

目前顯示的是 1月, 2015的文章

Yayoi linked to Yangtze area

DNA tests reveal similarities to early wet-rice farmers Some of the first wet-rice farmers in Japan might have migrated from the lower basin of China's Yangtze River more than 2,000 years ago, Japanese and Chinese researchers said Thursday. This was suggested by DNA tests conducted by the researchers that showed genetic similarities between human remains from the Yayoi Period found in southwestern Japan and the early Han Dynasty found in China's central Jiangsu Province, Satoshi Yamaguchi told reporters. People who introduced irrigation techniques to the Japanese archipelago in the Yayoi Period (250 B.C.-300) were believed to have come to Japan either from the Korean Peninsula across the Tsushima Strait, or from northern China across the Yellow Sea. The latest findings, however, bolster another theory suggesting the origin of the Yayoi people was an area south of the Yangtze, which is believed to be the birthplace of irrigated rice cultivation. Yamaguch

Japan population structure

Dual origin hypothesis Previous studies showed genetic affinities between the Ainu and Ryukyu peoples,who live in the north and south ends of Japan, respectively, and who are thought to be descendents of the Jomon people. These observations are consistent with the “dual-origin hypothesis”, which states that the ancestral Japanese populations were brought by two major migration events. Archeological studies have suggested that the Jomon period (the Japanese Neolithic age) started about (14000 - 300 BC), when the Yayoi period(300 BC - 250 AD), a rice-farming and metal-using age, started. In the Yayoi period, immigrants from the Asian continent had moved to western Japan via Korea or China and expelled or mixed with the Jomon people. Our observations of the two main clusters and genetic differentiation among geographic regions are not discordant with the dual-origin hypothesis, although most of the Hokkaido individuals in this study are probably different from the indigenous Ainu people

chinese origins from genetic point of view

The majority of chinese are from haplogroup O3. And the migration is from north china, during Han漢-Tang唐 dynasty ( 1700 years ago) and Han漢-Song宋 dynasty ( 800 years ago)   from genebase Among all the populations of East and Southeast Asia, Haplogroup O3 is most closely associated with those that speak a Sinitic, Tibeto-Burman, or Hmong-Mien language. Haplogroup O3 comprises about 50% or more of the total Y-chromosome variation among the populations of each of these language families. The Sinitic and Tibeto-Burman language families are generally believed to be derived from a common Sino-Tibetan protolanguage, and most linguists place the homeland of the Sino-Tibetan language family somewhere in northern China. The Hmong-Mien languages and cultures, for various archaeological and ethnohistorical reasons, are also generally believed to have derived from a source somewhere north of their current distribution, perhaps in northern or central China. The Tibetans, however, despite

Food, mood and obesity

hunger and appetite hormone Hormonal Imbalance, Sleep And Menopause Causes Obesity Through neurobiological data, presence of food cravings, over eating, and tolerance support an addiction-like model by numerous signals that are involved in engaging both the central and peripheral nervous system in a bi-directional manner to regulate food intake. Genes, environment, various emotions also influence food intake, and mood states that trigger eating of palatable foods for comfort in negative emotional states. This repetitive eating of comfort foods, rich in carbohydrate, high-fats and sugar, leads to obesity. Obesity in turn regulates mood due to metabolic disturbances. Metabolic disturbances further alter brain-signaling systems leading to a bi-directional vicious cycle of mood, food, and obesity . Furthermore a complex regulation of mood and eating disorders are implied from emerging studies of epigenetics in mood and eating disorders. frontiers the scienti

G-BOMBS from Dr Joel Fuhrman

Dr Fuhrman's website

Gene banking

What is the optimal level of gene expression throughout life? The answer will differ from one individual to another. One way to answer the question is to establish a baseline biomarker profile based on measurements taken in late adolescence or early adulthood. This allows the anti-aging practitioner to do more than make an educated guess based on the mythical average for a specific biomarker. The ideal would be to perform a complete biomarker survey at or before age thirty to determine an individual's baseline biomarker levels. But even if your thirtieth birthday has long since passed, it isn't too late to find your own current baseline. Without it, you will never know for sure how close you have come to achieving your genetic goals. The technology of gene banking makes it possible to store and document our genetic profile regardless of our age. As with baseline biomarker assessment, the ideal time to do this is during late adolescence or early adulthood. People who wish to p

Estrogen replacement therapy

Hormonal replacement with the triestrogens ( estradiol, estriol and estrone) is recommended for women to mimic the body's natural levels of these hormones. The suggested dose is 1.25 to 5 grams applied to the skin twice daily until symptoms of deficiency ( such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness) are eliminated. The ideal approach is to use the lowest dose possible to eliminate symptoms. Progesterone replacement should start with 20 to 200 mg twice a day in the form of a transdermal cream. Progesterone can also be given orally in a dosage of 50 to 250 mg daily ( the usual dose is 100 mg) before bedtime. If hormone creams are used, they are applied twice daily, morning and evening, to maintain stable blood levels around the clock. Symptoms of progesterone deficiency - water retention, width gain, bone loss, anxiety, sleep problem, painful breasts, and shorter menstrual cycles - should also be monitored until subjective improvement is documented.

