
PolyU develops Mars Camera




PolyU is to design and produce a Mars Landing Surveillance Camera (Mars Camera), which will be located on the outside top surface of the Mars Lander. The Mars Camera will monitor the deployment status of the Mars Rover with respect to the status of the solar panel, antenna, as well as the rover's movement. The information is critical for the successful movement of the Mars Rover onto the Mars surface.

To capture ultra-wide angle images on Mars for scientific research, the Mars Camera has to have a wide field of vision with low distortion optics within the little allowable payload, but at the same time be able to withstand extreme temperature variation, mechanical impact and vibration within the little available mass. What’s more, high reliability is required under the extreme space travel environment



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 It is collaboration between The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)

 The lander — which, at 530 pounds, is nearly twice the mass of the rovers China sent to the moon — has six instruments that it will employ over 90 days on the surface. They include ground-penetrating radar to study the planet’s geology and search for potential underground reservoirs of ice — a key to sustaining an extended human presence in space. The main candidate for a landing site, the scientists said, is Utopia Planitia, a 2,000-mile wide basin where NASA’s Viking 2 landed in 1976. 

- Retropropulsion will be responsible for slowing the spacecraft during its final descent. Most of this will be provided by a 7,500-Newton variable thrust engine, like the main engine used by China’s Chang’e-3 and -4 lunar landers. The lander will employ a laser range finder and a microwave ranging velocity sensor to gain navigation data—technology that was also developed initially for China’s moon missions.

- The lander will separate from the main body of the spacecraft at an altitude of 70 meters, according to Zhang Rongqiao, mission chief designer, and enter a hover phase to search for a safe landing spot. 3D laser scanning, or lidar, will provide terrain data such as elevation. Obstacle-avoiding mode, facilitated by optical cameras, will begin at 20 meters above the surface.

- Some of these processes are apparent in this mesmeric footage of the Chang’e-4 landing. An obstacle avoidance phase is apparent as the spacecraft makes its descent to the crater-covered lunar surface which appears fractal in nature. 


camera sensor resolution

pixel size

focal length

this camera system is based on CIVA (Comet Infrared and Visible Analyser) from Switzerland. 


The main difference is the fov, increased from 60 degrees to 

a wide-angle field of view (a maximum of 120 degrees horizontally and a maximum of 170 degrees diagonal)




設計輕巧不容易 還須兼顧強度

設計輕巧本身已不容易,還需要兼顧強度,使其足以承受太空環境以至「落火」衝擊,難上加難。「『天問一號』有好幾部相機,安裝位置各異,承受的衝擊亦各有不同,」容啟亮介紹其火星相機除了需要承受一般航天過程會遇到的衝擊外,由於位置比較接近「火工鎖」,因此還須承受一些額外衝擊,「航天儀器的一些部件本身會用螺絲鎖實,想要將其釋放,就要透過爆破將其切斷,這個(火工鎖)衝擊力很大,因此設計相機時亦必須顧及這點,使其抵受旁邊的爆炸震盪後,仍可正常運作。」 相機須承受相等於6200倍地球地心吸力(約飛機黑盒可受力兩倍)的衝擊震盪 即飛機黑盒可受力兩倍的衝擊震盪




There are two such surveillance cam on the Mars lander. One in front of the rover( camera A) and one at the back ( camera B)



 polyu media release






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