

目前顯示的是 10月, 2024的文章

Galaxy hop ale, day 16

Specific Gravity: 1.006 Target gravity is 1.013 Add 1g of yeast nutrients. Need to re pitch yeast from yeast starter?  Or to add some more malt extract? Or both? TBD Xxc Just found that I need to add 300 to 370g of DME to adjust the gravity. This is enough to make a new batch. Adjust calculator  

Cafespresso HX espresso machine

Dual boiler heat exchanger  Steam boiler: 2.2L Heat Exchanger type. With pstat valve to control pressure/ temperature  Brew boiler: 1.2L Brewing temperature with PID control: sensor located in top of boiler, adjust wireless by external hand controller E61 grouphead  Rotary pump in 高配板 Bilibili Anyways, very good CP ratio. But overall performance may not be well tuned. Eg brew pressure may sometimes "hammer" once when reaching 9 bar.  They provide,as after sales upgrade, to add paddle to top of group head. This is for flow control  which is selling ~¥400,suitable for many E61 machines YouTube   Another review   Btw, those GS3 clones, the grouphead handle is just a brew on/off switch only. Beware

my first yeast starter trial

I follow procedure of whitelabs . I use cooking pot to mix DME with heated water and boil, to prevent over boiling and foam eruption. And I don't need to use fermcap My case for trial: Aim for 1.037 initial gravity  51g DME 500g water  0.5g yeast 0.1g yeast nutrients (optional) Turns out result in SG of 1.04 Measure with hydrometer, it's 1.040 to 1.042 NB: I only boil wort for 3 to 5 minutes instead of 10 min. Will this not enough time for amylase to convert starch to sugars? After 12 hours, foaming: After 24 hours: foam reduced Let's see after 48 hours. When to add yeast nutrients

三代以上, 人人皆知天文 - 日知錄

  清代大學者顧炎武在《日知錄》曾經慨嘆:「三代以上, 人人皆知天文。『七月流火』,農夫之辭也;『三星在戶 』,婦人之辭也;『月離於畢』,戍卒之辭也;『龍尾伏辰』,兒童之謠也。後世文人學士,有問之而茫然不知者 。」 日知錄 online   Ctext

8乘8啤酒節 and others

Sohu   2023 2024 京A 2024 4月 北京  國際啤酒節 Other china breweries that won in Asia Beer Competition fb: 雙合盛 五星 U R brew No 18 Trueman Other breweries: Daybreak 旦 廣州 Great leap 北京 Humdinger 昆明 東莞啤酒節 11月 深圳 Halo place Bili 2024下半年國內 各地日期指南 山姆 IPA套裝 飛飛一杯酒

Orion heat shield for Artemis missions

  The heat shield features the same ablative material called Avcoat used in Apollo lunar outings and return-to-Earth missions. However, the building process has changed, according to Lockheed Martin that fashioned Orion’s thermal protection system. "Instead of having workers fill 300,000 honeycomb cells one by one with ablative material, then heat-cure the material and machine it to the proper shape, the team now manufactures Avcoat blocks – just fewer than 200 – that are pre-machined to fit into their positions and bonded in place on the heat shield’s carbon fiber skin," the aerospace firm’s website explains. That process is a timesaver in putting on the Avcoat – about a quarter of the  time . Speaking October 29 at the Annual Meeting of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group being held in Houston, Texas, Glaze did not say what root cause was uncovered. However, Glaze said that additional testing is ongoing before any final determination is made. That testing will conclude by ...

Diastatic powder

  Diastatic power refers to the enzymatic power of the malt itself – its ability to break down starches into even simpler fermentable sugars during the mashing process. The term “diastatic” refers to “diastase” enzymes. There are two “diastese” enzymes, the first is alpha amylase and the second is beta amylase. These enzymes might be familiar to many of you who have been brewing all grain for a while, as they are the primary enzymes active when you mash your grains in the normal temperature range of 65-70C. So why should an average homebrewer care? If you don’t have sufficient diastatic enzymes in your mash, you simply will not be able to properly convert sugars during the mash. This will leave you with a partially fermented very sweet beer, with very low alcohol content . Diastatic power of some common malt: American 2 Row Pale Malt: 140 °L American 6 Row Pale Malt: 160 °L British Pale Malts: 40-70 °L Maris Otter Pale Malt: 120 °L Belgian Pale Malt (2 row): 60 °L German Pilsner Ma...

