

目前顯示的是 10月, 2017的文章

OLED using I2C and SPI, etc


ConfigurableFirmata and johnny-five

Prelude: Rasperry Pi is a very powerful and popular ARM board, and can be installed with Raspian ( Debian 8 ) Jessie very easily with NOOBS. However the node.js version included is version 0.10.x , which is rather old, and I think the main reason is be compatible with node-red. This will cause trouble if you want to install johnny-five in it. based on excellent tutorial on pubnub , npmjs and jwaldron github,  I list out the workflow on how to do it. on Arduino: install ConfigurableFirmata ( see PubNub tutorial ) is pretty straightforward on Raspberry Pi: install node.js from nodejs.org curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_6.x | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs  npm (node package manager ) is already installed check version of npm: Ubuntu and Debian Install Node.js >= 0.10.x               sudo apt-get install nodejs Install the nodejs-legacy package                sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy ( eg for node-red


广州从化阿婆六村. 最近太多人去, 加了住宿的地方有晚上戶外活動, 營火 唱歌等, 多了光害... 广东省惠州市龙门南昆山 阳山县北部的秤架镇石坑崆(海拔1902m) 24°55'38"N,112°59'29"E sohu foshantravel  goodread  

惠州龍門縣 light pollution map

so radiance is around 0.32(blue) to black( if the GPS co-ordinates were a bit off) from baidu map, it is probably a bit south , 鹿湖凹, or close to it  114.15077 E  23.54125 N on lightpollutionmapinfo mapbar  reference in hkastroforum another nearby place called 沙徑農場

Pegasus Cepheus and Cassiopeia

pictured in Clear Water Bay park on 26 Sep 2017 M31 is just visible at bottom of the picture All in all, a location far away from city sky glow is far more important than any other factors