
Gaggia espresso machine maintenance

This applies to both baby Gaggia and gaggia classic machines

baby Gaggia VERSIONS:

1970s or original (with an adjustable thermostat) 

baby Gaggia was for home espresso market, and was introduced (1977) earlier than gaggia classic (1991)

baby gaggia old , millenium or baby 1991 :

baby gaggia old restoration


baby gaggia new:  11200 (black) 11202(white) 

square buttons and light explosion diagram

OPV can be adjusted from water outlet, located on the ceiling of the water reservoir, using: 3/16 hex key

water boiler water inlets and outlets:


karine oliver blog



RI8155/12, with 4 round buttons and lights

- water reservoir moved to top of backside

R12300 baby class ( stainless steel casing) or RI8157/40 or new baby 06

- disc shaped button panel

Tom Brasier's wiring diagram


How to program the baby twin

baby dose and twin is having swivel joint steam wand

Repair guides:

replacing the group seal

using a philips screwdriver and 5mm hex key to disassemble the shower plate and group head

protofusion guide

 Reox repair guide


spare parts:

o ring, group seal on ebay

portfilter size:

basket, inner diameter 58.9 mm

portafilter outer dimater 73.5 mm

boiler gasket:

Dimensions:0167 EPDM
Ring thickness 3.53 mm
Internal ø 63.50 mm
External ø 67mm


from espressotec

The replacement boiler gasket for the Baby Gaggia home espresso machine, as well as any other Gaggia machine--such as the Classic, Coffee, Espresso (old-model), Evolution, Paros, Tebe and others--that utilize the dual element boiler.

on ebay 

and another ebay

another ebay 

bluestar, baby parts in general, and some upgrade parts, like more powerful 3 way solenoid, shower screen

indicator light repair


Backflushing is the process used to clean out the shower screen, brew group and three-way valve. Backflushing can only be done with machines that have a three-way solenoid valve. The three-way valve is a small valve that opens up and releases the water pressure off of the coffee puck and deposits it into the drip tray when the brewing process is complete. When we backflush we utilize this pressure release to blow cleaner up into the brewing components.


If you have one or both of the following symptoms your three-way valve may need cleaning.

-    You notice reduced brewing pressure due to mineral buildup in the three-way valve and are sure it’s not a result of a clogged shower screen (check this first).

-    You have a constant dripping through the three-way valve when you are brewing your espresso or while the machine is sitting idle (while hot).

Gaggia never warn against backflushing. One of reason maybe the some chemical  backflush , eg may have somestrong acid ingredients. They just do not mention backflushing. If backflushing without any cleaning powder or liquid, ie water backflushing, it should be ok. such cleaning liquid may dissolve the limescale , which may poentially clog the solenoid valve.

They recommend: 

gaggia decalcifier, a lactic acid based liquid. As upper part of boiler is made of anodised aluminium, instead of citric based decalcifier


Easy way to tell if your Classic has the valve is the exhaust tube at the back left of the drip tray coming down from the overhang above.

NEVER use vinegar for cleaning, it will damage the rubber tubings and gaskets

urnex cafiza espresso machine cleaner powder should be safe, as is it alkaline based (disodium carbonate), or Puly CAFF Plus Espresso Machine Backflush( sodium percarbonate), but NOT urnex descaler. 

NOT for aluminium portafilter ( eg delonghi)

Sulfamic acid

Gaggia domestic service kit

bullet steam wand




Ngo ~ "N-gaw" Mui ~ "Moo-ee" Ngo ~ "N-gaw" Mui ~ "Moo-ee" Ngo ~ "N-gaw" Mui ~ "Moo-ee" Ngo (N-gaw) ,  Mui  (Moo-ee )  Cilantro Coriandrum sativum, chinese parsley  Ngo Gai (N-gaw guy), Mui Tau (Moo-ee Tao), Ngo Tau (N-gaw Tao)   Mexican Coriander,  Sawtooth Coriander, Cilantro Eryngium foetidum    娥女帝(拼音), 刺芹   特徵:娥女帝是短株形的植物,氣味清淡,葉邊呈鋸齒形,十分容易辨認。來源地:越南。 功效:和白夏差不多,娥女帝亦有祛濕、解毒及驅風的療效。建議食法: Pho,  (Bánh Xeò) 越南煎餅, 炒菜,湯,咖哩 Ngo Gai ~ "N-gaw guy" Mui Tau ~ "Moo-ee Tao" Ngo Tau ~ "N-gaw Tao" - See more at: http://vietworldkitchen.typepad.com/blog/vietnamese-herb-primer.html#sthash.I9rzkzwI.dpuf Rau Ram (Rau Rahm) Vietnam Coriander, Laksa Leaf, "Vietnamese mint(actually not a mint)". Polygonum leaf Polygonum odoratum Peppery, quite spicy. In salad, soup Hung (Hoong), , Hung Lang (Hoong Lang) Spearmint.  Vietnamese coriander Hung Lui (Hoong Lou-ee), Hung ...

沖田博文 Hirofumi Okita 60cm F3.25 dobsonian telescope

  the making mirror from Mike Lockwood webpage   youtube uwakina bokura other ATMers in Japan blueforest anettai  


上面白色是最易找到,$2x. 但漏水. 灰色, $4x, 是假冒 "MADE IN ITALY"  假冒 "MADE IN ITALY"  的標緻  左面是白色膠喉的喉頭, 右面是灰色膠喉的喉頭, 上圖左面是真正 好貨 ( MADE IN ITALY )灰色膠蓋.右面是冒牌 白色膠蓋. 膠蓋在安裝扭緊時爆開  上圖左面是真正 好貨 , 標了其他規格.右面是冒牌, 單單印了 MADE IN ITALY  好貨的膠蓋是可以下移, 露出喉頭及黑色軟膠墊 黑色軟膠墊是有坑紋. 質感較柔軟. 緊後可以"迫實"水龍頭 及喉蓋, 沒有滲漏 正板 MADE IN ITALY 賣 $4x, 價錢絕對合理. 冒牌貨在旺角新填地街買的, 也是$4x. 真是要小心!!! NB: MADE IN ITALY 是否真正 意大利制造實在無從考 証