
Yeast in beer

Function: turn/ferment  sugars to alcohol and carbon dioxide 

There's 2 main microbes:

Saccharomyces cerveisiae or ale yeast, and Saccharomyces pastorianus or lager yeast.

(Brettanomyces bruxellensis, third type of yeast in lambic)



Beer maverick database 

Dry yeast vs liquid yeast

Checking the pH of yeast before repitching it into the wort is recommended.  A tired yeast slurry will have a higher than normal pH [>4.5] , eg 3 to 4, due to cytoplasm released by autolysed yeast.  Healthy yeast will respond positively to clean, cold, oxygenated wort with adequate nutrients and no competition. 

Temperature control 

General process

Yeast calculator 

Grow yeast in lab YouTube 

Yeast metabolises sugar from wort, producing alcohol and carbon dioxide, thereby turning wort into beer.

It ferments beer and influences its flavour profile, however, there must be no oxygen present.

In the presence of oxygen, yeast multiplies which is important for propagation and the baking industry. This can spoil the long-term stability of beer flavour and clarity.

When is oxygen is required in the brewing process?

New yeast is required from time to time as the yeast loses the ability to produce a good beer. That’s why you need a yeast propagation plant.

During propagation the yeast call is in respiration mode, which means uptake of oxygen. This means the yeast cell prefers to breathe rather than consuming sugars.

During the fermentation mode the yeast cell consumes 14 times for sugar in order to obtain the same amount of energy, that’s why yeast growth is about 10 times greater under respiration than fermentation

Pasture effect and crabtree effect


Native yeast on grapes:


Apiculate (lemon shaped) yeast Kloeckera apiculata

Hansenia uvarum - most common 

Common brands:


Red star

Vinter's Harvest

Fermentis. For lager, s-23 more fruity than w34/70

Liquid yeast:

White Labs


Reference :

Autolysis factors like temperature, pH, nutrient availability, and oxygen levels can influence the rate of autolysis.




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沖田博文 Hirofumi Okita 60cm F3.25 dobsonian telescope

  the making mirror from Mike Lockwood webpage   youtube uwakina bokura other ATMers in Japan blueforest anettai  


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