
shenzhen SEG plaza wobble 深圳賽格大廈出現搖晃

The tower began to shake at around 1 pm on 18 May


    Real-time monitoring of the building’s vibration frequency, tilt rate and settlement degree found that they did not exceed official safety parameters

    Merchants were allowed to enter the SEG Electronics Market on Wednesday, but customers were still being denied entry

The Shenzhen housing and construction bureau commissioned multiple professional institutions to conduct real-time monitoring of the building’s vibration frequency, tilt rate and settlement degree from 9pm on May 18 to 3pm on May 19, and found them all to be within official ranges set by China’s safety bodies, according to the statement released on the official WeChat account of the Shenzhen government.

a preliminary investigation indicated that a combination of three factors, including wind, the subway line below the SEG Plaza, and temperature differences inside and outside the building, likely all played a part in what some experts have said was the creation of an aerodynamic phenomenon known as the “Karman vortex street”, according to a report from the state-backed China Securities Journal.???

Humen bridge swings in 2020


 the shake has happened for past 3 days.

 so far it is still investigation.

archtectural structure design:

设计图显示,该工程在概念设计的指导控制下,先后采用包括 TAT、SATWE、SAP91. ETABS在内的当年的先进软件,对包括地下室在内的整体结构进行了在竖向荷载、风载、地震等坐下的结构计算和分析,在整体分析的基础上,对梁、柱、剪力墙主构件逐个进行了手工计算和另自编程序分析的复核,最终方才定下了设计方案。

当年最先进钢混结构 ( 鋼管 + 混凝土填充)



from a research paper of 金典琦

possible reasons


事后披露的调查情况显示,赛格大厦未安装阻尼器 tuned mass damper


Tidal effects on gravitational pull


Strong winds 

underground trains pass by???

all these are not at maximum during this period.


temperature changes. usually happens at 1 pm. hottest time of the day, causing uneven thermal expansions.



is it using a vertical damper? It was mentioned the wobble direction is vertical

1 是否地鐵運行可能越來越密,如由以前三分鐘一班變成現在一分半鐘一班?
2 或者會否附近有大型工程?特別是爆破工程的影響就更大。
3 第三就是結構老化的原因。」








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沖田博文 Hirofumi Okita 60cm F3.25 dobsonian telescope

  the making mirror from Mike Lockwood webpage   youtube uwakina bokura other ATMers in Japan blueforest anettai  


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