now in 4th edition on amazon
implemented on github by jfcarr in python, C, C++, Rust and other languages
introduction on poliastro
Steve Moshier's superb astronomical-almanac on Ubuntu , debian, his website , in javascript, gui
Jean Meeus: pls refer here
Sean E Urban's book: astronomical almanac
JPL Horizons provides interpolated results from spice kernels. The spice kernels contain blocks of interpolation coefficients using (usually if not always) Chebychev polynomials that allow spice users, other third party programs, and the Horizons website to calculate positions in-between the points where the coefficients are provided in the kernels.
Elwood Downey of clearskyinstitute:
in python:
From Brandon Rhodes:
PyEphem,( now depreciated), based on XEphem starting 2007, and github repo, can be found in debian package
and now replaced by Skyfield
For satellite: Briswell
or AstroPy
Neal McBurnett's syzygy
discussion on stackexchange:
planets position determination
planetaryorbits simulation in javascript
discussion on stackoverflow:
Paul Schlyter how to compute planetary positions and cosinekitty (Don Cross) online solar system
lrmcfarland AAI from starbug
astroplan is an open source Python package to help astronomers plan observations.
The goal of astroplan is to make a flexible toolbox for observation planning and scheduling. When complete, the goal is to be easy for Python beginners and new observers to to pick up, but powerful enough for observatories preparing nightly and long-term schedules.
based on IDL, python, mathematica
interesting github repo:
planet ephemeris using Arduino Mega
difference between pyephem and skyfield, with replies from Brandon Rhodes
Bill Gray and Bill Gray's github
astromatic github from Cees Bassa
kotenmon (古天文)and eclipses.
Adam Hincks AEphem, which is based heavily on Moshier's AA and projectpluto's codings to parse JPL DE , with excellent tour-guide like documentation online, gitlab . Unfortunately cannot run under Raspberry pi, ( segfault, maybe not yet ported to ARM architecture, cf aephem/INSTALL file)
Dominic Ford's Cephemeris-compute based on DE430
moon: libration and colongitude
JPL DE200, DE404 etc ephemerides from JPL ftp , or on CDROM $29.95
ESA SPICE Spk kernels
SpiceyPy : Python wrapper for SPICE toolkit
time ephmeris ephcom2 for DE405 in Fortran
Jay Tanner Neoprogrammics, based on DE405 and VSOP87, coded in PHP, whose calculations is also used in 有趣天文現象, eg 土星冲日 , conveniently including earth distance. Github on sun ephemeris in VB , phpsciencelab with source code, PHP server setup
J G William contributions to Earth's obliquity rate, precession and nutation 1994 on harvard
SOFA from IAU, and with cookbooks , in C, and also wrapped for python
- github by Marco Maggi
Kaplan Mean and apparent place computations in the new IAU system 1989, as used in IMCCE Miriade> Novas. Kaplan personal website
Astroquery jpl horizons : jplhorizons
Stefan barr python seminar
且听风吟 zhihu on planets , 2
UKHO Websurf
Sciencenet tutorial
theNauticalAlmanac online
Eddie blog
Celnav by Henning Umland, ybw forum
Air almanac by USNO
AstronomyNow online
Sofa support for IAU2000 , Explanation By patrick wallace
CppEphem using SOFA github
Sextant Corrections explained