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基諾族的涼拌茶、其中基諾族的涼拌茶被稱為人類最初利用茶時「原始生食茶」活化石,創造了獨具特色、豐富精采的茶史與茶文化,特別的是,雖稱為「涼拌茶」,卻只是喝茶葉涼拌後的湯汁,而不是直接食用茶葉。 布朗族人不仅擅于制作竹筒烤茶和酸茶,而且有吃酸茶、喃咪茶和饮青竹茶、土罐茶 布朗族人可谓是普洱茶最早的创造者。古代也称布朗族为“濮人”。 景頗族的腌茶、將採摘來的芽葉 日曬 用鍋蒸煮 倒入竹筒 放置二三個月,待茶葉發酵變黃,或呈現金黃色,並發出特有的茶葉濃香時,即可劈開竹筒,取出棍狀茶柱,曬乾即成。 德昂族的水茶則是以直接食用的方式「吃茶」 「三道茶」是雲南白族招待貴賓時的飲茶方式,白族稱它為"紹道兆",以獨特的「頭苦、二甜、三回味」的方式,在明代時期就成為白家待客交友的方式。苦茶代表了人生的苦境,甜茶代表了人生的甘境,回味茶則代表人生的淡境。 第一道是苦茶,也就是烤茶,烤茶经过火炉上烤制后煮热,香气浓郁、滋味醇厚。 第二道则是甜茶,是以苍山绿茶冲泡的淡茶水,加入红糖、核桃仁、乳扇,喝起来香香甜甜。 第三道是回味茶,是将绿茶里加入少许蜂蜜和花椒、姜,喝起来有麻味、辣味、甜味、苦味,回味无穷。 傈傈族(音為ㄌㄧ‵ㄙㄨ‵)的油茶,是傈傈族古老而普遍的飲茶方法,因當地溫差較大,易造成人體熱量流失,於是傈傈族將米炒至金黃,放入適當的遊、鹽、茶葉及火麻醬翻炒,最後加入沸水熬煮成令人叫絕的「油茶」。 侗族人喝打油茶,它是用茶叶、米花、炒花生、酥黄豆、糯米饭、肉、猪下水、盐、葱花、茶油等混合制成的稠浓汤羹。 納西族特有的「龍虎鬥」,是茶與酒的融合,將煮好的茶水沖進裝有白酒的茶盅內,就會發出「嗤嗤」的聲響 苗族有喝油茶汤的习惯,八宝油茶汤 将鲜茶盛于竹篓,浇上淘米水,置于通风楼阁。 不日,茶叶里长出米蛀虫,以茶为食,繁殖为满篓米虫。茶叶被虫吃光,篓底留下厚厚一层虫屎,筛去杂物,剩下的即为米虫茶。虫茶外形颗粒状,呈黑褐色,色泽油润光滑,有淡淡的香味。 彝族,拉祜族的烤茶   https://kknews.cc/culture/2vq8re.html

