
Leonid Sikoruk




Scientist, film director, teacher, initiator of the creation of the Planetarium children's and youth center in Novosibirsk.

Born July 23, 1937. In the 1970s, he directed and filmed at the NovosibirskTelefilm film studio a series of television programs called Physics for Kids.
Head of the children's television studio "Staraya Mill", professor at NSTU.

He raised the issue of creating an observatory in Novosibirsk back in 1969 at the House of Entertaining Science (which was never built), then at the House of Pioneers.
As a result, he himself built an amateur observatory in a village in the Bolotninsky district, where he worked with children from the "Club of Astronomy and Telescope Construction".

In 2006, he again raised the issue of creating an observatory in a letter to the mayor of Novosibirsk, Vladimir Gorodetsky. The idea was accepted. The building concept and project was developed by Leonid Sikoruk and architect Igor Popovsky.
After Leonid Sikoruk addressed Vladimir Putin, the construction of the Planetarium was included in the federal action plan for the preparation and celebration of the 50th anniversary of Yury Gagarin's space flight. The money for the construction was allocated from the federal, city and regional budgets. In April 2010, the foundation stone of the future planetarium was laid, and in April 2012 it received its first visitors.

You can read more about the concept of the planned planetarium and its construction in Leonid Sikoruk's interview to the taiga.info portal.

In 2012, Leonid Sikoruk won the main nomination of the "Person of the Year" award according to the editorial board of the "Business Quarter" magazine





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