
Orion Telescopes & Binoculars has acquired the famous telescope manufacturer Meade.

 Optronic Technologies, Inc., better known to backyard astronomers as Orion Telescopes & Binoculars, has announced the acquisition of Meade Instruments following the approval of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California.

Peter Moreo, President of Orion (and new President of Meade), states, “I am honored to have the opportunity to work with Meade employees, customers, and suppliers as the next phase of Meade’s corporate journey begins.”

For over four decades, Meade Instruments has been one of the world's largest designers and manufacturers of telescopes and accessories for amateur astronomers. The company has worked closely with independently owned and operated retailers that serve both casual and advanced amateur astronomers.

In 2019 Orion Telescopes & Binoculars sued Meade, then a subsidiary of Chinese manufacturer Ningbo Sunny Electronic Co. Ltd, in an antitrust lawsuit that included several other manufacturers. The lawsuit found that Sunny colluded with other Chinese manufacturers in a price-fixing scheme that formed a monopoly over the domestic consumer telescope market. In December 2019, Meade filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection


 For MOST of the mainstream amateur astronomy equipment, there's only a few factories in China responsible for the manufacturing. The Synta Technology Company of Taiwan and their manufacturing arm, the Suzhou Synta Optical Technology, appears to be the largest. They created the SkyWatcher brand name for their products in 1999, and in the early-to-mid 2000's bought out both Tasco and Celestron, to whom they had been supplying equipment for several years already. Prior to the 2005 buyout of Celestron, they provided the bulk of their equipment, in particular their lower-end products and their mounts (at least the CG-5-ASGT and the CGEM). Two of the other factories are Ningbo-Sunny, in Mainland China, and Guan Sheng Optical (GSO) in Taiwan. I don't know the numbers, but I'd estimate they account for at least 75%, and probably more, of the amateur telescope equipment sold in the United States and Europe.

Ningbo-Sunny purchased Meade several years ago and kept it running, but, as has been established in court, they were at least colluding with Synta concerning pricing. I believe that a lot, if not most, of the products were using components manufactured in the same factories. For example, the telescope currently sold as the Meade Infinity 80MM Refracting Telescope is the exact same optical tube as the Orion ShortTube 80-T Refractor telescope, the only difference being in the paint and decal on the tube. This same tube has also been sold by Celestron and, I believe, SkyWatcher. I don't mean they're similar, they're the same optical tube.

While i don't know this to be the case, I suspect there's a lot more overlap between Ningbo-Sunny and Synta products.

Even if there wasn't, they're competing in the same market for the same customer base and offering a lot of the same products. As such, pricing is going to be very close, if not the same, even if they weren't working in collusion. Look at the Orion XT-8 Dobsonian and compare it to the GSO-manufactured 8" Dobs (most notably sold under the Apertura and Zhumell brand names). These ARE from different manufacturers, but the scopes themselves are nearly identical: both 8" F/6 Dobs. The primary differences are found in the accessories bundled with each. Last I checked, the Orion was slightly cheaper, but the Apertura/Zhumell came with a slightly better (in my opinion) set of accessories, making them about a wash. Performace-wise, being essentially equal, it comes down to would you rather save a few bucks or get a slightly better set of accessories. You can always add-on to the accessories, so the savings might be the better option, but, again, it's just about even. As far as I know, Synta and GSO haven't colluded on pricing, it's just a matter of supply/demand curves.

Orion has, for a while, gotten a lot of its equipment from Synta. However, they were and remain a US-owned company, they just used Synta as a supplier of manufactured goods (as far as I know, there are no US-based facilities capable of producing the equipment in the quantities that Orion would need and to tool a factory up to do so would be far more expensive than getting them from China).

I noticed a few years ago that they started carrying some GSO products as well (the Orion SkyLine series of Dobs appear to be GSO-manufactured). I'm guessing this is at least partly due to the litigation between Orion and the others. I don't know that Orion manufactures any of its equipment state-side (though it's possible, just not likely they do much locally).

Orion purchases their products abroad, has them branded with their logos and paint schemes, provides their own manuals, and provides, from what I've seen, excellent product support (I have NEVER heart a complaint about Orion service from an original product owner, and have heard plenty of owners speak very highly of Orion support). In the case of Celestron, nearly all of their products are manufactured abroad and the bulk of the money ends up going abroad (I believe the C14 is still manufactured in California, but that's the only one as far as I know). Until now, Meade was entirely manufactured in China.

But these are not the ONLY manufacturers. There are others, several of which are US-based, that produce amateur equipment. Unfortunately, most of these are premium brands with higher price tags. Obsession is one example. Their Dobs are among the best you can find, and they're made in the US. I believe the Software Bisque mounts (e.g. Paramount) are made in the US. SBIG and FLI are us-based companies manufacturing cameras (I believe they are both at least assembled in the US). So there ARE native US brands, just the economics of the industry make it far less advantageous to use domestic manufacturing.

