
Cold brew coffee

Cold brew may be the hottest trend in coffee-making, but not a lot is known about how this process alters the drink’s chemical characteristics. Scientists now report that the content of potentially health-promoting antioxidants in coffee brewed without heat can significantly differ from a cup of joe prepared with the same beans in the traditional way, particularly for dark roasts.

long version:

Brew ratio: 1:8 to 1:5
Time: 24 hours
Grind: coarse

Starbucks way:

As the rate of oxidation in cold brew coffee is much slower, and sugars take longer, so when you pick up your cup of cold brew coffee, you’ll have a lot more residual sugar in ratio to the acid, which results in sugar as the forefront of the flavor. ??

Whereas the hot cup of coffee is going to have both the balance of that sugar and acidity, same process but different oxidation rate. So there’s another taste at last.

In coldbrew Factory from pall

pre-cautions to reduce Clostridium botulinum contamination risk during process

actually just a little less acidic, but antioxidants are much less in cold brew.
Fuller noted this in three compounds we typically find in coffee, called caffeoylquinic acid isomers. CQAs have been shown to have antioxidant qualities. Across the board, hot brew coffee had higher concentrations of CQAs than cold brew coffees.

When we brew coffee we’re really performing basic chemistry, Fuller says. Boiling water to make hot coffee creates a high energy system. By adding heat, we’re causing the tiny water molecules to vibrate more aggressively. But when we make cold brew coffee, we’re brewing with a low energy system in which the molecules remain mobile — as long as they’re not frozen — but not as nimble as they would be if supercharged with heat energy. This, in part, is why it takes hours to truly brew coffee with cold water: What you lack in heat energy you must make up for by letting the brew sit. 

from Joseph Rivera:


from Niny Rao:
- leave their coffee on the counter for 10 hours or so rather than putting it in the refrigerator. If you do go the refrigerator route, she advises letting it steep even longer.

- source your coffee wisely, since different coffee beans from different regions can have very different flavor profiles.

She uses a blend of beans for her home cold brews: half medium roast, half dark roast.
beans which tastes very different for cold brew :
Mexico and Colombia

- Rao suggests triple-filtering your cold-brew coffee. "Extraction is a continuous process," she said. If there are unwanted particles in your coffee grinder, that can impart an undesirable moldy or musky flavor to the final cup. Instead of using a regular sieve or filter paper, she stacks two filters.

Bkonbrew using room temp water and vacuum to extract

This method should also work on tea

another Nature document

Shelbru suggest to sieve with 500 micron(#32 mesh) and 800 micron(#20 mesh) to reduce fines, brew container itself is 26 micron (#600 mesh) and 500 micron (#32 mesh) double wall.

600 mesh pour over filter 




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