satellite earth stations at Tai Po

...To thoroughly resolve the problem of the "3.5 GHz restriction zone" in Tai Po, the Government has proactively discussed with the two satellite operators of the relocation of their existing satellite earth stations (using the 3.5 GHz band for telemetry, tracking and control of satellites in orbit) from Tai Po to Chung Hom Kok Teleport. There are currently a total of 30 C-band antennas installed at AsiaSat’s Tai Po Earth Station in Hong Kong, with 10 C-band antennas of size ranging from 4.5m to 11.3m to support the TT&C activities of AsiaSat’s satellite fleet, and the remaining TVRO antennas for monitoring TV programmes delivered on AsiaSat as well as for teleport service to customers. Tai po industrial estate   Asiasat

Anatomy of a bourbon barrel

 Inner side is burned/charred Brewers have the following barrel choices for barrel aging: >>> Bourbon barrels: For a long while there, American bourbon barrels were the hottest ticket for barrel aging (but as craft brewers are wont to do, they've moved on to explore other barrel possibilities). One reason was their easy availability. Another reason is their intense flavor characteristics. By law, bourbon must be aged for two years in new American oak barrels, and the barrels can be used only once, which means bourbon distillers must rid themselves of thousands of almost-new casks every year. Soaked with the potent flavor of bourbon, these barrels have new roles to play in the aging of rum, tequila, sherry, and now beer. Bourbon barrels are charred on the inside, according to the distiller's specifi- cations. They can be lightly charred or heavily charred. This char, along with the oak character, can permeate the beer, creating an incredible blend of vanilla, caramel, t...

Heat Exchanger ( aka E61 with gicar box) espresso machines

Pros: Good looking E61 grouphead Energy efficient  One boiler instead of two. Smaller footprint  allows users to steam milk and pull shots simultaneously or back-to-back immediately. Good choice for price conscious( $1500 to 2500 USD),  less expensive than Saturated groups  Cons: Affected by water inlet temperature, esp in cold weather in freezing winter Affected by boiler pressure  brewing temperature range  ( usu +/- 2 to 3 degress c), hard to control to narrower range, which is seen as a disadvantage for many baristas. Recent developments: In recent years we have seen lots of HX machines emerge with either PIDs like on the Profitec Pro 500 and the ECM Technika V,  or a 3-position switch that controls the boiler's temperature( eg 90, 92, 94 degrees c) giving you a low, medium, and high setting like the Profitec 400, the ECM Mechanika VI slim and the Lelit MaraX PL62x( another Jim can achieve 2 degree spread). Lelit MaraX has  2 thermal sensors ...

La Mazzocco Linea Mini LMLM saturated group

From HB ...is hard to see how the integrated brew group could perform at an equal level as a true saturated group, but  Integrated brew group IBG LM designed them both and they understand the challenges each design puts forth and they devised equally clever solutions in each case. In the case of the IBG, the magic is in the use of cartridge heaters to heat the entire assembly up to brew temperature in addition to the water screw. So, the NTC thermistor screws into the water screw from the front and the 3 way valve injects water from the "boiler" part of the IBG in from the back. The water has to ride around the water screw, from back to front in order to make it into the orifice that feeds the diffuser. This convoluted path does two things really well. First, it ensures that the brew water is exactly the same temperature as the group itself. Second, it ensures that the controller has a very accurate temperature signal and the cartridge heaters can assure that the target brew...

Apollo lunar rover antennas LCRU

 Overview: High gain antenna: TV transmission  Low gain antenna: voice communications Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) developed the Unified S-band (USB) tracking and communication system, used for communication 2025–2120 MHz (uplink) and 2200–2290 MHz (downlink). Reference: LCRU crew training manual  

