
real story from a recovered from novel coronavirus living in Korea

This might be my last post for a while as I still need to focus on recovering my body damaged by coronavirus and side effects of the medicine. I wish all of you stay healthy and away from this nasty coronavirus.
A Story of a recovered person from coronavirus
I am writing this story for my friends and their loved ones to stay healthy and to keep away from this deadly virus. This is very long but more detailed information might be useful at this high uncertain time. So, I am writing more detailed long message.
As coronavirus is a very new virus, there is no concrete information as scientists could not analyze the case well yet. So, there are many conflicting information and also a lot of confusion and uncertainty. Those confusion and uncertainty create fear as well.
We must be cautious! But no panic and no fear.
Even it is stil preliminary one, according to the report from China Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC) issued on February 17th over 72,314 coronavirus patients, 80% of patients did not have any symptoms or only show very mild symptoms and recovered by their own self-immune system. However, those 80% non-symptom or mild symptom patients still can infect the other people actively. This is very highly infective virus.
Remaining 20% of patients had serious symptoms starting from difficulty in breathing and they need the medicine to be recovered, but some of them still advanced into serious pneumonia and become fatal even with the medicine. Anyway, there is no medicine for this coronavirus COVID-19, so they are using the other medicine, which has been working for many patients but not for all and also possibly facing very bad side effects.
And also even it is still preliminary one, Korean government reported on March 1st that also 80% patients did not have any symptoms or only show very mild symptoms and recovering by their own self-immune system.
If you are living with someone having low immune system, please especially be more cautious. You might not have any symptom and feel healthy and unnoticeable even after infected but you can still infect others. You might recover naturally, but people with low immune system can face very high risk.
According to preliminary reports from China and Korea, there seems no common symptoms in the beginning. Some people have only very mild sore throat, some very mild dry coughing, some very mild muscle tension, some very mild body temperature, and many without any symptoms even after infected, but they can already start to infect the others. So, it is very difficult to notice whether infected or not. And 80% of people will have no symptoms or only very mild symptoms and self recovered according to Chinese and Korean reports. However, 20% of people still can advance into serious stage and suddenly start to feel difficult in breathing. In many cases, once virus started to attack the lung, it seems very fast to advance into serious pneumonia and become fatal in a very short time.
There is a case in Korea that 40-year-old male found dead just following morning after slightly coughing previous evening. His work colleagues reported that he just had light coughing and nothing else on the previous evening, but they were overworking until late every night on that week. He was tested after found dead and result was coronavirus positive. He was the first coronavirus infected person in his city and also first dead.
I was a healthy guy going to gym 5 times a week, washing hands all the time, and overusing hand sanitizer, and staying in Coronavirus-free area. So, I was naive and stupid to think that it is not my problem. Yes, as usual, I was "stupidly overconfident".
"Be cautious! It is very important to keep your physical condition well and your immune system high. Please do not make your body tired by overworking or over exercising, avoid the crowd areas, keep personal distance to prevent infection, wash your hands after contacts, drink lots of water, eat well, sleep a lot, limit your travels for a while and take enough sunshine for vitamin D. As there is no medicine available yet, you need to fight over with your immune system. So, once again, please keep your physical condition very good and your immune system high. Even you are young and healthy, you should NOT make your body tired. You can save your work, exercise, and travel for later, and take very good care of yourself and your loved ones."
In addition, I am including my personal experience here as it might be helpful for someone as there are too high uncertainty and lack of information.
This is only my case and everybody seems having different symptoms and also go through different process by this coronavirus.
On February 21st Friday, I felt very mild sore throat and very mild dry coughing, which was usual when I was tired under the dry winter weather. Drinking water was OK to stop coughing. There was first coronavirus patient reported in my city on the same day.
On February 22nd Saturday, I felt a little pressure on my chest, and decided to stay at home without going to the gym, not because of feeling bad but due to coronavirus patients reported near my place.
On February 23rd Sunday, I felt a little more pressure on my chest, but that was still mild. Again, I decided to stay at home without going to the gym. Fast increase of coronavirus patients was reported in my city.
On February 24th Monday, I had dyspnoea in the morning. I called a coronavirus emergency call line, but it was out of busy all the time. I called a local governmental health center.
On the first call, they recommended not to take coronavirus test as there were too many patients happening at test centers and high risk to go there, and my case seemed very low probability. On the second call after having second dyspnoea, they told me to stay a bit more at home and call again if the situation getting worse. On my third call, they recommended me to go to the nearby hospital to take a test instead of a local health center as there were high risk people in local test center and better for me to avoid them. There was already a very long queue even it was early morning at the outside test center at the hospital. They told me that I had to wait for 4 hours in a queue. After about 30 minutes waiting in a queue, I had dysponea again and fell down on the ground and hit my head to the floor. I got a treatment for my head and also test for coronavirus. A hospital informed me that I might need to wait for 24 hours to get my test result as there were too many people testing and recommended me to self-quarantined at home. I quarantined myself in my room and informed all my close contacts from the previous week.
On February 25th Tuesday, at 11:20 am I got a text message saying my test result as negative, but immediately got a call and said that they mistakenly sent me a wrong message and asked me to delete that message and my result was positive. I got another call from local health center saying that I had to wait about 24 hours to be transferred to the hospital as there was no enough rooms prepared at quarantined area at the hospital. Later, a person from a city hall called me to check the areas where I visited recently and also know my recent close contacts, who could have high probability of infection. She realized my condition was quite bad during our call, and she called a health center to prioritize me to be transferred to the hospital. I was hospitalized at the negative pressure room at the quarantined section of an intensive care unit at the hospital close to the midnight. They immediately took CT, blood, X-ray and many other tests and also immediately provide the medicine and oxygen supply.
On February 26th Wednesday, thanks to oxygen supply, I felt a bit better to breathe, but felt like having heavy metal plate on my chest and also my chest and stomach burning after taking the medicine.
Since then, my condition were up and down several times a day but my peak points were getting better every day. And side effects from the medicine was very bad for first two days, but my body adopted somewhat and the degree of side effect also went down.
As there is no medicine for this coronavirus yet and they are using other medicine which somewhat worked for other patients earlier but not for all, I had to take it even with side effects and had to wait whether my body can adopt it. They stopped to give me the medicine on 8th day after hospitalized and I also got my first negative from coronavirus test on the same day.
I got my second negative on 9th day after hospitalized and officially informed as now fully recovered, but they still recommended me to quarantined at home for additional 14 days as there were cases that discharged patients after two negative tests got ill and positive again. According to the preliminary report from China, 12% fully recovered person test positive again few day after including a 32-year-old man died two days later after discharged from the hospital as fully recovered. There are each of one case in Korea, Japan and US for being positive again even after discharged as fully recovered. A doctor explained that this might be caused by the error margin of test kits. They might be light positive inside of error margin in real but test result were showing negative and discharged as fully recovered.
I hope this information somewhat helpful for someone and also to stop this global outbreak of this deadly virus. I strongly wish all of you and your loved ones stay healthy and away from this nasty virus.
We need to stay healthy and positive to keep our condition well and immune system high. Fear and panic do not help us at all. And also, we should not take this as light one.
We do not need to be panic. But we must be cautious!
PS. If any of you want to share this, please feel free to do so. If any of you want to translate this into your local language and share it, please feel free to do it as well.




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