
MH370 Search Update

with more data from various sources, more confidence is gained to the most probable search area.

At this moment, besides Fugro Equator which will soon finish barthmetric survey, GO Phoenix and Fugro Discovery will join the undersea search


radar logs from Malaysia 

29  July 2015
first debris found on reunion island, confirmed to be flaperon on right wing

from GeoMar: Particle locations 16 months before reaching Reunion Island


28 Feb:

Dong Hai Jiu 101 東海救 101,


towed sonar, ProSas60 system

Fugro Discovery on marinetraffice

30 Dec 2015,

A South African teenager on holiday in Mozambique. Liam Lotter was strolling on a beach in southern Mozambique, near the resort town of Xai Xai, when he spotted a grey piece of debris washed up on the sand. It had rivet holes along the edge and the number 676EB stamped on it,

 676EB refers to access panel hatch on the right-hand outboard flap of a boeing 777

3 Mar 2016
unconfirmed - suspected another piece found in Mozambique, Africa.

On a sandbank about six miles from the town of Vilankulos

Interview with Blaine Alan Gibson

This is very likely to be from leading edge panel of RH stabilizer


google map


comparing AF447 and MH370 search from WHOI

drift analysis update from CSIRO

The tracks of Global Drifter Program drifters arriving in the Mozambique Channel (during 1985-2015) were overwhelmingly from the east, as shown at right. Two were close to the ATSB search area 700d prior to being in the Mozambique Channel, suggesting that the 'no step' item could very well have followed a similar path. But other drifters arrived near Mozambique from very different points along the 7th arc, showing that those, too, could also be regarded as possible origins of the item.
As with the flaperon, therefore, we conclude that while the location of this finding does not cast doubt on the ATSB's choice of search area (based on the Inmarsat handshakes), it can not provide particularly strong support for it either, because the trajectories of drifting items are so chaotic.

7 Mar, 2016
Second possible debris found on Reunion island, again by same Mr Beque

21 Mar, 2016
Dong Hai Jiu 101 is en route to Fremantle after an incident on the evening of 21 March in which the failure of a tow cable connector resulted in the loss of the SLH-ProSAS-60 towfish. Recovery options are currently being assessed.

23 Mar, 2015
Operational update from ATSB Au: 
More than 95,000 square kilometres of the seafloor have been searched so far.
In the event the aircraft is found and accessible, Australia, Malaysia and the People’s Republic of China have agreed to plans for recovery activities, including securing all the evidence necessary for the accident investigation.
Consistent with the undertaking given by the Governments of Australia, Malaysia and the People’s Republic of China in April last year, 120,000 square kilometres will be thoroughly searched. It is anticipated this will be completed around the middle of the year. In the absence of credible new information that leads to the identification of a specific location of the aircraft, Governments have agreed that there will be no further expansion of the search area.

24 Mar, 2016
suspected engine cowling found in Mossel Bay, Western Cape province, South Africa

31 Mar, 2016
“Yes we’re aware, we’ve been alerted to the finding on Rodrigues Island in Mauritius,” Dan O’Malley of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau said Sunday. “But because this is a Malaysian investigation, they’re in charge of coordinating other nations’ input, so Malaysia is in contact with Mauritius and they’ll be working out how best to proceed.”

The debris was found on the coast of Rodrigues Island by two guests at the Mourouk Ebony Hotel Thursday

19 Apr, 2016
ATSB identified Part 1 and 2 are from MH370 

28 Aug, 2016 Dailymail:
another debris found in Morrumbene, Mozambique


17 Jan 2017

Transport ministers from Australia, Malaysia and China confirmed on Tuesday the underwater search in 120,000 square km of the southern Indian Ocean had been suspended until there is any new credible evidence.

5 July 2017
According to Dr David Griffin  of CSIRO, it is more likely that the crash site is located near 35 degrees south along 7th arc

previous search priority in Dec 2016

So this new move the highest probable area around 300 km north east along 7th arc

nov 2021
Aerospace engineer Richard Godfrey has new hypothesis, using WSPRnet protocol

If it can be shown that aircraft can be successfully tracked in 2014 across the Indian Ocean on average at least every 10 minutes using WSPRnet data, then coupled with the Inmarsat satellite data every hour, a much more precise estimate of where MH370 crashed can be made.

Google group radiantphysics: can wspr find mh370? Dr Westphal, Geocaching pdf


  1. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CfzboNaUkAAkdCV.jpg

  2. Until now, all recovered debris come from the RIGHT SIDE of the aircraft. It seams that the aircraft loose these parts during flight rather than during a crash then continued it's flight until it later sank in one piece... Maybe a fire first caused communication equipments (VHF, transponder, ACARS) to fail then later an explosion and depressurization ejected parts that hit the engine cowling and the over-stressed flaperon broke apart from the wing during a hard turn at high speed and hit the horizontal stabilizer... Or maybe the aircraft collided with something in it's right side during flight...

    1. Pls see analysis update on 2 Nov: http://joseph-tang.blogspot.hk/2016/11/mh370-debris-analysis-update.html

      No evidence of any fire yet found.





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沖田博文 Hirofumi Okita 60cm F3.25 dobsonian telescope

  the making mirror from Mike Lockwood webpage   youtube uwakina bokura other ATMers in Japan blueforest anettai  


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