。 物業加強消毒 據內媒報道,廣州啟勝物業管理有限公司的通告顯示,管理處接獲政府部門通知,指天盈廣場東塔13樓一家公司的1名職員,確診感染新冠肺炎。管理處及疾控中心已派人上門,在患者工作的樓層及公司消毒。  hket

remdesivir to try on novel coronavirus

As Gilead Sciences' investigational remdesivir emerged as a promising drug against the new coronavirus, a Chinese research institute has applied to patent that use. Gilead's CEO Daniel O'Day said the company doesn't plan to get into a dispute, stressing that its “responsibility is the patients.” A paper published in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) late last week described the use of the drug on the first 2019-nCoV patient in the U.S. Ten days into the illness, the patient was showing signs of pneumonia, required supplemental oxygen, suffered ongoing fevers and was positive for 2019-nCoV RNA at multiple sites. On day 11, the physicians administered remdesivir on a compassionate use basis. The next day, the patient’s condition improved, leading to the discontinuation of supplemental oxygen and cessation of all symptoms apart from intermittent dry cough and rhinorrhea. China-Japan Friendship Hospital plans to randomize 270 patients with mild-to-