
Anti-Aging Treatments and Technologies

The first human being to live to be 200 years old is walking the planet today. It may be one of our children, or perhaps even one of our own generation. Today's anti-aging regimen and associated treatments can prolong healthy life for almost anyone, regardless of age. Emerging technologies, some of which are available today, improve the promise of extending life beyond anything previous generations could have imagined.

The fundamental processes by which we age form a complex equation encoded in our twenty-three chromosome pairs. Breaking the aging code consists of minimizing glycation, inflammatory processes, and oxidative stress, while improving the process of methylation to regulate gene expression, minimize DNA damage, and maximize DNA repair. The lifestyle modifications set out in this book provide most of the building blocks required to achieve our longevity goals. If you want to go further, additional benefits are possible through pharmaceutical intervention, which requires the assistance of a skilled aging-management of professional. Taken together, the measures described here will have the most positive impact possible on the aging equation. They influence hormonal levels, restoring a more youthful balance and function to the endocrine, immune, digestive, and central nervous systems. In this way, the body's systems learn again what they knew when we were young - how to integrate with each other, providing the balance and homeostasis that sustains life at its best.

With the increased knowledge and understanding we have gained by breaking the aging code, we have at hand a new way of looking at aging. No matter how we have treated ourselves in the past, this new paradigm enables us to live longer, healthier, more productive lives. This chapter details the treatments and technologies that can help make that possible.

Gene expression and cell signaling

Research in the last several years has documented the success of using nutraceuticals - vitamins, minerals, amino acids, plant phytochemicals, and enzyme complexes - as well as prescription drugs, to directly influence gene expression. When done correctly, down-regulating some genes and up-regulating others can adjust the synthesis of enzymes that alter cell signaling and thus directly affect hormonal levels. Hormones are ultimately responsible for the changes in proteins and other growth factors that result in a favourable rate of tissue regeneration and other physical changes





Energy Production


Other Improvements

Hormone replacement protocols


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