
technology used to trace coronavirus

Monitoring tools such as those Netanyahu mentioned have been employed in countries such as China and South Korea to help contain the virus. Last week, South Korea announced it would escalate its monitoring with a government-developed smart city system that will utilize data such as surveillance camera footage and credit card transactions to trace patient movements. Taiwan is tracking people via sim cards and through its many containment measures has managed to slow down the spread admirably, though officials warn communal contagion is only a matter of time

The government does not have a choice on the matter, Netanyahu said. “We are facing a war that demands unique steps, steps that are not simple and it requires some invasion of privacy. This measure was trialed in Wuhan and Israel is one of the only countries that have this ability—and we will use it.”

The Shin Bet, Israel’s domestic security service, confirmed that it was examining the use of its technological capabilities to fight coronavirus, at the request of Netanyahu and the Health Ministry.
Avner Pinchuk, a privacy expert with the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, said such capabilities could include real-time tracking of infected persons’ mobile phones to spot quarantine breaches and backtracking through meta-data to figure out where they had been and who they had contacted.

While the Shin Bet security service confirmed that the dramatic course of action was indeed being considered, it denied rumors that the tools would be used to enforce quarantines, saying that they would only be employed to help authorities track the paths of confirmed carriers of the disease in order to find people they may have infected.
“It should be stressed that in any case, there is no intention of using these capabilities to enforce or monitor quarantine instructions,” the security service said.


The app is built on a combination of centralized and decentralized models of contact tracing; the developers call the technology the BlueTrace protocol. TraceTogether was created by a team of 40 engineers over a period of eight weeks. 





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