Adrenal Hormones replacement therapy

Replacement of the adrenal hormones usually concentrates on DHEA. In women the dose is 5 to 25 mg daily by mouth in the morning. Men can take between 20 and 50 mg daily also by mouth in the morning. Women should keep in mind that most DHEA is converted to testosterone and that and elevated testosterone level can result in elevated 5-DHT, which may cause acne and thinning hair. For this reason, DHEA levels should be monitored closely, especially in women. In men, DHEA is frequently converted to estradiol and can contribute to breast enlargement. The generic tendency toward breast enlargement is found in a significant number of men. This problem can be controlled by prescribing 7-keto DHEA, a form that is not easily converted into estradiol. Testosterone replacement can also be provided in the form of transdermal ( through the skin) creams, oral supplements, gels, patches, or injections. For women, the recommended transdermal cream usage is normally 0.25 to 2.5 mg/mL daily; for men the

Pineal Gland Hormones replacement therapy

Pineal gland hormones are supplemented with melatonin, at 0.3 to 3 mg orally at night before bed. The lower dose is appropriate to aid sleep, At the 3-mg level, melatonin, is an antioxidant but rarely a sleep aid. Appropriate melatonin levels have several advantages, which include DNA protection ( the antioxidant function), improvement of immune function, regulation of general hormonal release patterns, and in case cases, improved quality of sleep. People with autoimmune diseases usually should not take supplemental melatonin but can obtain it instead by taking 5-HTP, the precursor to serotonin, some of which resolves into melatonin. Others can also achieve both improved serotonin and melatonin levels by taking 5-HTP.

Thyroid Hormone replacement therapy

Thyroid hormone supplementation involves a dose of 0.5 to 3 grain of triiodothyronine ( T3) and thyroxine (T4), most commonly found in the form of Amour Thyroid, an easily available and inexpensive prescription medication. This form of thyroid replacement, as opposed to a synthetic thyroid hormone that provides only T4, is usually the most effective, because it supplies both essential components of the thyroid hormone. Selenium is required to convert T4 to T3. Supplying T4 alone can result in inefficient T3 production because of depleted selenium levels in many individuals. Also, some people have a genetic condition that binds T4 to protein and prevents the successful generation o f T3.

Growth Hormone replacement therapy

HGH replacement therapy is accomplished with the use of recombinant growth hormone, 0.5 to 1 unit per day. It is recommended that the hormone be administered Monday through Friday by subcutaneous ( under the skin) injection. Weekends are periods of non treatment to allow the pituitary gland's normal feedback mechanisms to maintain equilibrium. A new form of HGH replacement is available as a once-a-month injection

Anti-Aging Treatments and Technologies

The first human being to live to be 200 years old is walking the planet today. It may be one of our children, or perhaps even one of our own generation. Today's anti-aging regimen and associated treatments can prolong healthy life for almost anyone, regardless of age. Emerging technologies, some of which are available today, improve the promise of extending life beyond anything previous generations could have imagined. The fundamental processes by which we age form a complex equation encoded in our twenty-three chromosome pairs. Breaking the aging code consists of minimizing glycation, inflammatory processes, and oxidative stress, while improving the process of methylation to regulate gene expression, minimize DNA damage, and maximize DNA repair. The lifestyle modifications set out in this book provide most of the building blocks required to achieve our longevity goals. If you want to go further, additional benefits are possible through pharmaceutical intervention, which requires

