
Industry seeks options for plastic straw

The global campaign against the use of plastic straws has been gaining adherence by companies and public authorities thanks to a growing wave that has relied on the help of social networks and millions of consumers who condemn the use of the product because of waste discarded in the environment, especially in the oceans.
Some American cities have already turned the war to disposable plastic into law. This is the case in Seattle, which in July passed a ban on using utensils made from petroleum-based resin in restaurants, cafes, and food stores. Those who fail to comply with the rule will pay fines starting at $ 250. In the United States alone, the daily consumption of drinking straw reaches 500 million units per day. In nature, its decomposition time is approximately 200 years.

In Brazil, the city of Rio de Janeiro was the first to adopt this type of restriction. Since last month, bars, restaurants and kiosks are required to offer paper straws. The punishment for those who do not follow the law can reach fines of R $ 6 thousand. Other Brazilian cities, such as São Paulo, discuss the possibility of adopting the same type of rule.

For those who offer straws to their customers, the way has been to exchange the plastic for other raw materials. In recent weeks, large groups such as Starbucks, McDonald's, American Airlines, Disney and Marriott have announced that they have begun to transition from plastic to other materials and intend to abandon the resin in the coming years.


With companies anticipating legislation to meet changing consumer habits, plastic pipe manufacturers have begun to seek solutions to match production to a new demand profile. In parallel, small enterprises have invested in the development of alternative materials, such as accessories made of glass, bamboo and metal.

Owner of the Bicão canudos brand, Plastifer, in São Paulo, started producing biodegradable plastic straws in July. By the end of the month, the change will reach 100% of production. To reach this solution, says Valney Aparecido, general manager of the company, it was necessary to investigate who could provide the additive responsible for "breaking" the polypropylene used in the accessories. "We have been seeking solutions since January," says the executive. "In the beginning, the value of the additive was so high that it would double the price of the straw." Now, according to the executive, the biodegradable product should have a 5% increase.

Plazapel, in Orleans, in the interior of Santa Catarina, operates in the segment of disposable with 10 options of straws, as well as dishes, glasses and cutlery. Sought, the company said it has not yet manufactured the paper straws, but has sought information on the alternative raw material to study the possibility of including it in the production line.

Fulpel, another large company in the disposable products segment, is also preparing to start joining another raw material. In this month, models made with paper begin to be produced. The line is expected to account for 20% of the sales of the accessories by the end of the year.

Vânia Zuin, professor and researcher at the Federal University of São Carlos and the University of York in the chemical area, believes that the plastic industry has evolved little in the environmental aspects, focusing more on the cosmetic characteristics of its products, as effects that value color and brightness in order to stimulate consumption.


Over the years, the straw ended up being the "icon" of this change of consumer behavior and became a much used item, but "without a functional need", explains the researcher. "This, in essence, only serves to aggregate more raw material without function. It lacks this industry, which is very resistant to change, invest in more rigorous analyzes that meet several sustainable characteristics, not only economic, but social and environmental. The production model today is unsustainable, "he says.

Also according to Vânia, the alternatives that appear to the plastic straw are better, but besides laws that prohibit the accessories of petrochemical origin there must be a movement of education of the consumers "so that they do not use so many unnecessary products". The consumption of these small items really is high. Only in the case of the Starbucks network are 1 billion units per year.

Abiplast, which represents the plastics industry, has taken some steps to raise awareness among manufacturers. In 2016, the association launched the Senaplas label, which identifies recycling companies that work within the social, environmental and economic criteria required by law. After two years, only 14 managed to seal. There is also the seal modality that certifies products made with recycled plastic to ensure a higher quality material.

Ricardo Hajaj, coordinator of the Abiplast Chamber of Recyclers, agrees that there is excessive consumption and discards it





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