陸羽茶經 五之煮茶

   五、煮茶的方法 烤餅茶,注意不要在通風的餘火上烤,因為飄忽不定的火苗像鑽子,使茶受熱不均勻。烤餅茶時要靠近火,不停地翻動,等到烤出突起的像蝦蟆背上的小疙 瘩,然後離火五寸。當捲曲的茶餅又伸展開,再按先前的辦法又烤。如果制茶時是用火烘乾的,以烤到冒熱氣為度;如果是用太陽曬乾的,以烤到柔軟為好。   開始,對於很柔嫩的茶葉,蒸後乘熱搗杵,葉搗爛了,而茶梗還是完整的。如果只用蠻力,拿很重的杵杆也搗不爛它。這就如同圓滑的漆樹子粒,雖然輕而 小,但壯士反而捍不住它是一個道理。搗好後,好像一條梗子也沒有了。這時來烤,柔軟得像嬰兒的手臂。烤好了,趁熱用紙袋裝起來,使它的香氣不致散發,等冷 了再碾成末。   烤餅茶的火,最好用木炭,其次用火力強的柴(如桑、槐之類)。曾經烤過肉,染上了腥膻油膩氣味的炭,或是有油煙的柴以及朽壞的木器,都不能用。古人說:"用朽壞的木製器具燒煮食物,會有怪味",確實如此。 煮茶的水,用山水最好,其次是江河的水,井水最差。山水,最好選取乳泉、石池漫流的水(這種水流動不急),奔涌湍急的水不要飲用,長喝這種水會使人 頸部生病。幾處溪流匯合,停蓄於山谷的水,水雖澄清,但不流動。從熱天到霜降前,也許有龍潛伏其中,水質污染有毒,要喝時應先挖開缺口,把污穢有毒的水放 走,使新的泉水涓涓流來,然後飲用。江河的水,到離人遠的地方去取,井水要從有很多人汲水的井中汲取。 水煮沸了,有像魚目的小泡,有輕微的響聲,稱作"一沸"。鍋的邊緣有泡連珠般的往上冒,稱作"二沸"。水波翻騰,稱作"三沸"。再繼續煮,水老了,味不好,就不宜飲用了。 開始佛騰時,按照水量放適當的鹽調味,把嘗剩下的那點水潑掉。切莫因無味而過分加鹽,否則,不就成了特別喜歡這種鹽味了嗎!第二沸時,舀出一瓢水, 再用竹夾在沸水中轉圈攪動,用"則"量茶末沿旋渦中心倒下。過一會,水大開,波濤翻滾,水沫飛濺,就把剛才舀出的水摻入,使水不再沸騰,以保養水面生成 的"華 "。 喝時,舀到碗裏,讓"沫餑"均勻。"沫餑"就是茶湯的"華"。薄的叫"沫",厚的叫"餑",細輕的叫"花"。"花...

Rosh Hashanah, Jewish new year

Hebrew calendar is a lunisolar calendar Originally, the date of Rosh Hashanah was determined based on observation of the new moon ("molad"), and thus could fall on any day of the week. However, around the third century CE, the Hebrew calendar was fixed, such that the first day of Rosh Hashanah never falls out on Sunday, Wednesday, or Friday. Rosh Hashanah occurs 163 days after the first day of Passover , and thus is usually (but not always) determined by the new moon closest to the autumnal equinox. It also based on metonic cycle Nisan is the first month of the ecclesiastical year and the seventh month (eighth, in leap year) of the civil year in the Hebrew calendar. , Tishrei is the first month of the civil year and the seventh month of the ecclesiastical year the Hebrew calendar and has 30 Days in it. Tishrei usually occurs in September – October on the civil calendar. Lunisolar calendar: The Chinese, Coligny and Hebrew lunisolar calendars track more or less the tropical yea...

Using PyWEED to plot seismogram in Windows

PyWEED is the gui of ObsPy ( replaced the java based jWEED) open anaconda command prompt cd anaconda3\Scripts activate pyweed ( assumed that you have successfully installed PyWEED before )

types of infrared filters

  The CMOS sensors in our cameras naturally have a larger range than this, from about 300nm through 1000nm. That’s twice the range of human vision! To make our images look normal, manufacturers put filters in front of the sensors that limit the camera to only the spectrum that we can see.   Infrared photography takes things in a less realistic but fascinating direction: what if you shoot beyond what we can see, into deeper wavelengths of light? There are a number of infrared filters available that you can convert your camera to, by replacing the sensor filters than let through a different portion of the light spectrum. The images in this exactly were taken with a Lumix GX85 that I had converted to full-spectrum photography which allows for the use of screw-in filters on the front of a lens to choose the desired spectrum. Common options are as follows:   590nm (also called Super Colour): Very colourful but hard to use the full amount of colour, since most of the time it be...