Baking powder 泡打粉 vs baking soda 梳打粉

  泡打粉 (上) 黃盒vs 梳打粉 (下)粉紅間條盒


  香港都會大學李嘉誠專業進修學院課程總監、註冊營養師黃蘊芝為大家拆解。 不同顏色啤酒營養相似 迷思1:啤酒是「液體麵包」,可代替澱粉質? 黃:這說法源於啤酒原料和製作過程與麵包相似,均使用穀物和酵母。然而,啤酒營養成分遠不及麵包。麵包富含碳水化合物、蛋白質和纖維,但啤酒在釀造過程中,營養成分大多被分解或過濾,剩下主要是酒精和水分。飲酒帶來的健康風險,遠高於其所能提供的有限營養。 迷思2:啤酒顏色愈深,含維他命B1與B2就愈豐富? 黃:啤酒顏色主要來自大麥或小麥在磨研後(前?)經過烘烤,烘烤時間愈長,顏色愈深,味道亦愈濃郁,甚至帶煙熏味道。不同顏色啤酒的營養成分大致相似,大麥、小麥和酵母本身含有豐富維他命B,但在釀酒過程中,基本上都被高溫揮發掉;即使有剩餘的維他命B,也殘留在過濾掉的啤酒渣中。因此,日常所需營養無法從啤酒中獲得。飯、麵包、蔬果等食物都含有豐富維他命B,肉類如豬肉也是維他命B1和B2重要來源,保持均衡飲食已可以攝取各種必要營養。 淺色啤酒≠酒精含量低 迷思3:淺色啤酒酒精含量低, 可以當水飲,不易醉? 黃:啤酒酒精含量主要取決於釀造過程和使用的原料,例如發酵時間、溫度和次數,而不是顏色。例如,雙倍印度淡艾爾(double IPA)酒體顏色呈稻草至琥珀色,酒精濃度可高達10% vol;黑色的愛爾蘭斯陶特黑啤酒(Irish-style dry stout)酒精濃度反而較低,約4.1%至5.3% vol。 坊間有不少混入果汁、糖漿、冰塊等的啤酒雞尾酒,聲稱將酒精稀釋,不易醉。事實上,一罐330毫升啤酒,加入冰塊或果汁後,的確改變了酒精濃度,但若最終還是整罐喝光,攝取酒精量並未有減少,依然是一整罐的酒精分量。反而帶甜的啤酒雞尾酒因更易入口,讓人不經意多飲,忽略其酒精濃度,更容易飲過量而醉酒。 酒精阻礙燃燒脂肪 迷思4:飲餐酒或烈酒,就不會有「啤酒肚」? 黃:啤酒熱量不容忽視,一罐330毫升(酒精濃度約5% vol)含有約130至150千卡,相當於半碗飯。長期大量飲用會令熱量超標,轉化為脂肪,導致增重和肥胖,形成「啤酒肚」。不過,導致啤酒肚的不僅是啤酒,其他酒也可能令體重增加。每克酒精含有約7千卡熱量,一杯175毫升紅酒(酒精濃度約13% vol)含有約160千卡熱量。此外,酒精會阻礙身體燃燒脂肪,肝臟在蛋白質、碳水化合物和脂肪的...

Beer recipes

List: American home brewers   Homebrewing uk Castlemalting Grainfather   beerandbrewing Beersmith  Beermaverick   Thebrewadventures Mibrewsupply  calculator  Make your own recipe software: Recipe calculator in Excel   Beernbbqbylarry  in Excel ezRecipe  , 90 days free trial EZWater BRUN Water QBrew in linux Qt Homebrewtalk   Brewfather app non free Beer Analytics  Book: Designing great beers - Ray Daniels

慕萨莱思 (梅賽萊斯)Msalais

  古代西域葡萄美酒“活化石”美称的“慕萨莱思”酿造作坊就分布在塔里木盆地西北部以叶尔羌河至塔里木河流域为中心的刀郎地区维吾尔族民间,即以阿克苏地区的阿瓦提县最为著名。 不可喝不可喝,一喝就醉,那种叫做慕萨莱思的东西    “慕萨莱思”是阿拉伯语,意思是“三”。 “慕萨莱思”的制做过程中将挤出的葡萄汁用文火烧煮去2/3,留下1/3部分。所以作为三分之一或三的意思被称为“慕萨莱思”。原料采用阿瓦提红葡萄、木纳格葡萄、马奶子葡萄、青皮葡萄、红提葡萄等。原料成熟期为9月15日左右。其酿造方法大概有两种:①选净--除梗--破碎—榨汁—着色—浓缩—杀菌—罐装—成品; ②葡萄选净--除梗--破碎—榨汁—着色—浓缩—杀菌—自然发酵--罐装—成品。其间不添加任何添加剂、色素,自然发酵期45天不采取任何“曲”类催化。 Winechina

Malt extract and dried malt DME液體麥精,乾麥精

 From TB Reference: Briess

Galaxy hop ale, day 0

4L of water 500g milled 2-row malt Mashing 65 deg C, 1 hour 75 deg c for 10 min Boiling for 60 min: Galaxy Hop(17.3% Alpha acid) adding schedule: Hop 15g 1.2g lautering. Bittering hop During Boiling: Flavouring hop: 2.3g 40 min  2.3g 50 min 4.6g 60 min Flame off 4.6g when cooled. Added too early dry hopping <<< should be before bottling!!! Yeast: American ale yeast fermoale AY4   10.5g for 20L  So, use 10.5/5=2.1g Or 0.5 to 1 g / L 4L wort made, top 3 L transfer to carboy First taste: Too much hops. Try reduce weight of hop by 30 to 40% next time. Rough guide for hops usage: ~ 20g total for 4 L  (3oz/90g for 20L) Bubbles seen from airlock 6 hours. Relatively quiet next day OG:1010 to 1012 Reference: Greatfermentations   Thebrewadventures Madfermentationist