
RT-PCR test kits of novel coronavirus

Antigen test ( aka swap test) is quick and do-it-yourself test. RT-PCR test is gold standard and more accurate



Seegene's Allplex
Kogene Biotech.
SolGent's DiaPlexQ Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Detection Kit (DiaPlexQ)
- approved by FDA for urgent use
SD Biosensor STANDARD M 

BioZentech of KUGH detects the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) and E genes of COVID-19 using the multiplex lamp diagnostic method.

Widespread testing has helped it get a handle on the scale of the epidemic, but once diagnosed with the virus patients need to be isolated and treated. In Daegu, hospital beds are running out and public anger is rising over a shortage of masks and other supplies.
Expanded testing will likely show that transmission within communities has been taking place for longer than realized.

from CDC
On Feb. 12, the CDC announced the test was providing inconclusive results in some laboratories. The problem was in one of the three components of the test.

It involved a part of the third component intended to be a backstop — a double-check so that when labs get a negative result, they can trust it. A federal official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because there is an ongoing investigation, said the problem may have been a design flaw or contamination in a CDC lab when the tests were being produced.

Demand for testing was manageable at the time — in part because the CDC criteria for who should get tested required recent travel to China or close contact with a confirmed case. That narrow testing identified few infections, reinforcing the idea that the country had enough tests.

Quest Diagnostics announced its coronavirus testing would be available Monday(9 Mar).
LabCorp announced its tests were available Thursday evening(12 Mar).


Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*Star)

Shenzhen Shineway Technology 尚維高科, partnering with HKUST
HKLife 海康生命科技

8 Mar 2020



7 Aug 2020





17 Nov, 2020
homodeus detect

expect FDA approval in 60 days





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