Using ObsPy to plot earthquake seismogram from HKO data

1. install PyWEED from anaconda command prompt. This will also install ObsPy 2. find a report  from HKO Earthquake  utilising ObsPy , you can run the FDSN web services 3, run the following simple python script (wait for 10 seconds or maybe more) example: 2022/01/21 16:00 ( UTC)  my python script is uploaded to gitlab , only broadband sensors are selected. btw, data is only available for date after 2009 note:  network: HK station: HKPS , intro from Dr Wong Wing Tak instrument list of HKPS three letters meaning; 1st letter : (response) V = Very Long Period H = High Broad Band B = Broad Band L = Long Period 2nd letter: (instrument) C = ? E = ? H = High gain seismometer K = ? M = mass position seismometer N =accelerometer 3rd letter:(orientation) Z = Vertical N = North-South E = East-West the time on HKO is in HKT(UTC+8), so you need to convert to UTC Streckeisen STS-2/Quanterra 330HR Linear Phase: Broadband Sensor, response from 120 seconds to about 10 Hz Episensor...

Hunga Tonga volcano eruption

 16/1/22 eruption: 15/1/22 20:24 utc 04:24 (utc+8) 20.5S 175.4W Or 04:15 from CTBTO various tweets around the world: howick NZ UTC+13 7~8 pm utc 0600~0700? Invercargill NZ 8:30 pm 07:30 utc moscow utc+3 21:30 18:30  utc? tokyo utc+9 8:30 pm 11:30 utc 7904 km hong kong utc+8 8:30 pm 12:30 utc 9050 km hkkt 12:21-25 utc satellite from hko 12:30 pm North NZ 06:30 pm 07:30 utc germany utc+1 22:00 21:00 utc 240m/s https://maps.sensor.community/#2/ @metservice @pa3weg USGS weathernews jp reports: https://weathernews.jp/s/topics/202201/170085/ https://weathernews.jp/s/topics/202201/160175/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1S1qF_huBE&t=3s https://youtu.be/OP5nUUB6zN8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBOYmdftX3o speed of sound: 1234.8 km/h HKO monitors earthquakes using the Hong Kong Seismograph Network and analyses the seismic data to determine parameters for earthquakes of local magnitude (ML) 1.5 or above, within 200 km of the HKO Headquarters (latitude 22° 18’ N, longitude 114° 1...

rosetta nebula NGS2238, NGC2239


Astri-Horn telescope tile mirror

But let's come to the main mirror (Fig. 5) which, as we said, it is made up of a certain number of tiles. Specifically, the mirror consists of 18 tiles organized in three rings (Fig. 6), each made up from 6 mirrors. The mirrors that make up each ring have identical optical characteristics each other but different from those of the mirrors of others rings. The individual tiles are mounted on the structure of the telescope by means of triangular supports. One of the vertices of the triangle is fixed while on the other two motors are mounted, called actuators, which allow you to perform tip / tilt movements of the mirror.    By appropriately moving the actuators, it is possible to align all the mirrors with each other, so that the primary mirror takes the required shape from the optical design, behaving in fact like a monolithic mirror. Actuators allow also to maintain the alignment of mirrors and thus the shape of the mirror surface primary to varying external conditions (ambien...

Guido Horn d'Arturo - multi segment mirror

  ABSTRACT: The author states the difficulties connected with the construction of very large reflectors and describes a mirror, composed by nineteen hexagonal elements. This instrument has been built and tested by the author at the Bologna University Observatory, with the mirror fixed in zenithal direction. Here the method followed in the adjustment of the elements is explained together with the description of the movements of the photographic plate. With this instrument photographs of the sky had been taken since 1935. HISTORY - The difficulty of building large mirrors essentially consists in the fact that the thickness must be proportionate to their diameter 1 because if the disc is too thin, the glass flexes and does not retain the shape given to it by the smoothing: this leads to masses very heavy, which are handled badly during processing, and when this is completed and the mirror is placed in its final bed, supporting it on the back with equal pressure at every point is a ver...


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沖田博文 Hirofumi Okita 60cm F3.25 dobsonian telescope

  the making mirror from Mike Lockwood webpage   youtube uwakina bokura other ATMers in Japan blueforest anettai