I'm hopeful about this news. Now that Orion owns the Meade name, perhaps we'll see a bit more competition in the marketplace, though that will largely depend on who's doing the actual manufacturing. One question I have is to who owns the IP on the products. The announcement mentioned that Orion now holds the trademarks, but do they own the IP behind the products? That could make all the difference in the long run.


- John Hayes




Ngo ~ "N-gaw" Mui ~ "Moo-ee" Ngo ~ "N-gaw" Mui ~ "Moo-ee" Ngo ~ "N-gaw" Mui ~ "Moo-ee" Ngo (N-gaw) ,  Mui  (Moo-ee )  Cilantro Ngo Gai (N-gaw guy), Mui Tau (Moo-ee Tao), Ngo Tau (N-gaw Tao)   Mexican Coriander,  Sawtooth Coriander, Culantro    娥女帝(拼音), 刺芹   特徵:娥女帝是短株形的植物,氣味清淡,葉邊呈鋸齒形,十分容易辨認。來源地:越南。 功效:和白夏差不多,娥女帝亦有祛濕、解毒及驅風的療效。建議食法: Pho,  (Bánh Xeò) 越南煎餅, 炒菜,湯,咖哩 Ngo Gai ~ "N-gaw guy" Mui Tau ~ "Moo-ee Tao" Ngo Tau ~ "N-gaw Tao" - See more at: http://vietworldkitchen.typepad.com/blog/vietnamese-herb-primer.html#sthash.I9rzkzwI.dpuf Rau Ram (Rau Rahm) Vietnam Coriander, Laksa Leaf, "Vietnamese mint(actually not a mint)" Peppery, quite spicy. In salad Hung (Hoong), , Hung Lang (Hoong Lang) Spearmint.  Vietnamese coriander Hung Lui (Hoong Lou-ee), Hung Diu(Hoong Zee-ew) round mint used in salad Hung Cay (Hoong Kay) Mint Rau Que, Hung Que (H

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 from facebook 尋日朋友話係強國網上買左支C40,重要係斑馬木,話要拎嚟同我炫耀下,咁咪拎過嚟我到開箱囉。   斑馬木都停產左好耐,重要買到全新,重要係強國網,佢話買左二千四人仔,我當然半信半疑,見到面拎上手都好重手下,紙盒都算幾真,都幾結實,印刷都唔覺有太大問題,打開盒先開始覺得唔對路(圖1-14開箱圖)。 -1號圖,招紙貼得有d皺,但印刷都算幾清晰。 -2、3號圖,打開就爛左。 -4、5號圖,玻璃樽色澤、材質明顯有問題。 -7同9號係片,一定要聽下啲聲,好怪。 -8號圖,可以睇到冚蓋後,好大條罅。 -10號圖睇到,9號條片扭左幾下,不停有碎跌出黎。 -11號圖,拎出黎就花曬。 -12、13號圖,本身印刷品質數都高,但對番正版個張唔會有黑色油墨跡。 -14號圖,主體Logo係焫落去,有凹凸感,之後用正版對比,先發現問題。  立刻拎支正版出黎比對下。 -15-19號圖,如果無正版盒係手,就咁拎住個假盒都可能呃到下人,但真盒一拎上手,非常硬正,敲落去感覺好唔同。     -20-25號圖,基本重量無太大分別,假貨手柄比較重,正版高度比較多一點點。 -26-30號圖,透明、茶色粉杯一比之下就睇得出分別,正版比較通透、清晰,玻璃瓶品質高。 -31-33號圖,手柄膠片位有花、有明顯水口位,正版無水口,好平滑,木柄和連接轉軸位置都有所不同。 -34號片,正版磁力強,手柄好穩陣,假貨倒轉就跌出嚟,連磁石都甩埋(35號圖)。 -36-37號圖,歸零後正版手柄會卡住,假貨由於磁石位置甩咗,所以鎖唔住。 -38-39號圖,塑膠位置標誌以及文字正版都比較突顯、清晰。 -40號圖,未用內膽就有多處刮花。 -41-44號圖,驟眼睇真係好似,螺絲都跟都幾足,但網上搵左好多圖睇過,基本上文字同刀邊都會有距離,假野比較貼。 -45號圖,刀頭格數卡位用嘅孔,開箱個時扭左幾下已經有碎屑跌出嚟,放大睇更明顯睇到分別,正版手工好好,假野好似月球坑咁。 -46-47號圖,46正版歸零後好平,47扭到好盡,歸零唔順暢,有少許凸起。   -48號片,調節格數聲音,都唔洗講,一聽就知大問題 -49-50號圖,假貨膠料位置明顯水口,螺絲也有分別。 -51-52號圖,正版刀頭用左成年都好新,假貨扭左半日都無,就刮左個圈出黎蝕曬,鋼水差。   -53-56號圖,木面Logo雖然都做到好真,但都搵到分別


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