extra features from raspberry pi:
power distribution ( 12Vdc x4, 5Vdc USB output x2)
external WiFi and GPS, built-in RTC
PWM ( for dew heaters)
variable output voltage
and more....
roughly the size of a WiFi router
to be available in late 2021
price: TBD ( ~250 USD?)
if you look for just a dew heater control box by 3D printing, look here
TP-LINK USB 3.0 HUB is using a Realtek RTS5411 chip
the next gen look a bit similar to RPi CM4 io board, but with extra USB ports and 12V regulated ports:
seeeduino: how to customize CM4IO
waveshare rpi usb module, using VLI817 chip
10 popular compute module products.
Raspberry Pi now supports SSD
Waveshare Raspberry Pi CM4 PCI-E To M.2 Adapter Card SSD for Compute module IV