The engraving on the title page is the same one used for the Dutch original. Notice that below the portrait of Van Ceulen is a circle with diameter of 1020. Along the top and bottom semicircles is printed “314159265358979323846 te cort” (too short) and “314159265358979323847 te lanck” (too long). These bounds for π were the best ones available when Vanden Circkel was published in 1596. Later, Van Ceulen determined π to 35 decimal places. As evidence of the importance of Van Ceulen’s work, π has been known as “Ludolph’s number” or the “Ludolphine number”, especially in Germany and the Netherlands.
Below on page 5, starting with a square inscribed in a
circle with diameter 2, is a sequence of line segments constructed with
increasing lengths
The line segments are actually lines drawn across the polygon(not completely shown here)in the sequence, the included angle(at the bottom) is halved every time, and number to sides of the polygon is doubled. The perimeter of polygon is progressing towards a circle
illustrations here below:
Below on p.22,
he starts with an equilateral triangle which has three sides and each time calculates the length of a side of a regular polygon with double the number of sides as the previous one.
assuming the polygon is inscribed in a circle, of diameter = 1, the perimeter of polygon is approaching the value to pi(not shown in table)
The notation is used for .
it seems to me he is good at square roots, but not familiar with trigonometry.
On page 48 below, a table with the length of a side of a regular polygon is inscribed in a circle with radius 200,000,000,000, where the number of sides ranges from 3 to 80. There is at least one typographical error; the first digit for a polygon with 4 sides should be 1, not 2. Below the table is a note giving glory to God for leading Van Ceulen through the work.
so far, how he calculates Pi is missing in these pages. formula of Van Ceulen
demo in geogebra
Van Ceulen died on 31 December 1610 and was buried in St Peter’s Church in Leiden. His approximations for π were engraved on his original tombstone which went missing (Vajta 2000). Today, a modern version stands in St Peter’s Church and carved on its tombstone is his lower bound of 3.14159265558979323846264338327950288 and his upper bound of 3.14159265558979323846264338327950289; this honours his contribution to improving the accuracy of geometry and trigonometry (O’Connor and Robertson, 2009) and also features on the cover of Worth’s copy of Ludolphi à Ceulen De circulo et adscriptis liber.
similarity to Viète's formula