One-eyed tribe Arimaspians: There is also a story related in a poem by Aristeas son of Caüstrobius, a man of Proconnesus. This Aristeas, possessed by Phoebus, visited the Issedones ; beyond these (he said) live the one-eyed Arimaspians, beyond whom are the griffins that guard gold, and beyond these again the Hyperboreans, whose territory reaches to the sea. Issedones as in Ancient Greek world map (top right corner) The Histories book 4 13, from Chicago U book 4 27 these people by the Scythian name, Arimaspians; for in the Scythian tongue arima is one, and spou is the eye. Tuva Kurgans : youtube 7:00 Herodotus 11:00 山海經 12:00 Tuva 圖瓦 13:46 Arzhan kurgan 墓 14:00 國王谷 一號墓, 鹿石 16:00 二號墓 31:00 三道海子 33:00 最大的石構遺址 46:00 文化軟實力 鹿, 雪豹, 野豬 48:00 控制板圖 東: 赤峰 西: 哈薩克 49:00 九世紀BC 氣候變化 50:00 牧羊 56:00 夏天祭祀文化 戎,氏, 嚴允, 戎狄, 大月, 匈奴, 柔然,鮮卑,突 57:00 每個朝代都有一個提心吊膽的游牧民族 1:01 阿爾泰: 黃金貿易 1:07 巴澤雷克文化 pazyryk culture 1:13 塞人, 大月氏 1:15 經濟貿易交通絲綢之路 1:18 總結: 農耕游牧南北經濟的二元博弈,交流 ...