From circuit valley , which is one big step forward from previous dev kit format to now industrial c mount enclosure.
main ICs are:
camera sensor: IMX290, IMX327 or IMX462
FPGA: Lattice CrossLink-NX LIFCL-40 (4-lane MIPI D-PHY transceivers at 10 Gbps per PHY / 2.5 Gbps per lane), USD60
RAM: 2x 16Mybte RAM, USD 50
USB controller: CYUSB3014
so this FPGA should be able to drive four IMX462 at almost full bitrates
CrossLink-NX eval board (USD130)
CrossLink NX LIFCL-VIP-SI-EVN, four IMX258 cam input
Driving Imx219 by lattice FPGA.