


Pang of JPL found a passage in a 1st century B.C. text of Hong Fan Zhuan洪範傳, that says: "The Ancient Zhuanxu calendar 顓頊曆(invented in about 2000 B.C.) began at dawn, in the beginning of spring, when the sun, new moon and five planets gathered in the constellation Yingshi (Pegasus.)" The book was written by Liu Xiang 劉向who lived from 77 to 9 B.C.


新唐書: 志第十七上歷三上


Pang said this was all the hint he and Bangert needed. A computer search of planetary positions in the 2000 B.C. era gave
only one possible match -- March 5, 1953 B.C.

Before dawn on that day, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn lined up like a pearl necklace in the eastern sky, next to the Great Pegasus Square, he said. The planets all spanned but a few degrees. The new moon occurred shortly thereafter when the sun, moon, and five planets all lined up in Pegasus, exactly as Liu had stated.

The dawn of March 5, 1953 B.C. was indeed the beginning of a day, month, year and all known planetary cycles, the magic moment Chinese and Jesuit astronomers searched for over 2000 years, Pang said.


攝提格: 星名. ( nie ti ge), 大角星位於牧夫的右膝蓋,在其左右各有三小星(在西洋星象中是牧夫的左右腳),夾著大角,中名總稱攝提,東邊三小星叫左攝提,即左攝提一(牧夫座ο星,另說是牧夫座35星)、左攝提二(牧夫座π星)和左攝提三(牧夫座ξ星),西邊三小星叫右攝提,即右攝提一(牧夫座η星)、右攝提二(牧夫座τ星)和右攝提三(牧夫座υ星)








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