梁榮武表示,現代的高樓大廈建築物料及結構良好,雷電擊中單位的牆身,應不會對屋內住客造成傷害(沒有proof, see myth debunked below);即使雷電擊中汽車,根據「法拉第籠」Faraday cage 效應,車內的乘客亦不會有事。但他補充指,閃電本身是一個極強的電流,產生的電磁波,會對室內的電器或電線帶來感應電流(induced current),如果感應電流太強,或會造成電器故障或損毀。
香港建築師學會會長陳澤斌回覆本報指,在大廈最頂點安裝避雷針和設置避雷帶都是最常見做法(沒能解釋今次 side strike)
Here we need to talk about probability, and how to reduce risks.
用Rolling sphere protection come method:滾球法 解釋更到位
10 Myths debunked
Is it completely safe to stay indoors?
Building structure with four walls and a roof is better than a vehicle for riding out a storm because of the physical protection that it provides. That doesn't mean, however, that you're completely safe from lighting once your foot crosses the doorway. In fact, you should step as far away from the door – and any windows – as possible. These and other openings provide a space for lightning to invade the structure
It's also a very good idea to steer clear of anything inside the building that conducts electricity, such as landline phones, and electrical appliances. Because surge protectors don't protect against lightning strikes, try to unplug devices like televisions, computers and anything else attached to a cord. Even indoor plumbing and metal window and door frames are lightning conductors that can raise safety hazards during a storm. So if dark clouds and thunderclaps have forced you to cut that jog around the neighborhood short, you're just going to have to wait until it's over before you hit the shower.
Calculation know how
BS EN/IEC 62305 ( 香港有否採納implement?)