
semi-carbonic fermentation

The microlot was processed with a anaerobic fermentation technique that enhanced the acidity, making it sparkling with notes of orange, peach and pineapple, with honey-like sweetness.

Emi Fukahori (Switzerland) - WBrC Champion 2018

Laurina, or “Bourbon Pointu” is a rare varietal from the Reunion Islands of small, pointy beans that usually present a lower caffeine amount than other Arabica varietals.

Harvesting: hand picked
Process: semi-carbonic fermentation
Drying: raised beds, finished on stainless steel drum drier

tasting notes:
orange, honey, peach, pineapple, sparkling

WBrC 2018 

 Adding fruit to fermentation:

Recent experiments have led some producers to include fruit when fermenting coffee.

One such example is where cherries are fermented in a sealed, airtight tank for anaerobic fermentation along with a pre-established percentage of whole fruits or extracts (often sugar cane juice or citrus fruits). This mixture is then fermented in the tank for a predetermined period of time. The tank’s temperature is tightly regulated throughout this period.

Bruno Souza is a producer at Fazenda Esperança in Minas Gerais, Brazil. He tells me that he has been using citrus fruits in his coffee fermentation since 2017.

Bruno first began experimenting with tangerines. He explains that he placed the fruits in a bag, partially smashed them, and then added them to a tank with a natural processed Icatu coffee at a 1:5 fruit/coffee ratio. After 72 hours, he then continued processing as usual.

“This coffee gave me the best cupping score I’ve had at the farm, 91 points, with a yield of only 3.5 bags,” Bruno says. “I took it to the 2018 Cup of Excellence, and I got a cupping score of 87.

“But the thing is: we cannot be sure that this outcome came from the interference [of the tangerine] or if it was all from the coffee bean itself.”

carbonic maceration wiki

sasa sestic  

also in perfectdailygrind




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