Hormone replacement therapy

Hormone replacement therapy can be a valuable component of an age-management program. It can help regulate and maintain such vital functions as the maintenance of bone mass, healthy levels of blood fats, and protection from cardiovascular disease. No one should embark on a hormone replacement program, however, without first having the necessary laboratory test and without the supervision and advice of a qualified health care professional. There is no place in anti-aging therapy for single hormone replacement. In fact, replacement of growth hormone or testerone alone can be deleterious to the aging process and longevity. Estrogen replacement has been in the news lately, with discouraging reports. The body is designed to act in concert and balance with all hormones in appropriate ratios. Changes in the level of a single hormone can trigger a cascade of effects that upsets the delicate balance of the neuroendocrine system. Therefore, it is essential to view hormone levels as an interdep

water and other improvements

The composition of our cells is made of 98 percent water; water is the medium in which all biochemical processes takes place. It is essential to have the appropriate quantity and quality of water for this reason. Eight 8-ounce glasses of water are recommended for proper hydration. If you wait to drink water until you are thirsty, you're already dehydrated. Healthful water should tend toward the alkaline, which helps balance pH levels both within and between cells. That poses a particular problem in areas where acid rain provides much of the local water supply. Limestone filters exists that can transform acidic water to a more beneficial pH. Water softeners improve water surface tension and wetting ability and enhance cell-membrane permeability and cell hydration, allowing cellular wastes to leave and essential nutrients and electrolytes to enter the cells. Filter that soften water and raise its pH can be attached to the main water intake or to individual faucets. Improving digest


Improving immune function can be accomplished with natural components from yeast cell extracts known as beta-1,3-glucans. The herbal compounds echinacea, goldenseal, and astragalus have all been documented to improve T-cell and immune functions, but studies have shown that echinacea diminishes in effectivenes if taken daily over a long period of time. It is better to take this herb for two or three weeks and then put it aside for a week of two. Reishi mushroom extract and shiitake mushroom concentrate are well-known immune stimulants as well.

Energy production

Another essential approach to anti-aging treatment is to improve mitochondrial production of ATP, the essential energy intermediate from which all cellular processes, including DNA repair, are accomplished. Keeping ATP production optimal is paramount in the efforts to decelerate aging. This can be accomplished with lipoic acid, N-acetlycysteine, niacinamide, co-enzyme Q10, L-carnitine, taurine, vitamin E and glutathione.


Turning genes on and off at appropriate times is the result of proper methylation. It is facilitated by supplementation with vitamins B6, B12, folic acid, and the digestive aids betaine and glycine. Lowering excessive cortisol levels also improves methylation. The easiest way to do that is by augmenting DHEA, which decreases body fat as well as age-related brain cell death associated with memory impairment. Only take DHEA under age-management practitioner's supervision


Controlling the inflammatory process centers around a diet free of foods to which you are allergic, supplemented with digestive enzymes. These enzymes break down proteins into amino acids and aid in their absorption. If you suffer from frequent bouts of indigestion, you would do well to eliminate suspect foods for several weeks. Introduce them back into your diet one at a time, waiting for two or three weeks between introductions to see if allergic symptoms recur. The two classes of foods most likely to cause allergic reactions in adults are those containing wheat and dairy products. Many people have achieved relief from acid indigestion ( gastric esophageal reflux disorder, or GERD) by eliminating wheat and diary from their diets. It is important to know that most cases of indigestion in people of middle age and older result from over consumption of carbohydrates, accompanied by insufficient digestive enzymes, not from lack of stomach acids. Although we are bombarded by advertisements


An antioxidant program is essential to help DNA-damaging free-radical production, which is an unavoidable part of energy metabolism. Antioxidant supplements containing vitamins A, C, E, selenium, zinc, and natural compounds from vegetable-derived foods are essential. The rate and quantity of DNA damage are directly related to elevated free-radical levels at both the nuclear an the cell-membrane levels. Experimental studies have shown that selegiline hydrochoride ( brand name Deprenyl), an anti-tremor drug most commonly used to treat Parkinson's disease, improves levels of the intrinsic antioxidant compounds that we normally produce on our own. The suggested dosage for antioxidant support is 2.5 to 5.0 mg/day, which is one-quarter to one-half the standard dose. Other antioxidant compounds such as superoxide dismutase(SOD), catalase, and glutathione peroxidase are produced within the cells and the mitochondria, which is where most free-radical production and free-radical damage takes


Supplements that improve insulin sensitivity aid in controlling glycation. These include alpha-lipoic acid ( ALA), vanadium, chromium, zinc, taurine, and the herbs fenugreek and bitter gourd. Metformin ( Glucophage) is an efficient way to control the loss of insulin recepter sensitivity and resulting elevation of blood sugars levels, It also replaces the more onerous practice of calorie restriction by mimicking the effects of a reduced calorie diet. For this purpose the usual prescription is 125 mg two times a day, with lunch and dinner, which is less than 10 percent of the maximum dose prescribed for Type 2 diabetics. Aminoguanidine( brand name Wytensin), a drug normally used to lower blood pressure, is another medication that can help inhibit glycation and also support the immune system. The recommended amount is 200 mg twice daily, which is half the usual starting dose of 400 mg twice daily when it is used to treat high blood pressure. Neither of these drugs nor any other compound m